Ny New Moon trailer!!

– If you’re seeking an extra (or single) reason to see the overwhelmingly poorly reviewed “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” this weekend, here’s one for you.

We have learned that some showings of “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” will preview the new trailer for the “Twilight” sequel “The Twilight Saga: New Moon,” which stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, Ashley Greene, Dakota Fanning and Michael Sheen.

Tack så mycket L&LL som skickade detta till mig!

Förbeställ New moon soundtracket!!

Nu kan man förbeställa NMsoundtracket!
Releasedatumet är i Oktober, så det är inte länge kvar nu! =D

Läs här!

Entertainment Tonight!

Och vi gillar't!
Lägger upp så fort ET Tonight släpper bomben.

New Moon soundtracket

Vad tror ni? Passar Kellys låt, tro?

Twilightstjärnorna avslöjar lite om New Moon scenerna

MTV har kommit med en ny artikel där castet pratar om några av scenerna i New Moon. Läs en bit av artikeln nedan. Hela kan man läsa på MTV's webbsida HÄR.

Check out this new article on MTV where the cast talks a bit about some of the scenes they shot for new Moon, including a last-minute addition for Michael Welch:

“Kristen [Stewart] and Taylor [Lautner] had to lobby to get this one scene in the film that wasn’t originally in — and I am forever indebted to them for that,” revealed Mike Welch, citing a beloved moment from Stephenie Meyer’s “New Moon” novel. “There’s a scene that’s in the book, the three-way date between Jacob and Bella and Mike, where Mike ends up getting sick, and it’s just very awkward.”

As for how physically ill Welch’s Mike Newton gets in the comic-relief scene, he said we shouldn’t expect projectile vomit or anything. “We’re talking a little bit,” he laughed. “A little sick.”


Aftonbladet publicerat video om New Moon

Aftonbladet har gjort ett litet vidoereportage om New Moon. Först lite bilder från inspelningen, sen innehåller den även trailern som redan de flesta av oss nog redan sett vid det här laget.

De har också lagt upp en omröstning med frågan om Rob är världens sexigaste man, just nu är det bara 25% som svarat ja. Kan tänka mig att vi har flera läsare här som vill gå in och ändra på det=) HÄR kan man se hur röstningen ligger till just nu.

5.8 Miljoner visningar av trailern

Summit har räknat ihop att det blev 4,2 miljoner visningar av trailern på MySpace och 1,6 miljoner från MTV.com, samanlagt blir det alltså 5,8 miljoner visningar de första 24 timmarna. Om man jämför det med med Twilight-trailern så hade den 3.2 miljoner visningar på MySpace de första 48 timmarna.

These fresh stats are astounding. Summit Entertainment has a count of 4.2 million views for the New Moon trailer from MySpace, and another 1.6 million from MTV.com, so that’s 5.8 million combined views in the first 24 hours from its two domestic online launch partners. By comparison, the 3rd (and last) trailer for Twilight received 3.2 million views in its first 48 hours on MySpace, piddling compared to viewership for the sequel’s trailer.

Källa: twilightersanonymous.com

Annan färgton i New Moon

New Moon Trailern och de bilder som nyss släppts avslöjar att filmen inte kommer ha samma blåstick i sig som Twilight hade, utan en mer varm ton. newmoonmovie.org Har gjort om en av bilderna från New Moon där man får se hur det skulle kunna se ut med blåstick, man har också tagit med en bild från Twilight.

The New Moon trailer and recently released stills from the movie have revealed that New Moon will not have the same blue tint that Twilight did.   I’ve made the image above which roughly approximates the old Twilight look on one half of an image from New Moon and keeps the other side as it will be in the movie.   

How do you feel about this change–do you think it is for the best, or do you wish it still had the icy tones of the original movie instead of the new golden look?

Jag kan inte riktigt bestämma mig men jag tror att jag gillar den varma tonen, dock passar ju det blå jättebra...hmm...
Vad tycker ni?




Så! Vill börja med att säga att tjejerna som satt uppe hela natten varit superduktiga! Det var så roligt att se allting idag! Och trailern var heeeelt underbar! Bara jag som svek alla och gick och sov, men dom byter stammar i min lägenhet nu så jag är konstant trött och behöver all sömn jag kan få=)

Tänkte i vilket fall börja med att lägga ut stillbilder på Jacobs förvandling till varg. Jag tycker att själva förvanlingen var jättebra, men vargen såg lite väl datagjord ut.... men man kan ju inte få allt eller hur?!=) Är säker på att filmen kommer bli super i alla fall!

Källa: newmoonmovie.org

Seatfillers på MTV Movie Awards

Här är en liten video med några Twilightfans som ska få vara seatfillers på MTV Movie Avards... De ska alltså värma platserna åt twilightstjärnorna när de inte befinner sig där. Visste faktiskt inte ens att det fanns såna! Avundsjuka?=)

Movie Trailers - Movies Blog
Källa: Twilight20somethings

New Moon filmningen är officiellt slut! :[

Nu är New moon filmen klar! Ingen mer filmning. Damn it! Kommer sakna alla mysiga bilder från filminspelningarna.
Då väntar vi spänt till Augusti då de börjar filma Eclipse.

Rob and Kristen leaving Italy....
Tack till TCA!

NEW MOON TRAILER, 15 sekunder!!!

Hos oss får du all info först! Här är en EFTERLÄNGTAD SAK!

Oh yes! Here it is–15 seconds from the New Moon footage that will be shown Sunday on MTV, thanks to ET!
Thoughts? I think it looks gorgeous! It’s also on YouTube if you’re having problems with the official vid above.

Källa NMM

Bellafira på plats i Italien, LIVE!!!

Detta inlägg uppdateras hela tiden under dagen!!

Bellafira, ett fan som twittrar direkt från inspelningen har skrivit såhär:
  1. @royalwoman55128 no no no sorry I did NOT see fans jumping fences just heard screaming from TwitterFon in reply to royalwoman55128
  2. This town is now teeming with 13 year old girls it seems like they have been bused in. No wonder I can hear so much screaming from TwitterFon
  3. Will ask around. just saw Charlie as her was waiting 2 be picked up. He's great with fans taking pics & signing stuff from TwitterFon
  4. So sorry guys but I sid see crazy fans jump a barricade. I did hear a lot of fans screaming but couldn't see anything form where I was placd from TwitterFon
  5. @St3phii_Cull3n I actually got to see 2 full takes before I was asked to move from TwitterFon in reply to St3phii_Cull3n
  6. Just got a shot of Umberto and Daniel in our extra holding pen. Will post when I get back nxt week from TwitterFon
  7. They r filming again but they r only using extras who will be here tomorrow. Can't see a damn thing from TwitterFon
  8. @therealdnierod @xpennyxlanex if u read my other posts u would see that I am a mum of a toddler from TwitterFon in reply to therealdnierod
  9. Watch the whole thing, but 4 other extras has the same idea and when Roco saw us as a group he made us move so we couldn't see anything. from TwitterFon
  10. I was able to see the closed set yesterday by sneaking out of our lunch area (holding pen) and going to set. I would hv been able to stay & from TwitterFon
  11. @kellyprovence yes- I thanked him for providing so much entertainment and acknowledged his hard work. from TwitterFon in reply to kellyprovence
  12. The guy put the cushion end against robs back to use as a brace when k jumped into his arms. They will take out the pole in post production from TwitterFon
  13. During that same scene there was a guy behind rob who had a long pole with a sml cushion on the end. The wholething was painted 4 green scrn from TwitterFon
  14. Other info: during the embrace- there was a little ramp at robs feet so k could get some height when she ran into his arms from TwitterFon
  15. @kellyprovence the Italians invented love from TwitterFon in reply to kellyprovence
  16. @Cessle doubtful- but u never know. I did not be an extra to be on film just to be part of the whole thing from TwitterFon in reply to Cessle
  17. @Poshrockchick sorry, but today is not my fave-way too hot and lots of standing and waiting. Not complaining, but I really loved the piazza from TwitterFon in reply to Poshrockchick
  18. Other and nearly took out other members of the procession. U can't miss umberto- wild blk curly hair beard and funky specs. He so made myday from TwitterFon
  19. And practically pass out on top of it. He looked so wiped that even the other Italians started laughing. At 1 point the 2 guys ran into each from TwitterFon
  20. For2 straight days. Umberto was so wiped out that everytime they yelled cut- he would lean the pole(20ft long) against the church and from TwitterFon
  21. They were carrying 2 huge banners on tall brass poles at the front of the procession. Those poles/banners weighed a ton & they carried them from TwitterFon
  22. My fav extra guys r umberto & Daniel. Umberto made me laugh so hard for 2 days that I peed my pants and I only had one pair with me. from TwitterFon
  23. The girls just left set will let u know what shot is next from TwitterFon
  24. Ashley is behind the wheel, but the car is on a trailer attached to a camera car. The Porsche never touches the ground. K is in pass. Seat from TwitterFon
  25. Just confirmed that it is both k & a. They look like they r having fun talking as the camera car reverses back to starting point from TwitterFon
  26. We r in the middle of filming Porsche scene again. They have the view into the windows blocked off. Ashely arrived in set 30min ago. from TwitterFon
  27. Omg they r signing up extras tomorrow. Sorry peeps this will be my last day. I have no idea what they are filming. Prob more porsche scenes from TwitterFon
  28. It was a bunch of French girls who revolted. Refused to complete the day from TwitterFon
  29. Passionately complain from TwitterFon
  30. The natives r getting restless again. The crew has mastered herding & containing us. It's hot, extras r tired & cranky. Italians really know from TwitterFon
  31. @DeadlyJuliet I wish I knew. We finished at 7 yesterday from TwitterFon in reply to DeadlyJuliet
  32. @dolcevita10 nope. He is either on his way to London then to MTV awards. Some people think that he has gone to la. No one knows for sure from TwitterFon in reply to dolcevita10
  33. @KatrinaBTw 1:30pm haven't slept for 24 hours from TwitterFon in reply to KatrinaBTw
  34. After lunch we go back to do some more takes of Porsche scene. I wonder if I can fall asleep on st & be the town drunk in midl of festival from TwitterFon
  35. Extras on lunch break. I'm so knackered that I fell asleep on the street while sitting down against a store window while we waited 4 camera from TwitterFon
  36. Body doubles in car. Car on flat bed trailer being pulled by a truck up the street . Camera positioned on bella from TwitterFon
  37. We r now in place for car to race a path right down the middle of us from TwitterFon
  38. We are now down at the very bottom of town they are setting up a big shot of the car racing through town. Doubles are here. from TwitterFon
  39. Art dept has removed all banners from square. It looks quite sad and barren from TwitterFon
  40. The young fans who are in town are going wild over k & a cars. The cars were swarmed & the screaming was deafening. Kind of scary. from TwitterFon
  41. They are wrapping up the car location and are starting to move the equipment to a new one from TwitterFon
  42. Just finished filming bella getting out of car from TwitterFon
  43. Too funny it looks like ashleys stunt dbl is a guy. The scarf sure hides hid Adams apple from TwitterFon
  44. @JHOLCOMB77 I don't have his direct number so I can't confirm. My guess is that he is heading to Rome airport this am from TwitterFon in reply to JHOLCOMB77
  45. Charlie just walked on set. Not in costume so my guess is that he is hanging out watching k & a from TwitterFon
  46. Ashley is looking fabulous in big sunglasses & head scarf. It looked like she was driving the Porsche in the last shot. from TwitterFon
  47. Ok hitting a sleep deprivation wall. Seriously need some caffeine or a bed. Both will have to wait from TwitterFon
  48. They r filming the car driving up honking. No dialog yet from TwitterFon
  49. Ashleywas driven in a 2nd car just after kristen from TwitterFon
  50. Kristen just was driven onto set. Only a few feet away from TwitterFon
  51. Still waiting 4 camera set up. they will be filming the shot of the Porsche being stopped by the Italian police. Can't see kristen/Ashley from TwitterFon
  52. Our flight back was same day as filming. hubby let me stay and he took baby back to Seattle. baby jetlag is not so pretty owe him big time from TwitterFon
  53. My family & I were in Italy on holiday. We are thinking of moving over here so I can finally learn Italian. Was looking at language schools from TwitterFon
  54. I was turned down 3x over several days before someone said yes. Persistence paid off. They only started letting other Americans in Yesterday from TwitterFon
  55. A cuple of answers while waiting 4 camera 2 be set. No I did not get paid. They had extras that were paid -Italians that auditioned from TwitterFon
  56. I was told that rob finised yesterday. Will let u know if that changes from TwitterFon
  57. They r setting us up for a Porsche shot. Our backs r turned away so none of us can see anything. from TwitterFon


Jag kommer uppdatera så fort Bellafira gör det!

Första trailern kommer visas på MTV Movie Awards

Det är inte bara ett vanligt klipp som kommer visas på söndag, utan det är den första trailern, spännande!

Movie Trailers - Movies Blog

Källa: newmoonmovie.org

Trailer@MTV movie awards

MTV Movie Awards | Twilight: New Moon

Yay! Vi kommer inte få MTV Movie Awards live, men vi kommer få exklusiva bilder/videos redan natten/dagen efter! Jennifer @ Ts kommer sitta uppe hela natten och uppadatera, med tanka på att jag ska till skolan dagen efter kommer jag aldrig klara av att sitta hela natten, möjligtvis till tre/fyra, dock inte mer =/
Inlägget till TS där Jennifer förklara lite mera.

Robs rutor fejk?

Vad precis in på veckorevyns webbsida, där spekulerar man i om Robs magrutor är verkligen eller spraymålade. Så vad tror ni? Jag som är lite skeptiskt kan nog faktiskt också misstänka hans muskuler är lite "förstärkta"=) Se artikeln från VR nedan;

Robert Pattinsons kropp är i toppform! Eller? Skådespelaren är i Italien för att filma scener för den nya filmen The twilight saga: New moon, och passade på att visa upp sin nya tvättbräda. Det ryktas dock om att Robert fått hjälp av en makeupartist som sprejmålat fram rutorna.




Rob och Kristen pics - del 4!

Klicka på bilden för att komma till del fyra!
Helt amazing bilder, de är så vackra!

Rob once again..

(bild lånad av twilightsweden)

Bilder från inspelningen

Här är lite bilder från första inspelningsdagen i Italien tagna av fans på plats.

Källa: newmoonmovie.org

Mer Montepulciano rekvisita!

Props New Moon Montepulciano Italy

Kolla in dessa nya upptäckter i Montepulciano! De ska möjligen användas i filmen! Ale från TwilightersItalia säger:


Där finns klocktornet vid middagstid, en ny rännsten, och bilder tagna på en staty idag, i rådhuset.

Det set ut o vara ett helgon eller nåt...

kolla in resten av bilderna på TwilightersItalia.

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