Blogg-intervju med Kellan Lutz!

Twilightbloggen twilightersitalia har haft chansen att ha en telefon intervju med våran älskade Kellan Lutz!
Han verkar vara en underbar kille och tänk vilken lycka för dom att göra denna intervju.
Här har ni den och jag tycker verkligen ni borde lyssna på intervjun som är ungefär 10 minuter.

Intervju med Kellan Lutz!

Ursäkta att den inte är översatt, men den är rätt lång. Men om du inte alls förstår engelska, kopiera intervjun och gå in på google translate. Där får du en helt okej översättning på vad som står i intervjun! :)

What is your typical day like on the set of New Moon, the sequel to Twilight?

New Moon was a very relaxed film to work on and it all starts with how easy going director Chris Wietz is. That vibe rolls down to the crew and actors. It makes it so easy when we've all worked together before. Everything was so well organized, making it easy for the actors to do our job. We had more time to just laugh and make jokes and hang out; it's important to have a cast that gels the way we do and you'll see that more in the second film.

The entire cast of Twilight and New Moon has gone from Hollywood new faces to overnight international sensations – has that been a bonding experience for all of you?

It's amazing what Twilight has done for the cast! It has opened up so many doors for us all.  It is such a blessing to be a part of the phenomenon that is Twilight. It's a dream come true!  We are all very close and stay close on set as well as off.  We play board games, go out to dinner and just hang out.  It's amazing to be able to work with such a talented group of actors.

How did you prepare to play Emmett in New Moon?

I prepared a lot by delving into the back-story for my character, Emmett, that I created while shooting the first movie so I just picked up that same notebook again for New Moon and added a little more to what I thought embodied this character. I find it easy to get in the role; Emmett is the perfect match for me. I do love creating a back-story for characters; it helps you transform into the role and it makes it yours.

Where do you see yourself in five or ten years?

I'd like to continue acting for as long as possible. I truly love it and I am lucky that not only is it my career but it's something I really enjoy doing so it doesn't feel like work. Hopefully in ten years, I'll have an amazing family with a beautiful wife and little Kellan's running around to play football with.

With your physique having garnered so much attention, can you give our readers some tips on keeping fit?

There's a lot of advice that I could give but what works for one person might not work for another. I just exercise regularly and try to eat healthy. There's no method to my madness. High protein meals are important and I love eggs and chicken so I try to eat that almost every day that I can.  I love fruits so I always have fruit in my kitchen to snack on. I would suggest finding some sort of cardio that you enjoy. I hate running so for me it's swimming. Stay as active as possible and don't just sit in front of the television; do push ups or sit ups during the commercials. Even a little hard work goes a long way

Sen fanns det även tre bilder med i intervjun!

Intervjun hittar du här!

Källa: Newmoonmovie.


Kellan Lutz

Haha hur söt är inte Kellan i denna video som jag hittade på newmoonmovie?!

Kellan Lutz som cowboy

Kellan Lutz och polaren Ryan Eggold är med i en ny "vilda västern intervju" för People Magazine. Kolla in den HÄR lilla videosnutten, den är sååå kul!


Ny photoshoot på Kellan Lutz!

Här har ni en ny bild på våran snygg Kellan.
 Vill ni se flera bilder från denna photoshoot?
 Klicka då på bilden!

Kellan rastar vovven

Kellan Lutz var ute på en joggingrunda med sin hund Kola i helgen. Tydligen var det väldrigt varmt ute...;)
För att se samtliga bilder, klicka på bilden!


Kellan Lutz!

Jag gillar verkligen Kellan, tycker han verkar grymt trevlig och rolig. Sen så har han ju utseendet också. Därför tänkte jag lägga upp lite bilder på snyggingen, till er som också gillar honom! :)

Bilderna är lånad från och

Kellan i Generation Kill


Generation Kill är en amerikansk miniserie om elitsoldaterna i B-kompaniets 2:a pluton av amerikanska marinkårens första spaningsbataljon (1st Reconnaissance Battalion) under de 40 första dagarna av USA:s invasion av Irak 2003. Serien bygger på en bok med samma namn, skriven av Rolling Stone-journalisten Evan Wright, som var inbäddad reporter i den plutonen under invasionen. Bokens svidande kritik mot flera befäl i kompaniet ledde till att marinkåren degraderade några av dem och senare uppmanade alla sina soldater att läsa den, för att lära av de misstag som skildras.

Efter 2 avsnitt insåg jag att Kellan Lutz är med och han spelar korpral Jason Lilly.

Generation Kill spelades in i Namibia, Sydafrika och Mozambique och serien har fått många lovord för sin realism. Precis som i boken är alla rollfigurer skildringar av existerande personer under deras rätta namn. Ett par av skådespelarna är forna medlemmar av B-kompaniet och en av dem "spelar" faktiskt sig själv. Alexander Skarsgård har en av de mest framträdande rollerna i serien, som gruppchef i den Humvee som Evan Wrights åkte i.


Den hade USA-premiär 13 juli 2008 och sista avsnittet visades 24 augusti 2008. Den hade finländsk och svensk premiär i betal-tv på Canal plus 3 september 2008 och började visas av SVT på SVT2 sju fredagar i rad, med start 7 april 2009

Se den! den e verkligen BRA! jag är inte den som gillar krig, men jag är fängslad av Generation KILL! Skarsgård är suverän!

Har ni sett Generation KILL?
Gillar ni den?

Kellan pratar Italien!

Jag kommer uppdatera sämst idag. Nu funkar bildgalleriet idag och jag håller på med att ladda upp bilder för fulla rullar!
Här kommer en video med Kellan Lutz
(tack till

EDIT: jag förstår inte varför videon inte visas -_-
Jag hänvisar er hit för att kolla istället.

Kellan Lutz poserar för Cosmo!.

// Johanna

Intervju med Kellan!.

Get the inside goss on Twilight from Kellen Lutz who plays Emmet Cullen in the movie. What does the guy who plays the most cheeky and fearless of all the Cullen's have to say about his character, Rob and Kristen and behind the scenes stories?...


It's an action romance type of Romeo and Juliet story between a mortal and an immortal. It's the battle of love between the human girl and the vampire, and throughout that quest for that ultimate love, there's bad things that happen.


I think they will enjoy a lot of stuff, the film really goes to a lot of different levels, there's a lot of action for the guys, so me being an action junkie we do a lot of cool actions scenes! For the romantic group, it's a love story like Romeo and Juliet between Bella and Edward. It never really gets dull, it's a rollercoaster.


I play Emmet Cullen, he's kind of like the big brother in the family, he really sees being immortal and being a vampire as a positive, unlike the other vampire family members who don't really. I mean they enjoy it in some aspects but Edward's really sentimental and wishes he could die or wishes he could be mortal again that's why he doesn't want to change Bella. I'm the big goofy brother who likes to pick fights and just a have fun being a vampire.


(Laughs) It was fun, it was the joy of having all this super-power strength and the knowledge of knowing you can't really die unless another vampire comes at you and annihilate you but being Emmet they really can't do that to me!


Favorite scene to shoot, I would have to say (pause) probably the ballet scene, that's where I was rigged and we did a lot of stunts and that's my forte - I love doing stunts and getting dirty and hurting myself so it was really fun when we jumped off the balcony. You land on the ground fifteen feet below but it's really a free fall because we have to act like vampires so it's that rush of being safe but not feeling safe!


Ah yeah I have actually, I read them once I was doing the movie and I read them again recently. It's really great to see the direction that Catherine took with it because its difficult turning the book into a movie, five hundreds pages into a one hundred and twenty page screenplay. So with seeing all the characters that have been cast, and re-reading the book again, it's really cool.


She's a firecracker, she's amazing. It was great to work with someone who I really admire - I Iove Thirteen and Lords of Dogtown, so to work with her and her whole style was really cool and she had a lot of personality and a lot of spunk so it made work not seem like work.


Kristen and Rob? Oh Rob? I love that kid, I mean I have a lot of London friends, who are just different from American friends, you know - just how people relate and live their lives, so he's a rock star and just makes being around him so energetic and so much fun. Kristen is so mature and a brilliant actress and a brilliant person to communicate with and go out to dinner and hear her story and just goof around with.


Currently I'm working on 90210 which is a blast - I mean working on the zip code is always fun and my character is a mean lacrosse player who steals girls and fights with all the other guys. I'm also currently working on Warrior, it's a movie about lacrosse and where it originated and the history and the native American culture of it and hopefully Val Kilmer is going to sign-on to play my dad - it would be amazing to work with him.


Um, behind the scenes stories... the most fun one that comes to mind is when we had like really good weather, which is not good for us because we're vampires and we need to have the bad stormy clouds, you know - cloud coverage and we had no clouds for a couple of hours but we needed to do this outside shot, so Catherine had all the extras do a cloud dance! She fed them M&Ms to get them in the mood and gave them Redbulls and it was just really cool to have a director who, who's very hands on and would get in there and get dirty.

Källa: dolly 


Klutz förföljd av en...banan? (just kiddin')

Usch, om ni kollar på filmen så förstår ni nog att det måste vara jobbigt att vara känd.

Kellan and the banana guy x)

Kellan Lutz I Flaunt

Kellan Lutz i nya numret av Flaunt.
Han berättar också om sina tränningsvanor.

"I love to swim. I have a pool in my backyard,"  Han är även en gottegris!  "I have a candy drawer and I'm terrible with it. Gummy bears, gummy worms, chocolate, everything. I eat so much."



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