Jackson Rathbone nästa film!

Mer Jackson, för er lovers där ute! :love:
Såg ni avsnittet av Criminal Minds som han var med i, för ett tag sedan? tror de va på trean?
Där spelar han en person med 2 personligheter, en man och en stark kvinna, och i slutet så tar kvinnan i honom över.
Bra avsnitt! man blir helt :bigeyes:
Här är ett videoklipp med slutscenen i det avsnittet.
Spola till 2:00
Visst är Jackson och Reid lika varann?
Jackson spelar duktigt som kvinna faktiskt!
Har ni missat avsnittet men vill se det?
Klicka här för del ett och här för del 2!
:thumbup: Jackson! Bra jobbat!

Lo affischen, med Jackson? :)
Vad gör Jackson på den?

Visst är de lika som bääääär?

Eller e de bara jag som tycker samma?
Har ni nåra andra lika-som-bär tips på andra i twilight castet?
Maila oss på [email protected] och skriv 'Tips' i ämnesfältet!

Två nya bilder på Jackson Rathbone!
Vad säger ni, blev Jackson bra på bilderna?! ;)

Jackson Rathbone!
Jackson föddes i Singapore den 21 december. Han har bott på väldigt många olika ställen pågrund av hans pappas jobb. Intresset för teater och film har funnits länge och allt började på en teater i näromådet då dom slagit sig ner i Texas. Därefter har allt fortsatt. Som ni vet så är Jackson med i ett band, så musik är även ett stort intresse.
Dessa filmer/serier har Jackson varit med i:
- 2005 – River's End - Jimmy
- 2005 – Close to Home - Scott Fields
- 2006 – Pray for Morning - Connor
- 2006 – OC - Justin
- 2006 – Beautiful People - Nicholas Fiske
- 2007 – The Valley of Light - Travis
- 2007 – The War At Home - Dylan
- 2007 – Big Stan - Robbie the Hippie
- 2008 – Senior Skip Day - Snippy
- 2008 – Hurt - Conrad Coltrane
- 2008 – Twilight - Jasper Hale Cullen
- 2009-Criminal Minds
- 2009 – DaZe: Vol. Too (sic) - NonSeNse - Jehosefat
- 2009 – S. Darko - Jeremy
- 2009 – Dread - Stephen Grace
- 2009 – New Moon - Jasper Hale Cullen
Och nu lite bilder på Jackson!

Sist men inte minst så får ni ett par klipp med honom!

Jackson i film som utspelar sig i Norge
New Moon’s Jackson Rathbone has landed a lead role in the movie Lords of Chaos by Japanese director Sion Sono. The film will be about Norway’s black metal music scene–
Based on Michael Moynihan and Didrik Soderlind’s book of the same name, the film depicts true events and revolves around the black metal sub-culture that spawned a wave of murders and Church arsons across Norway in the early 1990s.
Rathbone will play the lead role of The Count, often referred to as Norway’s Charles Manson, who brutally stabbed a black metal musician to death in 1993.
What a great role for the real-life rocker!

Källa: newmoonmovie.org

Jackson i tuppkam
Vet inte vad ni tycker, men på nåt vis passar han i frillan=)

Jackson i en klänning!
Det är en bild från hans senaste video, där han förutom klänning har en banandräkt!

Kolla även på videon här!

Jackson har tatuerat sig
I samband med ett Twilight-fan konvent i Orlando förra helgen passade Jackson på att tatuera sig. Detta ska vara hans andra tatuering och föreställa ett hjärta. Enligt rykten gjorde han den på ryggen och har en text som lyder "I love mom".

Källa: newmoonmovie.org

Intervju med Jackson
In an exclusive interview with RadarOnline.com, Twilight cutie Jackson Rathbone opened up on everything from his love of Vanilla Ice to which of his co-stars can bench-press the most weight. And he also shared a super-cute family photo, taken when he was just a tot!
RadarOnline: Your character in Twilight, Jasper, is so withdrawn and cold. Do you think fans are a little hesitant to approach you in public? Especially compared with some of your castmates?
Jackson Rathbone: People rarely recognize me, which is actually pretty sweet. I try to change my look in every role I take on: clothing, hairstyle, walk, facial expression, and the way I speak. Sometimes it's subtle and sometimes it's not, but as I am not a blonde in real life, people often do the double look before approaching me.
RO: You said in a recent interview that all the Cullen guys worked out together in the hotel gym during filming. So tell us: who can bench press the most?
JR: That would be Kellan [Lutz]. He truly is Emmett.
RO: You live in a house with other members of your band, 100 Monkeys, in Hollywood. What's the hardest part about being roomies with two other guys?
JR: The smell.
RO: When can fans expect 100 Monkeys' new album to drop, and how would you describe the band's sound in one word?
JR: Our EP should be coming out in two or three weeks on iTunes, with three singles from our full length album, and a special surprise if you order the CD directly from us! Our full length album is set for release in the fall of this year. 100 Monkeys sound is "onomatopoetic."
RO: What's the most embarrassing song on your iPod?
JR: There's nothing embarrassing about "Ice, Ice Baby". It's just a great song.
RO: Your next movie is The Last Airbender, which is based on a Japanese animated series. Have you done any cool stunts for the film?
JR: I've been doing a lot of Kung Fu training and I've had to do a good deal of fighting in the last few weeks. It's a lot of fun, but my band mates are tired of me trying to Kung Fu them before and after shows.
RO: You have a tattoo that reads "I'm Lost..." Is there a story behind it?
JR: Yes. Check out http://www.spencerbellmemorial.com/ and you'll get a good glimpse.
RO: You're the only boy among four siblings. Did any particular feminine traits or habits rub off on you after growing up in a houseful of sisters?
JR: No. I got stuck with all the masculinity. I taught my sisters how to fight.
RO: You've said the cast members of Twilight and New Moon are really close, so what's one thing about each of your co-stars you think might surprise people?
JR: None of them are vampires in real life! Gasp!
RO: When the cameras aren't rolling, how do you and the rest of the Twilight crew blow off steam?
JR: I believe there are usually two or three guitars on set at all times. We all get down with a little music, though some of our styles and tastes are a bit different. I've been digging on Spencer Bell's solo album, Feudal, Brutal, and the American Dream, (available on iTunes), number 13 is my favorite song. (Photo: Jackson Rathbone / WENN)
Intervjun är tagen HÄR!

Jackson intervju

100 Monkeys konsert

(Ser att jag postat två likadan bilder på jackson, ber om ursäkt!)
Se samtliga bilder här.
Jackson Rathbone performs with 100 Monkeys in Vancouver (Twilight's Jasper) from VancityAllie on Vimeo.