Vampyr bråk!
Vad tror ni?

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Alex Meraz - Why Rob is so sexy
Robert spelar in Remember me - artikel
Around 8:30 a.m. today, Robert Pattinson, the outrageously attractive star of the Twilight series of films, began shooting his new film Remember Me in downtown Manhattan. And all under the loving gaze of a platoon of photographers and dozens of adoring female fans from nearby New York University.
Before the throng of admirers showed up, Robert, dressed in a flannel shirt over a cotton white tee, jeans, black sneakers and carrying a black backpack, Rob ate breakfast outside with some of the cast during morning walkthroughs.
"He was breakdancing and joking around," one R-Patts spotter tells OK!.
"When lots of people did show up, Rob tried to act unfazed, standing behind some extras and laughing with his male co-stars and a few extras." The sheer number of looky-loos has made shooting the film difficult for the small crew. "The PAs [Production Assistants] are having trouble moving people out of the shot," one source explains to OK!.
In the scene being shot this morning, Rob walks with a male friend around the corner of a building talking while carrying a coffee and chewing on a straw, which he had been doing during most of the morning. "The scene is about two friends who are talking about everyday life," one production source reveals to OK!.
"It's a romantic drama. Filming's going great so far. Robert's really at ease. He's handling it all really well."
Källa. [via twitter]
Metro - de fem delarna
Jag har sammanfattat alla fem delar.
Läs del 1 här - New Moon inspelning
Läs del 2 här - Intervju med Taylor Lautner
Läs del 3 här - Intervju med Chris Weitz
Läs del 4 här - Intervju med Kristen Stewart
Läs del 5 här - intervju med Robert Pattinson

Dagbok från Montepulciano
"A middle aged foreign tourist appears – he is the genuine article and wants to visit the church – so security let him pass. He is very puzzled by what is happening in the square and ask if this is some religious festivity. “Well, yes and no,” I answer and proceed to explain what is going on. But the fact that he was believing it means that the film makers are doing a very good job...."
Läs Camillas dagbok från Montepulciano här

Brad Meltzer vill att män läser Twilight

NY Times bestseller - thriller författaren Brad Meltzer, författaren till Book of Fate och den nyutkomna Book of Lies är med på NPR’s 'All Things Considered' för att erkänna att han är en seglivad TwiGuy, och hans förfrågan till alla män därute är att börja läsa böckerna!
I love hearing the dark secret histories of how the other vampires were turned into vampires. And I love when Edward gets all huffy with Jacob the werewolf — oh my God, I’m on the verge of writing fan-fic here — but again, in case you missed it, I love this story.But for the most part, I’ve told almost no one.Y’know why? Because as a man, this book is not supposed to be for me.
Läs mer på NPRs website!

Aftonbladet skriver om Rob-auktionen
Robert Pattinson sålde gos för rekordsumma på auktion
Välgörenhet och Robert Pattinson=succé.
”Twilight”-skådisens pussar gick för 200 000 kronor på auktion i Cannes, skriver Daily News.
Galan för att samla pengar till välgörenhetsarbete mot AIDS gick av stapeln i franska Cannes, och det var en viss vampyrhunk som fick det mest spektakulära budet under en auktion, uppger Daily News.
Två köpare bjöd tillsammans över 210 000 kronor för att Robert Pattinson ska pussa deras döttrar. Skådespelaren meddelade att han var glad att få bidra.
Ingen ville ha stripteaseSämre gick det för skådespelaren Josh Hartnett, som erbjöd att auktionera ut en striptease, men den budgivningen tog alrig fart.
Totalt hade 600 besökare samlats på galan där bland annat USA:s tidigare president Bill Clinton var hedersgäst. Även han bidrog till auktionen, men inte med ett fysiskt attribut. Hans signerade altsax gick till slut för 1,3 miljoner kronor.

Artikel i EW
"Det är klart det är annorlunda,''säger Kristen Stewart. Okej, det kanske var dumt att fråga om saker och ting har förändrats sedan hon filmade Twilight ett år sedan. New Moon, den andra filmen som bygger på Stephenie Meyer's romaner filmas i Vancouver, Kanada, i stället för Oregon. Fans dyker nu upp i drivor och regissören Chris Weitz (The Golden Compass) har tagit tag i tyglarna. I filmen har Bella (Stewart) övergivits av sin vampyr kärlek, Edward (Robert Pattinson), men hon hör hans röst i hennes tankar, och kan inte släppa taget, inte ens när hon finner sig dragen till sin vän Jacob (Taylor Lautner). ''När du bryter upp med den du älskar, det är verkligen det värsta i världen,''säger Weitz. ''Meyer ger ett slags övernaturligt sammanhang i folks verkliga känslor, som sammanfattar vad vi alla går igenom."
Läs hela artikeln här!
Stills från New Moon (!!)

I den amerikanska tidningen Entertainment Weekly har det nu kommit ut de första bilderna från filmen!
Första bilder - Kristen och regissöre Chris
Andra bilden - Bella och Laurent
Tredje bilden(!!) - Bella och Edward

Vem driver med Twilight?

Twilight har inte flytt det allseende ögat av Wayans Brothers, som tidigare har satir-filmer såsom Scream och Scary Movie-serien. De har en kommande film som Dance Flick där den sista scenen härmar bal-scenen från Twilight.
Hur helig är kärleken mellan Bella och Edward? Tydligen inte helig nog för att undgå att hånas. såg en smyg-förhandsvisningen av de nyaste Wayans Brothers filmen 'Dance Flick' och kan rapportera att de sista scenerna i filmen är en SPRATT av Twilight Prom scenen.
Det var så romantiskt som Bella och Edward dansade under dimmade ljus i Twilight, blir en urkul scen för stjärnorna Shoshana Bush och Damon Wayans Jr. I filmen förs de två gymnasieeleverna samman genom sin kärlek till dans och den sista scenen deltar de i en bal som ser exakt ut som "Forks High School balen", komplett med utomhus lusthuset, dansen och blottandet av deras kärlek till varandra.
Komedin 'Dance Flick', som kommer på bio 22 maj i USA, kapar dansfilmer som Step Up, 10 Things I Hate About You, och Flashdance, men den sista scenen handlar bara om vampyr slash flicka. Klädd i Kristen Stewart blå klänning och gräddig kofta, tittar Soshana Bush på när Damon Wayans, Jr (i smoking med Robert Pattinsons scrufftastiska frisyr) visar henne han, vampyren, skulle se ut under dagen - och hans goofy vita smink med bitar av falska kristaller ser definitivt inte ut som hjärtekrossaren Pattinson's Edward...

Vargarna, känslor och legender
Stephenie Meyers Twilight saga har infört ett djupt historiskt skikt av de infödda amerikanernas historia till hennes populaära saga med fiktion och fakta blandat i ett virrvarr av starka känslor.
Även om Quileute stammen sägs härstamma från vargar finns det en mängd olika infödda nordamerikanska stammar som har liknande folklore i sin rika tradition.
Navajo stammen (som också kallas Navajo nation), den största stammen i USA, har en legend som liknar varg packet i Twilight Sagan. Navajo versionen av "varulven" kommer från deras "Skinwalker" som faktiskt uppnår makt att skifta skepnad. Men för att få den "onda" förmågan hos dessa shapeshifters, måste stammedlemmen, som legenden går, döda en familjemedlem.
Förvandling och känsla
I förhållande till Twilight och New Moon, tar Stephanie Meyer ett steg längre genom att förklara i detalj hur Jacob och resten av varulv klanen faktiskt omvandlas från människa till varulv ur ett inre kaos och erfarenheten av transformationen.
I New Moon, är omvandlingen av Jacob Black fylld med frågorna kring psykisk smärta och hur den förändringen är kopplad till självbehärskning.
Det mest olika i denna saga jämfört med andra legender och folksagor, tar New Moon mer hänsyn till den faktiska omvandlingen.
Jämfört med andra varulvs byggda historier och filmer, är att Twi-sagan går långt utöver den visuella omvandlingen till en spännande mänsklig nivå av känslor.
Sårbara Varulvar
Även om varulvar länge betraktas som skurkaktiga monster, exponerar Twi-sagan känslomässig sårbara varelser. Eftersom Twilight romanerna är djupt romantiska till sin natur, det som fungerar så effektivt för Sagan och New Moon är att rädslan och hotet i samband med dess "monster" blir bortskalat till stor del av kampen: vampyr mot en varulv av kärlek till en flicka .
Bella Swan, människan, blir desto mer lockande eftersom det finns en tidlös klassisk dela av en "förbjuden" kärlekshistoria.
Twilight skådisarna Robert Pattinson och Taylor Lautner satte sina slående fysiskt-attraherande utseenden och karismatiska charm till Twilight filmerna.
Pattinson påbörjar New Moon i relativt samma form som i Twilight, medan Lautner hade mer att bevisa för New Moon, eftersom han var tvungen att arbeta outtröttligt för att lägga på sig 15 kilo muskler till sin kropp för att uppfylla de fysiska krav som Jacob Black har i New Moon.
Intressant, både Jacob och Edward är inte de typiska, blodtörstiga monster som de kunde ha beskrivits som i liknande berättelser. Istället kämpar båda mot deras icke-mänskliga natur, och gör uppror mot dem med Bellas hjälp.
Edward är evigt vacker och elegant men döds-farlig.
Jacob är uppseendeväckande vacker men argsint och opålitlig som ung varulv.
Deras konflikt är mycket mer i det inre än enbart det öppet fysiska, vilket gör att så många fler kan relatera till deras konflikter
Som avslut:

70-årigt fan
Jag hittade faktiskt ett roligt inlägg på twilighters anonymous om en kvinna vid namn Erma Jo som måste vara ett av de allra äldsta fansen, hon är inte mindre än 70 år. Läs nedan vad hon tycker om filmer, böckerna, skådisarna mm;
(Jag har själv översatt hela intervjun från engelska till svenska (tog tusen år) så om ni vill använda den, gör gärna det, men ange oss som källa, annars blir jag sur efter allt slit=P)
Från början hade jag inte ens hört talas om filmen eller böckerna. Jag tror att jag hörde talas om filmtiteln men hade ingen aning om vad det var för något.
Jag är glad att jag såg filmen först. Min dotter bjöd med mig i December och jag såg filmen åtminstone 8-9 gånger på bio och blev ledsen när den slutade gå.
Jag blev besatt, och även om jag sett några flera filmer om och om igen, så fanns det ingenting som påverkat mig som denna film.
Jag väntade i kön med mina två döttrar på Hot Topic för att få köpa DVD'n. Jag har den även på Blue Ray. Jag har förmodligen sett den runt 30 gånger. Jag måste ta in på Twilighter’s Rehab! : ) Mina döttrar är lika besatta som jag. Den berör mitt hjärta och själ.
Jag köpte genast soundtracket och alla böckerna. Jag ska precis börja på Breaking Dawn igen. detta är fjärde gången jag läser hela serien.
Jag gillade verkligen Bella. Jag gillar att hon med tiden utvecklades och insåg att hon var en stark och osjälvisk kvinna.
Jag tror att jag identifierade mig mycket med Bella då min man var lika stilig som en filmstjärna. Han ser fortfarande bra ut för sin ålder och jag har alltid undrat varför han valde mig. (Senare fick jag reda på att många killar var intresserade av mig.) Jag älskar indianerna. Min make är hälften Comanche. Jag har vart med om många olyckor så jag gjort illa mig själv så där kan jag också identifiera mig med Bella.
Jag ÄLSKAR allt med Edward. Jag älskar att han är så omtänksam och försöker göra vad som är bäst för Bella. Jag älskar att han är en gentleman och är beredd att lämna henne om det skulle vara det bästa för henne. Jag skulle bli förvånad om det fanns en likadan kärlek som deras här i världen!
Möta skåderspelarna
Själv skulle jag vilja träffa Rob eftersom jag älskar hans musik och alla intervjuer med honom.
Nej, jag känner inte för honom som de flesta av tjejerna- kvinnorna. Jag har haft många, många mystiska erfarenheter och Robs musik gör mig känslosam??? Jag lyssnar på honom om och om igen.
Hans musik får mig att gråta. Han är lite äldre än min stilige sonson.
Jag gillar verkligen alla skådespelarna.
New Moon Filmen
Jag kan knappt vänta till New Moon. Jag älskar verkligen hela serien och man skulle kunna tro att det efter jag läst den fyra gånger vore nog, men jag vill inte att det ska ta slut.
Midnight Sun and Breaking Dawn
Jag önskar att Stephenie ville avsluta Midnight Sun. Jag kan inte ta för mig att läsa andra böcker just nu och jag vet att många andra känner på samma sätt som mig. Jag tycker att Breaking Dawn 'r en vldigt viktig bok och jag ber till gud om att de kommer gör alla böcker till film. Breaking Dawn skulle kunna göras till två eller en riktigt lång film.
Snacka om häftig tant, eller vad tycker ni?=)

Erma Jo med sina döttrar
För "äldre fans" finns två sidor jag kan rekommendera som riktar sig speciellt till oss: (för er mammor)
Men glöm för 17 inte att fortsätta läsa även vår blogg=)

Kan man heta "Twilight"?
Själv skulle jag nog börja gapskratta och tro att det var ett skämt. Faktum är dock att enligt en artikel som publicerades på i förrgår, finns det någon i detta avlånga land som tilldelats just det namnet. Om personen fått namnet efter boken/ filmen eller av någon annan anledning kan man ju bara spekulera i.
Här är ett utdrag från artikeln:
Allt mer fantasifulla föräldrar har gjort att ansökningarna om udda namn ökat. Men få fall kommer så långt som till regeringsrätten.
Senaste åren har namn som Skrot, Tomhet, Tequila, Höst, Ikea, Decibel, Lakrits och Blomsterblomman avslagits. Udda namn som däremot gått för sig att döpa barn till är Summercloud, Twilight, Pixie, Näva, Solstråle och Blomman.
Så, vad tycker ni? Är Twilight ett bra namn? Någon som skulle kunna tänka sig att heta så? =)
Seventeen Magazine
I maj numret av Seventeen Magazine så är det en lista med '' Hotest guys in Hollywood '' .
På den listan finns Robert, Kellan & Taylor med i !!! XD.
3:e Plats kom Robert.
10:e Plats kom Kellan.
17:e Plats kom Taylor.
Bilderna är tagna från
>Twilight for the moment<
Nyaste frida (som kommer ut på torsdag tror jag) kommer du kunna köpa en plansch där Bella&Edward är på balen
Tidningen okej som kommer ut 1 april kommer det vara twilighttema! (Tros det)
Tack Olivia för tipsen!
'Ton av hatmejl'
''- Stephenie Meyer kan inte skriva för fem öre. Hon är inte särskilt bra, säger han i en intervju med USA Weekend.
Skräckförfattaren konstaterar att Stephenie Meyer i sin serie om vampyren Edward Cullen vänder sig direkt till unga läsare - precis som JK Rowling. Skillnaden är bara, hävdar han, att Rowling är en fantastisk skribent, medan Meyer är dålig på att skriva och dessutom ger en förljugen bild av kärlek och sex i böckerna.''
För det andra, jag tycker det är LÖJLIGT att han jämför Rowling (författare till den underbara serien av Harry Potter) och Meyer.
För det tredje, sex?! Visst det kan finnas sexuell spänning, men herregud, boken är ju ändå riktad till tonåringar/ungdomar och inte till småttingar på 8/9 års åldern.. så jag anser inte att det är något problem.
Sen tycker jag att han har fel, varför är det så många ungdomar, och även vuxna, som är som besatta av twilight nu? Meyers böcker har sålt stort, speciellt efter att Twilight visats på bio.
Men sen åter till diskusionen om hatmejl, det tycker jag bara är onödigt, visst han får ha sin åsikt, men det räcker väl med att vi fans vet att vi har fel? Det uppmanar bara honom att hata Meyers böcker ännu mer. Om jag hade fått bestämma så skulle jag säga att vi struntade i honom och hans kommentarer om Stephenie.
Artikeln kan ni läsa här.
Sen har det varit en 'fight' mellan Harry Potter och Twilight, vilket är bäst? Nu råkar det vara så att jag är ett stort fan av både HP och twilight. Jag har gillat Harry Potter sedan jag var 8 och det säger ju en del. Jag förstår inte varför man måste jämföra dessa serier egentligen? Twilight är INTE harry potter och harry potter är INTE twilight. Det borde räcka. Aja, nog sagt!
Metro - del 4
New Moon's Kristen Stewart gets inside Bella's head

It is the role that catapulted her to stardom, and Kristen Stewart is about to reprise her part as Bella in the hotly anticipated sequel to Twilight — New Moon
What is it like to be back on set doing another Twilight film?
It’s a little bit surreal to be back doing a second one, just because it’s something that I thought about for an entire year and now it’s happening. But it’s sort of like I couldn’t wait any longer.
It’s hard. Usually you finish a movie and there’s a very long grieving process. You have to lose the character. You have to drop it from your mind or else it just continues to bug you. In this case, I couldn’t drop her completely and I worked in between, which is a strange sensation. It’s weird how easy it was to slip right back into it. I don’t know if it’s because I have such a reference, like the book, or because I knew that I just had to do it. I don’t know, but it feels good. It feels like I can finally release the pressure.
Isn’t that pressure kind of self-inflicted?
I have that feeling on every movie that I do. It’s just that this one,
I had to wait a year. Unless there’s something about the story or that
character I’m playing that literally needs to be fulfilled -- like,
consummated -- unless it’s actually lived through and physically
manifested, it’s just a story and it’s not done. So until you actually
bring it to life, you basically have the capability of murdering the
character on the page. If you don’t do it justice, then nobody else is
ever going to see those things and you’re never going to learn from
those experiences because you didn’t do it right.
So yeah, the thought of having to live through something that I find so worthwhile, and then subsequently have people learn from that through your own experience, I would do anything. I would jump off a cliff for it. Oh! There’s cliff-jumping in our movie. Perfect! (Laughs)
What are the changes in this second installment? Your character Bella takes risks again…
she loses what basically gives her the drive to do anything in her
whole life. She loses the man she’s in love with, but she also loses
her entire life plan, and she’s so young to have to be forced into a
decision like that. It’s just a glorified, elaborate version of the
worst breakup you’ve ever been through. All of a sudden you question
everything. All of a sudden you know nothing and you’re dropped in the
middle of a freezing cold ocean.
we have a character that’s warm enough and bright enough to bring her
out of that, and it’s truly gut-ripping. Because as perfect as Jacob is
for her, she holds on to an ideal, the ultimate fiery love that she has
for Edward even though it’s not comfortable, it’s not practical and
it’s not a good idea. So it’s really a very strong thing to do. It
takes someone who really trusts themselves.
So basically the movie starts out and everything’s great, and then it gets absolutely terrible, and then it gets maybe OK again, and then it’s" no, no, no, no – life is hard." It’s going to get hard again because he comes back again.
Is she introverted or just seeking an ideal?
It’s not that she’s incredibly introverted. She’s just yet to have found a connection that is truthful. She’s a seeker of the truth. She’s not one to get wrapped up in something that is a fantasy. She doesn’t set herself up for disappointment. So that’s what makes the story with her and Edward so compelling, in that this is a girl that normally wouldn’t do something this crazy.
So what does Kristen prefer, the werewolf or the vampire?
Kristen shouldn’t open her mouth (Laughs). Kristen is entirely torn. Kristen should stop using her name in the third person.
You were virtually unknown when you shot Twilight. How has your life changed since its phenomenal success?
My life hasn’t changed. Most circumstances I find myself in are different than they were a year ago, but I myself haven’t changed...however a normal 18-year-old girl would change in a year. But it makes things so much easier. I would do it for free every day [even] if nobody saw it. I cannot describe how good it feels to actually have something that is truly into your heart and soul actually affecting people. And that’s amazing. So that’s the biggest change.
Has success changed you?
It didn’t change me, it changed things around me a little bit...I’m so used to doing movies that nobody wants to see. To put your heart and soul into something for years of your life and have it actually affect people is probably the most satisfying, and that is a completely ineffective word to describe how satisfying it is.
Do you feel a responsibility towards the author's fans and the movie fans?
Yeah, absolutely. It’s a strange thing. You start something and you know that it’s going to take on a life of its own, but its already something so whole -- there are so many people that you’re going to inevitably either make happy or not. Everyone’s understanding of the story and love for it is going to show, even though there are little issues that everyone’s going to have because everybody reads the book differently. So of course we have a massive responsibility. Because of them, we’re able to do what we like to do.
What was it like coming back to a different director?
an actor, you don’t work with the same director on every film. And
this, it’s a continuation. It’s the same story but it is a different
movie. I love Catherine (Hardwicke). She’s a dear friend of mine, but
Chris (Weitz) – it just works out.
Besides all the technical, logistical reasons, Chris is so devoted and because he’s a man, there’s a common question. How is it having a man director? Is it a huge difference? You can’t make generalizations about people like that. He’s one of the most compassionate human beings I’ve ever met. Unfalteringly compassionate. He cares way too much for the story, and you need that. So he’s perfect.
How would you describe it to someone who hasn’t read the books or seen Twilight?
Anybody who’s ever been broken up with will probably watch this movie, and their temperature will probably go up.
How do I describe this? It’s a movie about ultimate devotion being ripped from you and thinking that your entire world that you’ve established is wrong. And then trying to get it back and realizing that it’s all OK. (Laughs) And vampires, werewolves, too, so that makes it even more exciting. Robert Pattinson is just so cute. So is Taylor Lautner. That’s what I would tell someone who doesn’t know about the movie yet.
You’re still quite young. Do you want to continue making movies or perhaps go to college?
I absolutely have no foresight. I used to think I had a lot when I was younger. I worked really hard in school to give myself options, and I’ve literally taken those options and thrown them down the toilet. Purposely – not to make that sound totally negative. It’s what I want. I want to keep doing what I’m doing.
It’s funny, people ask me all the time: “What do you do for fun? What do you do when you’re not acting?”
It’s a strange thing, acting. It’s a business, it’s a job, everything like that. All it is, is self-reflection. You just never stop caring about people and I’ve never stopped doing that, so I’m sure it’ll seep into other areas of my life. I want to write. I’m not going to school because I can’t take the structure of it, but I’m not going to stop learning.
[Bild tagen från Twilightmovie@bdb]Läs artikel här.
Metro - del 3
Chris Weitz takes the Twilight helm with New Moon
After the success of Twilight last year, New Moon — the latest film adaptation of Stephanie Meyer’s book series — is one of the most hotly anticipated movies to be released this year. Leading the production is director Chris Weitz, who is taking his first stab at the franchise.
Q. How does it feel to take over directorial duties of such a successful franchise?
A. On the one hand, it’s exciting to take over a successful franchise. On the other, it’s daunting. There are so many fans who have high expectations for this film, but it’s made easy by the fact that I inherited this amazing cast who are certainly very talented. So half of the time, I’m just overjoyed to be a part of this and the other half, I’m nervous that I’m going to be hunted down and killed by a pack of 14-year-old teenage girls in about a year’s time!
Q. What was your reaction when you were first offered the job?
A. I was surprised because it happened very suddenly, and I had a week and a half to decide whether I was gong to do it or not. Then I saw the first film, I saw the case and I thought, 'This is going to be great, actually. Kristen, Rob and Taylor were great' - that’s what convinced me to do it. And I read the book and I thought I saw my way of making a good version of the book. It’s really a question of whether I can do justice to the book and to please the readers. That’s my job. It’s not to run away with it and just do my version of things. It’s to be faithful to their experience of reading it.
Q. “Twilight”, the first installment of the series, received some criticism for not being 100 per cent true to the book. Are you addressing some of these issues?
A. It’s impossible to be completely faithful to every single page of a book because movies don’t have enough time. So you end up cutting things and combining things. But I would say that we’re definitely using the book as our bible. My take on this film is the film is the book and Stephanie Mayer is my main resource for everything in this. I’m constantly checking with her to see if it’s something a character would do or a detail is right. You can never absolutely please everybody but my main intention is to satisfy the fans of the book.
Q. You’re a very visual director. What’s your vision for New Moon?
A. We’ve got an amazing visual effects team. The whole idea is to use the full palette of colors, to have our shadows be very dark and to have our colours be very rich so that we can experience the full range of emotional texture. The idea is that this will look like a Victorian narrative painting in a way, with those medieval jewel-like colours as well as very glossy deep blacks, and for the composition of the frames to be classical. In some ways, this is going to be a rather old-fashioned film. There are elements that incorporate the latest technology and there are things that are very dynamic in the action scenes. But it’s more Dr. Zhivago than Iron Man.
Q. Dr. Zhivago was a romance, much like Twilight…
A. Well, these books are wonderful romances and appeal to people’s sense of their lives and loves. At the same time, they’re also very grand in scope.
Q. Is it a way of aiming at older audiences?
A. I think that would be nice, too. Actually, I think there’s an older audience for the books as well -- which is the hidden demographic that people don’t acknowledge, that people’s mom’s are reading this as well! I want to render a version that satisfies the fans of the book but also appeals to an older audience as well. Alexander Desplats is going to do the music, which is another great thing for me. He’s someone I worked with before. I think he’s immensely talented. So the idea is to make something beautiful.
Q. Is the music very important in this kind of film?
A. It is. The book itself is a very internalized narrative and music can be extraordinarily helpful in conveying those kinds of nuances of emotion which otherwise what you would rely on is voiceover or people flat out stating what they feel, which they never, ever do. So it helps you avoid exposition and it can make it intro a really gorgeous nuanced affair. Films enjoy more senses that almost any other art form, so music is going to play a tremendous role in this.
Q. Could you tell us about New Moon and how it’s different from Twilight?
A. I think we get an opportunity to sort of expand our scope -- from the confines of the forest to Italy. Your sense of mythology of this world is deepened so that the story that underlies what was going on in the first movie becomes more and more clear. And there are a lot of secrets that were set up in the first book and the first movie that come to light in the second movie. So there are a lot of surprises in store.
Q. How do you keep the continuity of the story?
A. Well, we try to maintain a coherence so that nothing seems unrealistic or bizarre. One of the strengths of Stephenie Meyer’s books is that they manage to convey the normalness of people’s lives and the normalness of the main character, and yet feeds on all those supernatural and extraordinary elements. When we go to Italy [to shoot], we are dealing with this 2,000-year-old order of vampires. The key is to cast it and to design it in such a way that it doesn’t fall completely from the story, but it’s a beautiful and intricate part of the whole thing, while at the same time, giving you the sense that you’re opening up to this much bigger world. That part of the story is a reversal of the usual rules. Bella goes to save Edward. It’s not the guy saving the girl; it’s the other way around.
Q. Can you comment on some of your casting choices, like Dakota Fanning?
A. Dakota Fanning is playing Jane, who’s the most dangerous and evil of all of them. And it’s a part where she plays against type because you don’t think of Dakota Fanning as either evil or dangerous. But she’s an extraordinary actress and we’re lucky to have her. Michael Sheen plays the head of the Volturi, who are the law and order of the vampire world. I think he’s an extraordinarily accomplished actor and I just feel, again, fairly fortunate to have someone of his calibre.
Q. What is it about this story that resonates so much with its audience?
A. It deals with emotional occurrences that everyone has gone through. You’ve got all this supernatural stuff, but really what it’s about is falling in love for the first time, losing that love, wondering if you’ll ever be happy again, the restorative power of friendship, having to choose between the guy who seems the right guy or whether you’re going to hold out for the wrong person. This is true of girls, boys, men, women. We’ve all had the experience of falling in love or having unrequited love or being left and feeling miserable and hoping you can get someone back. All these things are universal.
Q. Stephen King wrote in a column that there is no substance, nor emotion in these books, unlike Harry Potter that he loves. What are the qualities of the books in your opinion?
A. The books address the feelings of love and loss that Stephen King isn’t particularly concerned with. (Laughs) I’m not terribly surprised that he says that. I would say, “physician, heal thyself.” Actually, the reason that they’re so successful is that people identify with the main character, with her sense of insecurity, with her sense of being singled out by someone extraordinarily special, with the sense of being broken up with, which is something everyone has experienced unless they are terribly, terribly lucky, and with the deep value of friendship as a way to heal. So I must respectfully disagree with Stephen King. (Laughs)
Q. How would you describe the books to someone who hasn’t read them?
A. I’d say it’s a story about heartbreak and reunion. It’s also a story about humans, vampires and werewolves at the same time. It has these elements which are all about human feelings and then it has elements which are magic, wonder, surprise and suspense.
[Bild lånad av Twilightmovie@bdb]
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Metro: Sista delen - del 5
Robert Pattinson talks to Metro about his newly found fame

Robert Pattinson melted the hearts of many when Edward Cullen first appeared on screen in Twilight. The young actor is back in New Moon, but still admits he is shocked with the phenomenon Twilight has turned into. Pattinson sat down with Metro to talk about New Moon, his own success, and his character.
How is the filming going?
It’s great. To be honest, I am surprised at how relaxed it is. I was really nervous before we started because there’s so much expectation now. But with this team, everything seems to work really well. Everyone knows each other. It’s one of the most relaxed jobs I’ve ever worked on. It’s really strange. It’s going really well so far.
Last time we spoke, you told me that you still walked in the street without anyone recognizing you. I’m assuming that’s changed now.
I don’t walk in the street anymore, and when I do, I’m in disguise. (laughs) It’s actually a relief being back at work.
Were you surprised that Twilight became such a phenomenon?
It never ever fails to shock me. Even here. Yesterday, there were 300 people outside the set. It’s just crazy. Every day, every single person I meet knows someone who has a very strong attachment to the books. It’s very difficult to put your head around. I can go through customs at any airport in the world — every customs agent is like, ‘Can I get an autograph for my daughter?’ Every single time! It’s crazy! I just hope it doesn’t change the way I think and stuff.
Which is your favorite motion picture vampire of all time?
I always liked the original Nosferatu. I watched 30 Days of Night recently. I thought it was really good. But I wouldn’t say that I was a vampire fan.
You must be offered a lot of roles now. How are you making your choices?
I judge things purely on the script. I’m booked up for this year. I’ve been doing the most different things you can possibly imagine. Every part is so different. I can’t say any of the parts I’m doing — they haven’t been finalized yet. But I don’t pick them in terms of genre; purely the script. If I like the script and I like the part, then that’s all that matters.
Are there differences in your preparation to play Edward?
I feel very familiar with the character. I’m a ghost, a figment of Bella’s imagination. I’m not really playing Edward. I’m playing a kind of disrupted memory, which is really strange. I’m trying to play him as if Edward’s constantly thinking that things are going to fall apart. It’s this idyllic relationship on the top. I’m very, very close to the surface. He’s so insecure about everything.
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Metro - del 2
New Moon’s Taylor Lautner bites into meatier werewolf role
For a while, there were rumours the Twilight character of Jacob Black would be recast for New Moon, but actor Taylor Lautner is back in the role. It’s a juicier one this time, with more for the actor to get his teeth into. Not only does his relationship with Bella — played by Kristen Stewart — develop, but Lautner also went through an impressive physical transformation.

Q. How is it back on set?
A. It’s good. I’m really excited to be back with the whole team again and our new director, Chris Weitz. It’s been a lot of fun so far and the movie’s looking great, so I couldn’t ask for more.
Q. And you have a huge role this time…
A. It’s a little bit bigger, yeah! It’s exciting because I’m excited to bring alive the new Jacob Black for the fans.
Q. You look like an '80s rock star with your long hair!
A. Sometimes I look in the mirror and I don’t recognize myself. It’s an actual wig. It’s glued to my head in the front and it gets itchy sometimes. You can see the lace if you look close, but it doesn’t come across on camera. It gives me a totally different look. I don’t even look like myself. But it’s fun.
Q. The biggest change is in your body though. You gained 30 pounds of muscle for this role, is that right?
A. I did, yeah. When I was filming Twilight, I knew where my character was going in the rest of the series, so obviously I knew I had some work ahead of me! So as soon as I stopped filming Twilight, I got back home, hit the gym and worked very, very hard, and here I am filming New Moon, 30 pounds heavier.
Q. And doing your own stunts.
A. So far. Let’s not jinx it, but basically you get an evaluation at the beginning of filming. They took me to a gymnasium to see what I could do. They put me on some dirt bikes to see how well I can do. I think they’re just figuring out how much they’re actually going to allow me to do. So far, I’ve been able to do everything, so I’m hoping that doesn’t change too much, 'cause the stunts are a lot of fun.
Q. Did you have a trainer?
A. Yes, I did have a trainer that I used the whole time and I owe him a lot of thanks!
Q. How is it working with Chris Weitz?
A. Chris is amazing. He’s extremely talented and he’s done a lot of amazing work. Everything is looking fantastic so far for this and I know it’s gong to continue to. But at the same time, the set is so calm and relaxed and we’re just having a really great time. Sometimes you wonder, “How is he doing this? How is he creating this beautiful work and we’re just all having a blast doing it?” Chris has definitely taken control and he’s a blast to be around.
Q. What is the biggest challenge this time around?
A. It’s actually the same biggest challenge we had for the first one and it’s the weather. It’s really funny because I think the Twilight saga is the only movies where we have to stop filming when the sun comes out. So whenever it’s sunny, we have to either go to an interior shot or just stop filming.
Q. Let’s get to your character, Jacob. He is actually in love with Bella…
A. Jacob’s love for Bella is really intense. He will always be there for Bella, no matter what. Even if she’s with another guy… or a vampire!
Q. How did you prepare for your role?
A. I did a lot of study for the first film. Before I even started filming Twilight, I studied up on all of the Quileute tribes and legends and myths and everything about them. And when got up to Portland, Ore. to film, I was able to meet with about ten Quileute tribal members. I got to talk to them and what I really learned is that they’re not much different than me, and that was very unexpected.
Q. Do you ever discuss Jacob with Stephenie Meyer?
A. It’s really cool because she comes up here every once in a while for her favourite scenes. At the beginning of filming, she gives a list of her favourite scenes that she wants to be up here for. You've got the best person in the world to ask for advice. So if you have a question, you can just walk on over and ask her.
Q. What’s your most exciting scene in New Moon?
A. It’s so hard to choose. Like I said, I really enjoy the stunts so I had a lot of fun doing the dirt bike sequences. I got to hop on the bike and go really fast and come to a skidding stop. It’s really cool. And I also like a lot of the more serious scenes, the pivotal scenes in the movie, like Jacob and Bella’s breakup scene, which is the first time Bella sees Jacob after he has transformed into a wolf. And it’s really emotional. I felt bad for Jacob just reading the books, but now that I’m actually living this character, I feel so bad for the guy! It’s really sad.
Q. Is Jacob an outsider like Edward?
A. Yeah, I’d say a little bit. Jacob is a really interesting character because he definitely feels like an outsider because he doesn’t go to the same school as everybody else, he’s on the reservation. But Bella brings him out of that. Also, Jacob brings Bella out of this huge depression she’s in. She wants to kill herself, she’s so sad. Jacob is her sun. He brings her alive, out of this deep hole.
Q. Jacob likes Bella. Who kind of girl does Taylor like?
A. Somebody who can be themselves. Somebody who can just open up and be free and not try to be somebody different.
Q. Have you, Kristen and Rob become close?
A. Yeah, it’s a lot of fun. We all get along really well and I think definitely our chemistry offscreen is going to be transferred onscreen.
Q. What is a typical day on the set for you?
A. I have very early wake-up calls. I’m usually waking up at 4:30 or 5, and we don’t usually finish until about 5 or 6 at night. But we usually go out after, just explore the restaurants in town. It’s been a lot of fun so far.
Q. What do you do when you’re not on set?
A. Well, I’ve been so busy with the Twilight saga within the past year. It’s been crazy, but it’s been a lot of fun. We did tons of publicity. I got to travel to so many places in the world. I got to go to Australia, Tokyo… I got to go all over the place. So it’s been a lot of fun. It’s definitely keeping me busy though.
Q. Are you ready to change your life and not be able to walk in the street incognito?
A. I think so! I’m not sure yet!
Q. What would you be doing if you weren’t an actor?
A. I’d probably still be playing sports. I did football and baseball my whole life. I definitely like writing too and maybe I’d be trying to be getting in the directing field, but I’m glad that I’m an actor.
Q. Who are your favourite actors?
A. I really like Denzel Washington, Brad Pitt and Matt Damon.
Q. What about actresses?
A. It changed a lot. It used to be Jessica Alba for the longest time, and I’m kind of transferring to Megan Fox.
Q. All the hot babes!
A. Yeah, yeah, yeah! (Laughs)
Q. What kind of movies do you watch?
A. I’ll see a wide variety, but usually my favourites are action movies. I really like action drama movies. I like The Dark Knight, Iron Man, I like the Bourne series.
Q. Are you eventually looking for a role in an action movie?
A. Yeah, some day. I’d love to.
Q. Aren’t you involved in some sort of hip-hop performance art show?
A. No! That’s on some of my biographies. I need to get that off because I did it when I was 10 years old and I did it for about six months and I was done with it. And I can’t dance at all, so I need to clear that up!
[Bild lånad av Twilightmovie@bdb]
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