Jamie C Bower om Caius
Psst! Jag översätter inte denna intervju.. för sent i natten.. för snurr i huvudet

Your character, Caius, wants Bella dead the most. How much of that will we see in the film?
Jamie Campbell Bower: As in the book, the Volturri play a small but necessary part in this film. They come much more into play in the fourth film. I’m playing Caius very angry and agitated with the world, I suppose. Just glaring looks. You’ll see as much as you read in the books.Do you think Caius is agitated because he’s the only vampire of the three who doesn’t have a power?
JCB: He doesn’t have a power! He’s just pissed off about that! He’s so angry! He doesn’t like Bella because he can’t eat her. He’s not happy about that. Why is she there if he can’t eat her? What’s the point?What power would you give him, if you could?
JCB: I’d give him the power of love.Doesn’t Caius have a wife?
JCB: He does have a wife, yeah, but she doesn’t seem to be around. I don’t know where she is.What went into your research? Did you read the books? Did you get to talk Stephenie?
JCB: I haven’t had a long discussion with Stephenie. My plan is to have a long discussion with her at some point today. Maybe it won’t be a long discussion, maybe it will be like five minutes.Yeah, I read the books and I did a lot of online research, because it’s good to know what people who’ve read the books think about the characters as well. Because the books alone have such a huge fan base. You’ve got to stay true to what people want to see, I think. So I did that and talked to lots of people. And my friends gave me their ideas as well.
Did they make you audition for the role?
JCB: They did! They did make me audition. Disgraceful, isn’t it. Shocking!Did you read the books before you auditioned?
JCB: No, I didn’t read the books before I auditioned, no. I went off the sides. Once I got the role, I obviously read the books. My 15-year-old brother kind of sat me down and insisted. I went back to my mum, and she was like, “You’re going to read this, and you’re going to read it now!’ I was like, “OK, that’s cool.”What went into your audition? Was there more than one?
JCB: It was one day. I originally auditioned for the role of Demetri. I went in, did a taping. Chris wasn’t there. Then they called me back at like 2:00. Chris turned up; I met Chris. A week later I get a call like, “So, you’re not going to get Demetri, but we’re going to offer you Caius.” I was like, “That’s cool!” I’m just psyched to be a part of it. It’s awesome.Are you going to Italy?
JCB: I’m not going to Italy. No, I have to go back to London to go and do Harry Potter, which’ll be nice. I’m playing Grindelwald, Dumbledore’s old friend, possible lover, who knows.(Haha - skojare där!)Do you know?
JCB: It’s not in the script — hardcore love scenes — but that’s the rumor anyways. I don’t know who’s playing the young Dumbledore. I’ve only gone in for my fittings and stuff.Did anything in Sweeney Todd prepare you for this?
JCB: I don’t think so because my role in Sweeney, he was kind of soppy. And he was nice; effectively, he was a nice guy. And Caius is, I don’t want to say not nice, but he’s a little bit more brooding and dark./Kinga
Michael Sheen om Aro:
“Första inspelningsdagen gjorde vi 1700 tals scenerna, och sedan en av de moderna scenerna" säger Sheen. "Det var mycket att ta in; peruken, de färgade linserna hela dagarna och sminket, men det var fantastiskt! Inspelningsplatsen och scenerna är häpnadsväckande, och allas utseenden är så starka, så det var mäktigt och man kunde komma in i rollen och världen nästan direkt. ”Vissa skådespelare brukar inte läsa original-materialet (oftast boken då) för deras vita-duken karaktär för att de inte vill ändra karaktärens riktning från vad regissören och filmförfattaren har skapat i manuset. Hur gjorde du?
“Om jag gör något som är baserat på en bok, då läser jag definitivt boken" svarar Sheen, "Jag tittar efter något som kan ge den minsta lilla ledtråd, lite hjälp, en liten hint... sådana småsaker. Som ett visst
ord som Stephenie Meyer använder i boken hjälper mig, och sätter fart på min fantasi och karaktär.”
Sheen har ett mycket annorlunda tillvägagångssätt sin roll som Aro, än den människo-vänliga familjen Cullen, och han ger all ära till Stephenie Meyer, vars bok satte igång hans inspiration.
“Jag tycker väldigt mycket det Stephenie skrev i boken när hon beskrev vampyrerna, att de alla är -ja, underbart vackra, och det är det som lurar in människorna i nätet." Erkänner Sheen, "Och Aro däremot, är inte alls vacker. Hon beskriver Aro som en annorlunda vampyr. Uråldrig. Jag gillar verkligen idéen om att det mer är Aros röst och hans uppförande som lullar in människor, mer än hans utseende, eftersom han ser ganska underlig och farlig ut. Men ja, jag försöker att gå tillväga på det sättet och försöker få honom att vara väldigt magnetisk och fascinerande, att hans röst är väldigt försiktig och mjuk, Och ändå, så är det något med honom som man inte får grepp om.”
Läs hela intervjun, på engelska, här!
Källa: TwilightersAnonymous
Spänningen stiger!!! Jag tycker att Aro är så fascinerande, och det ska bli WOW att få se det på duken!
Vad tycker ni?
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Intervju med Jamie Campbell-Bower
I denna intervju pratar han lite om bla. Rob, Kristen och lite om New Moon! :)
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Bara jag som älskar dialekten ;)?

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Vad säger ni, passar dom tillsammans? :)


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Vill ni kolla på den live, klicka här!

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Video med Mike Welch.

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When the cast of “New Moon” began planning out the pivotal date scene, they got a laugh out of some of the silly, fictional action-movie names that Weitz and his crew had assembled. But in the end, “Face Punch” was the winner.
“We started out with a few other comical names, but it turned out those were actual films so we couldn’t use those titles,” Welch laughed. “I forget the first few titles, but it was like ‘Crazy Explosion’ — and it turns out, there actually was a ‘Crazy Explosion.’ “
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Rachelle Lefevre.
Rachelle har tidigare läst konst, men även teater och litteratur.
Innan Rachelle kom in i skådespelar kariärren arbetade hon som servitris på en sushibar och det var en utav kunderna där som hjälpte henne att få sin första audition.
Dessa filmer och serier har/kommer Rachelle varit med i:
- Big Wolf on Campus (22 episodes, 1999) .... Stacey Hanson
- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1999) (TV) .... Katrina Van Tassle
- The Hunger (1 episode, "Beyond Any Measure", 2000) .... Smallpox Woman
- Stardom (2000) .... Catherine
- Life in the Balance (2001) .... Kristy Carswell (as Rachelle Lefevre)
- Dead Awake (2001) .... Randi Baum
- Bliss (1 episode, "The Value of X", 2002) .... Marnie
- Galidor (1 episode, "Relativity", 2002) .... Tyreena
- Abandon (2002) .... Eager Beaver
- Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002) .... Tuvia, Age 25
- Undressed (unknown episodes, 2002) .... Annie Isles
- Deception (2003) (direct-to-video) .... Denise
- Largo Winch (1 episode, "Skin Deep", 2003) .... Catarina
- See Jane Date (2003) (TV) .... Eloise
- Hatley High (2003) .... Hyacinthe Marquez
- Charmed (1 episode, "Love's a Witch", 2003) .... Olivia Callaway
- Picking Up and Dropping Off (2003) (TV) .... Georgia
- The Big Thing (2004) .... Sarah
- The Legend of Butch and Sundance (2004) (TV) .... Etta Place
- Petits mythes urbains (1 episode, "Der finale Schnitt", 2004) .... Receptionist #1
- Head in the Clouds (2004) .... Alice (uncredited)
- Noel (2004) .... Holly
- Pool Guys (2005) (TV) .... Alana
- Life on a Stick (13 episodes, 2005) .... Lily Ashton
- The River King (2005) .... Carlin Leander
- Pure (2005) ....
- Bones (1 episode, "A Man on Death Row", 2005) .... Amy Morton
- Four Kings (2 episodes, "Lobby Girl" and "Black Widow's Lair", 2006) .... Lauren - Lobby Girl
- Veronica Mars (1 episode, "My Big Fat Greek Rush Week", 2006) .... Marjorie
- The Class (2 episodes, "The Class Goes to a Bar" and "The Class Celebrates a Birthday", 2006) .... Sue
- What About Brian (11 episodes, 2006-2007) .... Heather/Summer
- Suffering Man's Charity (2007) .... Elaine
- How I Met Your Mother (1 episode, "Moving Day", 2007) .... Sarah
- The Closer (1 episode, "Saving Face", 2007) .... Michelle Morgan
- Fugitive Pieces (2007) .... Naomi
- CSI: NY (1 episode, "You Only Die Once", 2007) .... Devon Maxford
- Life on Mars (1 episode, 2008, unaired) .... Detective Annie Cartwright
- Prom Wars (2008) .... Sabina
- Boston Legal (3 episodes, "The Mighty Rogues", "The Court Supreme" and "The Gods Must Be Crazy", 2008) .... Dana Strickland
- The Summit (2 episodes, "Night One" and "Night Two", 2008) .... Leonie Adderly
- Swingtown (5 episodes, "Friends with Benefits", "Heatwave", "Puzzlerama", "Surprise!" and "Take It to the Limit", 2008) .... Melinda
- Eli Stone (1 episode, "Should I Stay or Should I Go?", 2008) .... Candace
- Twilight (2008) .... Victoria
- American Summer (2009) .... Laura
- Do You Know Me? (2009) .... Elsa Carter/Sophie Marsaretti
- New Moon (2009) .... Victoria
- Casino Jack (2010) .... Emily
Bilder på Rachelle:

Alla bilder lånad från: http://www.rachelle-lefevre.com
Videor/intervjuer med Rachelle:

Ashley och Rachelle.

Rachelle Lefevre pratar New Moon!
Gillar verkligen Rachelle, hon verkar så trevlig! :) Någon mer än jag som gillar Rachelle?

Intervju med Rachelle Lefevre
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Rachelle Lefevre