Kellan och Rob
Kellan har gjort ett nytt headshot, grymt snygg bild om jag får säga det själv.
Vackra ögon....
Fler bilder på Rob på oscarsgalan;
Jag älskar hans utseende. Hans föräldrar måste vara stolta asså.
(Bilderna kommer från
Ska robert släppa ett album? *hoppas*
We all know that Rob is a talented musician and his tracks on the Twilight album blew us away.
Rob told MoviesOnline: “I might make an album but not through a record company or anything. I’d like to do something independent.
“I don’t care if people buy it or not. I’d just like to have it just for myself so I can work with good musicians and stuff.”
Rob hasn’t written many songs in the past but would probably pen a few for his album.
He says: “All my friends are musicians in London. They’re very talented. My best friend wrote one of the songs on the soundtrack with another friend of mine, this guy Marcus Foster who did Bobby Long.''
WOHO säger jag bara! Jag skulle helt klart köpa albumet om han skulle släppa ett! Jag blir väldigt rörd av hans röst.
För att höra Rob sjunga gör så här; > sök på Robert pattinson singing > välj och njut
Mer bilder från japan!
(Jag tänker inte godkänna kommentarerna som postats i tävlingsyfter, for your information! =) )
vilken perfektion.....
Gud vad vackra dem är...önskar att jag var på plats, liksom ROBERT, KRISTEN och TAYLOR! amazing..
Ställ frågor till Twilight castet (dvs robert, kristen, jackson, ashley, kellan o.s.v)
BTW, glöm inte tävlingen! Du kan vinna en Twilight - dvd som kommer ut 29:e april!
Linn ställde också en fråga där hon frågade vilken kanal kids choice awards går på som rob kanske ska vara med i, svaret; Jag vet inte än! Lovar att säga till så fort jag vet! Kram, tack för kommentaren. :)
Robert, Kristen och Taylor är ju som sagt i japan! Två bilder på kristen&robert på en konfferans;
Stiliga dem är va? :D
Resten av bilderna kan du hitta HÄR.
Jag tål kritik, men låtsas inte att du är någon annan.
Nu har jag fått tre kommenterar som var negativa om bloggen, tjejen som skriver detta har en egen blogg om twilight och gör allt för att trycka ner mig. Jag kan se din IP-adress när du kommenterar så varför skriva olika namn?
Jag förstår inte vad du har emot mig, jag känner inte dig, jag TVINGAR INTE dig att läsa min blogg, jag kommenterar inte saker som att din blogg suger till dig, så om du har något emot mig, varför läser du?
Tack, jag förstår att du inte är så förtjust i min blogg, tack och hej, du behöver inte besöka den.
(Jo jag förstår att det är din egna blogg du snackar om.)
Tävling för alla twilightfans! =)
För det andra, tänkte jag svara en tjej eftersom hon inte har en blogg;
Svar till lolli alltså, du skrev ''har redan en blogg jag läser,twilightsaga.tycker att det räcker med en blogg eftersom att den är möe bättre än din''.
Mitt svar; Hejsan, tack för titten i min blogg. Jag tycker om att du är rak och ärlig, fast jag skulle uppskatta om du kunde skriva...lite positivare kanske? Jag tar gärna åt mig kritik,. så ni som läser får jättegärna säga vad jag ska ändra, tänka på m.m. En ny bloggdesign kommer snarast. Tack för kommentaren.
Sen vill jag nämna att jag hade besöksrekord igår, på hela 369 besökare, annars brukar jag väl ha runt 150-200, så det var ju lagom kul! Det är alltid roligt med fler kommentarer, kom ihåg det.
Sen med tanke på min dåliga uppdatering tänkte jag köra en tävling. Jag vet att flera bloggar lottar ut Så länge vi båda andas som släpps nu i mars, så jag lottar istället ut ett exemplar av filmen! Även om den kommer ut 29e april haha.
- Skriv en kommentar eller ett mejl där du förklara varför just du ska vinna dvdn.
- Du måste skriva bloggadress eller e-post.
- Tävlingen varar mellan 26e februari och 10 mars.
- Jag väljer ut den som skrivit vad jag själv skulle skriva om jag var med och tävlade, blir det många som är bra lottar jag.
Varsågod och börja tävla! :)
Igår började bokrean!
Idag såg jag helt plötsligt gårdagens idning med rubrikern ''Bokrean har börjat för iår'', jag hade på känn att av de 15 böckerna som var på sidan att Twilight skulle vara med - så jag kollade, och såklart - Twilight, New moon och Eclipse var med på bokrean!
Det är alltså de svenska versionerna, de vill säga, Om jag kunde drömma, När jag hör din röst och Ljduet avv ditt hjärta.
Om jag kunde drömma: 79 kr (originalpris 166kr)
När jag hör din röst: 79 kr (originalpris 166kr)
Ljudet av ditt härta 149 kr (originalpris 280 kr)
Man kan faktiskt få böckerna på internet för Twilight&new moon = 99kr och Eclipse cirka 150 kr. Men nu slipper du frakt! Du åker bara till åhléns, sen kostar bok 1&2 20 kronor mindre! =)
Hahah lite synd att jag redan har alla böcker. xD
Information om de senaste dagarna
Hejsan, som de flesta vet så funkar inte min laptop just nu så jag kan inte blogga fullt så mycket...:/
Anyway, Rob har ju vart med på oscarsgalan, det ryktas om att han ska vara med i Kids choice awards också.. isåfall ska jag helt klart kolla. För nåra dar sedan landade Kristen och Robert i Japan, dem ska vara där på premiären. ORÄTTVIST tycker jag, kom till Sverige istället! xD
Jag önskar jag kunde blogga mer och detaljerat, men just nu delar jag data med min broder som är värsta datanörden så det blir lite klämmigt...jag hoppas dem lagar min data snarast!
Just det, det sägs att en ny kille fått en roll I new moon också, bild kommer senare/imorgon/när jag har tillgång till dator.
Maybe Paul eller någon annan av Jacobs vänner? :)
Sen har Kristen gjort en ny photoshoot också!
De små bilderna är klickbara.
Sjukt vacker Kristen är asså...
Sen har även datumet för eclipse kommit ut officiellt av vad jag fått höra av en läsare, 30 juni 2010.
Helt underbart! Bara cirka 8 månader efter New Moon! =)
Stephenie Meyer ska också vara med i ett reportage i tidning Vouge, roligt roligt! :)
Funderar även på frå får se!
Update @ Robert on red carpet
hittar ni de flesta videos från oscarsgalan igårväll!
HÄR kan ni se bilder på Rob.
Jag själv kunde inte kolla live, men herregud vad stilig han är! Kul att han rakat sig :)
(jag kan tyvärr inte svara på kommentarer just nu, som sagt min data kraschade och jag sitter inte vid världens bästaste dator direkt..)
Robert on red carpet
Sugen på att se Twilight gratis? [Med svenska undertexter]
Kvalitén suger, vad förväntar ni er liksom? Det är tinypic. xD
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10 [sista delen]
Ashley Greene, 22 år.
Sjukt snygg bild med! :D
New Moon loggan har avslöjats! :D:D
Imorse bestämdes det att sådär kommer New Moon se ut, jag tyckte den var riktigt härlig. :D
new photoshoots with elizabeth!
Ny bild!
Hellu snygging! :D
Madonna ska INTE vara med i New moon
Widespread Internet chatter that Madonna may participate in some capacity in the Twilight sequel, New Moon, may be only partly true, a source close to the production tells EW. Summit Entertainment, the studio behind the movie series, has no plans to cast the pop star and sometime actor in New Moon. However, because Madonna’s manager, Guy Oseary, is a producer on the project, there is some talk of her providing songs for the sequel. Still, no deals have been made yet, and the plans haven’t progressed beyond the that’d be cool stage.
Rob back in LA :)
Bilden är nyligen tagen i LA, och det sägs att han till vänster är Rob's manager.
Satan också, jag hade velat få svar på mitt fanbrev som jag skickade till London, men iof så skickade jag till Beverly Hills också... =D
Madonna med i New Moon
Det har ryktats om att Madonna ska vara med i New moon, och då snackar vi inte om bara filmen utan även i sountracket!
Usch säger jag bara. Detta dissar jag direkt.
Twilight har blivit sjukt stort och alla kändisar vill vara med i New Moon för att Twilight blev en huge succé, men åhhh. Dem kommer förstöra för oss fans, vi vill inte ha några sketna stora kändisar. In med 'okända' det är mycket roligare.
Jag säger nejtack!
Pågående tävlingar
1/7 2009-15/7 2009
Vinn New Moon poster!
Vinn Edwards ögon!
25 maj 2009 - 8 juni 2009:
Tävla om Edwardkepsen!
Fota ditt favoritcitat, och vinn en reflexskärm, och en vampyr redigering!
Vill du bli veckans Imprint?
[email protected]
Veckans Imprint frågor:
- Vad heter du?
- Hur gammal är du?
- Vart bor du?
- När blev du en Twilighter?
- Vilken är din favoritbok och varför?
- Ditt favoritcitat? (Notera; Du får bara välja ett)
- Din favorithändelse i böckerna eller filmen?
- Vilken är din favoritbild? (Skicka bild eller länk)
- Edward eller Jacob?
- Carlisle eller Charlie?
- Alice eller Rosalie?
- Mike eller Eric?
- Emmett eller Jasper?
- Esme eller Renée?
- Böckerna eller filmerna?
När du vinner får du detta pris o lägga in på din blogg:
Sarah Clarke (Bellas mamma) fyller 37 år! :D
Robert och Kristen på oscarsgalan! :DD
''Hitflix also says the Twilight stars, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart will be presenters. And of course, Hugh Jackman is hosting. Next Sunday night.''
Roberts alla hjärtans dag hälsning
aww vad gullig!
Vi på The Twilight Saga!
Undrar ni något mer om oss, så kommentera och fråga!
Namn: Sandra
Ålder: 13
Bor: Södra skåne
Vilken av Twilightböckerna är din favorit: Jag kan inte riktigt välja mellan New Moon och Eclipse...
Intressen: Basket, fotografera, dator, läsa, TWILIGHT, fotboll, tennis och vara med kompisar :]
Längtar till: Oj, en hel del faktiskt: Min födelsedag, resan till London med min syster, Twilight DVD:n, New Moon släpps på bio...
Favorithemsidor: Olika twilightbloggar, Twilightsweden, Twilightnews, Bilddagboken,, youtube och Twitter!
Framtidsplaner: Jag har inga särskilda.. börja högstadiet maybe. Ta det lugnt och njuta av min barndom ^_^
Namn: Kinga
Ålder: 25 år
Bor: Malmö/Uddevalla
Vilken av Twilightböckerna är din favorit: Breaking Dawn (och den publicerade halvan av Midnight Sun)
Intressen: Designa, rita, måla,läsa, promenera, min Jonas, skriva, poesi, musik och mysiga kvällar
Längtar tills: jag får mitt drömjobb, till Jonas kommer hem, till författaren tar sig i kragen o skriver klart Midnight sun!
Favorithemsidor: Mestadels olika bloggar, designsidor, boksajter, shoppingsajter och
Framtisplaner: Bli designer, konstnär, o aldrig bli bortglömd!
Namn: Veronica
Ålder: 22 år
Bor: Avesta.
Vilken av Twilightböckerna är din favorit: Twilight
Intressen: Foto, mina djur, film/TV, shoppa, umgås med mina nära och kära, mm.
Längtar till: att New Moon ska komma på bio
Favorithemsidor: Hmm, svårt, är ute på lite olika, men vet inte vilka som är favoriterna faktiskt
Framtisplaner: planerar att plugga upp mina betyg till hösten och sen söka in på högskolan
Namn: Sara
Ålder: Snart 17
Bor: Östersund
Vilken av Twilightböckerna är din favorit? Twilight och Breaking Dawn
Intressen: Fota, Vänner och läsa! =)
Längtar till: Sommarlovet,
Favorithemsidor: Facebook, alla dessa bloggar och bilddagboken
Framtidsplaner: Gå ut 1:an på gymnasiet och åka till London!
Hellu snygging Cullen.
Twilight på oscarsgalan? :D
"I Promise you,there will be a presence"
Laurence Mark first time producer of this year's Academy Award.
"You'll see,I promise there is and in more than one ocasion."
Det har ju trots allt ryktats att Kristen ska får se! :D
(vad vore en blogg utan bilder?)
Catherine är alltså väldigt van vid Nikki..hehe.
Info om filmen tretton:
Tracy Freeland är mammas lilla flicka och är duktig i skolan men när Tracy börjar umgås med skolans populäraste tjej, Evie Zamora (Nikki), förändras allt. Sprit, droger, sex och brottslighet blir plötsligt vardag, något som sätter sina spår i den redan hårt åtsatta familjen Freeland.
Tretton regisserades av Catherine Hardwicke som också skrivit manus tillsammans med Nikki Reed, vars liv som trettonåring gav inspiration till filmen.
Källa: Wikipedia.
Kellan Lutz på Laguna Beach Jeans Company
'Ton av hatmejl'
''- Stephenie Meyer kan inte skriva för fem öre. Hon är inte särskilt bra, säger han i en intervju med USA Weekend.
Skräckförfattaren konstaterar att Stephenie Meyer i sin serie om vampyren Edward Cullen vänder sig direkt till unga läsare - precis som JK Rowling. Skillnaden är bara, hävdar han, att Rowling är en fantastisk skribent, medan Meyer är dålig på att skriva och dessutom ger en förljugen bild av kärlek och sex i böckerna.''
För det andra, jag tycker det är LÖJLIGT att han jämför Rowling (författare till den underbara serien av Harry Potter) och Meyer.
För det tredje, sex?! Visst det kan finnas sexuell spänning, men herregud, boken är ju ändå riktad till tonåringar/ungdomar och inte till småttingar på 8/9 års åldern.. så jag anser inte att det är något problem.
Sen tycker jag att han har fel, varför är det så många ungdomar, och även vuxna, som är som besatta av twilight nu? Meyers böcker har sålt stort, speciellt efter att Twilight visats på bio.
Men sen åter till diskusionen om hatmejl, det tycker jag bara är onödigt, visst han får ha sin åsikt, men det räcker väl med att vi fans vet att vi har fel? Det uppmanar bara honom att hata Meyers böcker ännu mer. Om jag hade fått bestämma så skulle jag säga att vi struntade i honom och hans kommentarer om Stephenie.
Artikeln kan ni läsa här.
Sen har det varit en 'fight' mellan Harry Potter och Twilight, vilket är bäst? Nu råkar det vara så att jag är ett stort fan av både HP och twilight. Jag har gillat Harry Potter sedan jag var 8 och det säger ju en del. Jag förstår inte varför man måste jämföra dessa serier egentligen? Twilight är INTE harry potter och harry potter är INTE twilight. Det borde räcka. Aja, nog sagt!
New Moon - FAQ *SPOILER*
Frequently Asked Questions: New Moon
Jag publicerar dessa FAQ på engelska, eftersom Stephenie förklarar bäst själv.**Warning! Spoilers ahead**
Q. How come Alice and Jasper can affect Bella with their supernatural powers, but Edward and Aro and Jane can't?
A. This question comes up at every single signing! The answer is explained in Eclipse, but I'm going to tell you all anyway, just so there's less confusion.
Bella has a very private mind. She can't be touched there. What Edward and Aro do is clearly a mental thing; Jane, also, works inside the head (Jane doesn't actually inflict pain on anyone's body, she just puts the illusion of pain inside her victim's head. It's a very effective form of torture). Conversely, what Jasper does is no illusion. He affects the physical body, slowing the pulse and upping the endorphin levels to calm someone, for example, or raising the pulse and pumping out the adrenalin to excite them. Alice, also, works outside the mind in the realm of possible realities. She doesn't see the thought process behind the decisions, just the outcomes.
Q. Was Edward somehow psychically connected to Bella with the whole hearing-voices thing?
A. No. So powerfully was Bella's subconscious knowledge trying to break through her wrong-headed notions, that it produced some very convincing delusions. I'm not surprised that people thought, in the beginning, that Edward was somehow there (wishful thinking on all our parts). However, I AM surprised that people continued to think this after a certain event that made it impossible to believe that Edward was aware of Bella's circumstances. Can you guess what it was? Laurent, in the meadow. If Edward had had any inkling of the fact that Victoria had returned for Bella, no matter how far away on the planet he was, he would have been back in Forks within twenty-four hours.
Q. What did Edward break in the living room after the vote?
A. Edward ripped into halves a sixty inch plasma TV that the Cullens had shipped in from Korea because it's not available in the states yet. Emmett was a bit annoyed.
Q. What happened to Lauren's hair?
A. Ha ha. I had fun imagining this one—I only wished that it had fit into the book somewhere. Lauren fell victim to the "model discovered in the mall" scam. An alleged modeling agent approached Lauren in a mall in Victoria, B.C., and told her she was a natural model. Lauren ate it up. The agent told her that if she did something edgy with her hair, and took some high quality head shots, her future was assured. Lauren followed the instructions—dropping fifteen grand on the pictures taken by the agent's partner—and waited for her career to begin. She's still waiting. Snort.
Q. Why did Edward leave? WHY?
A. Read here for the story behind New Moon.
Q. What kind of flower is that on the cover, and what does it mean?
A. That is a ruffled tulip. As for the meaning... If you've read the Twilight FAQ, you know that the apple cover had a lot of meaning for me, and I was an active part of the covering process. However, that experience is more the exception than the rule in the publishing world. Something to keep in mind if you intend to embark on a career as a writer: lots of things you might expect to be under your control are not. Covers, for example. Those are mostly up to the publisher and the marketing and sales departments. So I don't know what the tulip means—I didn't have anything to do with this one.
Q. What does the title refer to? Is it a werewolf reference?
A. Nope. The term "new moon" refers to the phase of the moon opposite a full moon. It is when the sun is on the opposite side of the moon from us and thus the bright side of the moon is not visible from earth. This is the darkest kind of night. New Moon is the darkest period of Bella's life.
Q. How far along are you on Eclipse? Midnight Sun?
A. Book three in the Twilight Series, Eclipse, is in the final stages of editing. This means that it's pretty much done, with just a few minor fixes to go. We're on schedule and Eclipse will be released in the fall of 2007.
Midnight Sun is only a side project. Which means I have to do my real work before I can play with it. Right now, my real work is book four, so Midnight Sun will have to wait for a while. I have no idea when it will be released, because I have no idea when it will be finished. I'm only on chapter twelve right now.
Q. Is it true that there will be no advanced readers copies of Eclipse?
A. Yes.
For a million other questions and a thousand other answers, try the Twilight Lexicon.
Peter Facinelli
James/Levy/Jacobson Management, Inc.
3500 West Olive Avenue
Suite 1470
Burbank, CA 91505
Kristen Stewart
Colden, McKuin & Frankel
141 El Camino Drive
Suite 100
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Jackson Rathbone
Cutler Management
13043 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Robert Pattinson
Curtis Brown Group Ltd.
Haymarket House
5th Floor
28-29 Haymarket
London SW1Y 4SP
Ashley Greene
McKeon-Myones Management
3500 Olive Avenue
Suite 770
Burbank, CA 91505-5527
Taylor Lautner
Management 360
9111 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Hur man gör för att skicka fanbrev:
Det var en tjej som hade skickat ett brev till Robert Pattinson och fick svar SJUKT snabbt. Det tog bara tre veckor! I vanliga fall kan man vänta flera månader, men den här tjejen hade tur!
Steg för steg:
- Skriv ett brev
- Lägg in brevet och foton i ett kuvert (foto om du vill ha något signerat)
- Lägg helst in ett eget kuvert med ditt namn och adress på.
- Det brukar gå fortare om du lägger in lite pengar i deras valuta - inget måste
- Sätt på frimärken
- Posta.
- Vänta.
Paris Hilton tycker om Robert Pattinson! :D
Så här säger Paris:
'' - Jag såg ”Twilight” nyligen. Jag måste säga att Rob är en vacker man och en fantastisk skådis.
- Nu förstår jag vad alla snackar om. Jag njöt av filmen, inte minst på grund av Rob.''
Läs artikeln här.
Källa: twilightsweden! [underbar sida!]
Här är en bild jag avgudar:
Senare ska jag lägga upp en tävling..hehe hoppas det går bra! :D
Den kostar 249:- på!
Jag har även köpt dessa saker när jag ändå håller på:
Sen hade jag nummer 9 och 10 redan beställt.
Lista på saker och summa. Samtliga kommer från
1. Tjocktröja. Summa: 499:-
2. Rosalies Halskedja. Summa: 249:-
3. Team Edward armband. Summa: 99:-
4. Pennskrin. Summa: 99:-
5. Kalender. (18 månader) Summa: 149:-
6. Pins. Summa: 49:-
7. Poster. Summa: (på sidan står det 129:-, men när du lagt den i varukorgen kostar den bara 99,50:-)
8. Poster. Samma som över.
9. Team Edward t-shirt. Summa: 199:-
10. Bokmärke. Summa: 49:-
Sammanlagt gick allt som allt på ungefär 1.800 kronor. Visst det är mycket, men det är helt klart värt pengarna!
Taylor Lautner - 17 år idag!
Taylor är en amerikansk skådespelare och han är nog mest känd för sin roll i dessa filmer; The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D, Cheaper by the Dozen 2 och Twilight, där han då spelar Jacob Black.
Taylor föddes i Grand Rapids, Michigan, han är son till Deborah och Dan Lautner. Taylor började studera karate vid sex års åldern, han utbildade sig på Fabiano's Karate School i Holland, Michigan. Följande år började han vinna turneringar. Han blev snart inbjuden att träna med världen bästa karate-mästare Mike Chat och, när han var åtta år bads han representera sitt land och enligt sektionen i World Karate Association där han visade sig genom att bli Junior World Forms and Weapons champion , han vann tre guldmedaljer.
Taylor började sin skådespelarkarriär när hans kampsport instruktör övertalat honom till audition för en roll i en Burger King reklam i Los Angeles. Även om han misslyckades hade han fått uppleva så mycket att han beslutade att fullfölja en karriär inom skådespeleri. Snart var han och hans familj tvungna att åka fram-och-tillbaka mellan sitt hem i Michigan till Kalifornien för att Taylor skulle provspela för auditions för olika roller. När Taylor var tio, flyttade hans familj till Los Angeles för att tillåta honom vara skådespelare på heltid. Han fortsatte att blomstra i kampsporterns krets. År 2003, bara elva år gammal, var han var rankad etta i världen för NASKA's Black Belt Open Forms, Musical Weapons, Traditional Weapons and Traditional Forms och när han var tolv år gammal, vann han Junior World Championships.
Taylor började arbeta som skådespelare år 2001, för tv-filmen Shadow Fury. Därefter har han haft roller i serien Summerland, The Bernie Mac Show, och My wife and kids.
Han har också haft en återkommande roll på Danny Phantom som Youngblood.
Under 2005 hade han en stjärnmärkt roll som Sharkboy i The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D, en film som visar hans kampsports färdigheter. Taylor har sagt att fastän han arbetar som skådespelare vill han gå klart gymnasiet.
Hans stora genombrott kom 2005 när, vid en ålder av tretton, Taylor vann rollen Shark Boy i Robert Rodriguez film The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D. Han tillbringade tre månader på plats i Austin, Texas. I oktober 2008, spelade Taylor Christian Slaters son i TV-serien My Own Worst Enemy , tills det avbröts efter bara 9 avsnitt. Taylor har sedan spelade Native American karaktären Jacob Black i Twilight, filmen, filmatisering av boken ’’Om jag kunde drömma/twilight’’, roman av Stephenie Meyer. Det sägs att han även ska vara med i New Moon, fortsättningen av Twilight. Jag personligen tror att han är mest känd för sin roll som Jacob Black i Twilight, men, vad vet jag? :)
Jag tyckte det var en rolig information att läsa, källa: wikipedia. Förlåt för stavfel m.m.
Made by Gojidmal @ fg, otroligt fin! Tack så jättemkt! :D
Bild gjord av: Jessies @ fg. tack tack tack tack!! :D:D
Made by Wurst- @ fg! Tack så mycket! :D
New photoshoots! :DD
Jag skriver oftast ''källa''. Inte för att ni klagat, men just so you know! :)
Bilder tagna: här
Källa: Twilightsweden.
Nya snygga photoshoots på Nikki Reed! She's so pretty... <3 (Nikki spelar Rosalie)
Gosh.. fantastiskt leende..
Andra bilder jag lyckades fastna på:
[JAG ÄGER INGA BILDER, bilderna kommer från:]
So gorgeous... <3
Nu blir det sängen för mig, läkare imorrn! Usch!
Tips på forum/hemsidor/bloggar!
1. Twilightsverige - grymt bra blogg!
2. Twilightsweden - twilights officiella hemsida i sverige
3. Twilightfans - jättebra information! (roliga saker som månadens twilightfan m.m)
Tycker du att jag glömt någon/några? Länka i en kommentar! (Du får även länka din egen!! Dock måste det vara twilight-relaterat)
1. Twilightswedens forum! - Grymt forum! Är inne vardag. (åldersgräns 13. höhö...även om jag är 12..) [SVENSKT FORUM]
2. thetwilightseriesboards - Har inte varit medlem där så länge.. [ENGELSKT FORUM]
3. thetwilightforums - Har inte vart medlem så länge. (åldersgräns 13) [ENGELSKT FORUM]
Tips från mina läsare:
1. Twilightsaga
2. Twilightnews
Eftersom jag knappt varit inne på nummer 2&3 så kan jag inte riktigt säga vad jag tycker, men de är twilightforums så dem är säkert bra! Men jag rekomenderar starkt nummer 1!
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Bloggen går jättebra och det är jättekul att jag faktiskt har läsare! Nu tänkte jag fixa en ''knapp'' till blogglovin (bloggkoll). Skulle vara jättekul om ni(de som är medlemmar där såklart) kunde premma på mig. Detta är absolut inget krav, men det skulle vara jätteroligt! Så det kommer dyka upp snart i bloggen!
Just nu har jag alltså 3 prenumeranter! Tack till er! =)
( för er som inte vet hur ni gör så går ni in på, sen söker ni på '''' och trycker på plusset!
Snart fyller ju tre från twilight år! Och det ska jag fira med bildspecial och grundfakta...kanske en tävling? :)
Ha en fortsatt bra dag! Hoppas verkligen jag har energi till Taylors födelsedag! Kramar!
Breaking Dawn - FAQ *SPOILER*
Frequently Asked Questions: Breaking Dawn
Jag publicerar dessa FAQ på engelska, eftersom Stephenie förklarar bäst själv.These are the most popular questions that I got while on tour. This page is thick with explicit spoilers, so I would recommend not reading this if you have not yet read the book but are still planning to.
What does the cover mean?
Breaking Dawn's cover is a metaphor for Bella's progression throughout the entire saga. She began as the weakest (at least physically, when compared to vampires and werewolves) player on the board: the pawn. She ended as the strongest: the queen. In the end, it's Bella that brings about the win for the Cullens.
What does the title mean?
The title Breaking Dawn is a reference to the beginning of Bella's vampire life.
What does the Book I prologue refer to?
These are Bella's thoughts about Renesmee, during the time when her life was in serious danger from the pregnancy.
Why the big build-up for a fight that didn't happen?
I'm not the kind of person who writes a Hamlet ending. If the fight had happened, it would have ended with 90% of the combatants, Cullen and Volturi alike, destroyed. There was simply no other outcome once the fight got started, given the abilities and numbers of the opposing sides. Because I would never finish Bella's story on such a downer—Everybody dies!—I knew that the real battle would be mental. It was a game of maneuvering, with the champion winning not by destroying the other side, but by being able to walk away. This was another reason I liked the chess metaphor on the cover—it really fit the feel of that final game. I put a clue into the manuscript as well. Alice tore a page from The Merchant of Venice because the end of Breaking Dawn was going to be somewhat similar: bloodshed appears inevitable, doom approaches, and then the power is reversed and the game is won by some clever verbal strategies; no blood is shed, and the romantic pairings all have a happily ever after.
What was the other book besides Midsummer Night's Dream that you said influenced Breaking Dawn?
As noted above, it was The Merchant of Venice.
What happened to Marcus's wife?
Once upon a time, a fairly young vampire (he had only been a vampire for a decade and a half) named Aro changed his young sister Didyme, who had just reached adulthood, into a vampire in order to add her to his growing coven. Aro always wanted power, and because he himself had a potent mind-reading gift, he hoped his biological sister would also be gifted in a way that would help him rise in the vampire world. It turned out that Didyme did have a gift; she carried with her an aura of happiness that affected everyone who came near her. Though it wasn't exactly what he had hoped for, Aro pondered the best ways he could use this gift. Meanwhile, Aro's most trusted partner, Marcus, fell in love with Didyme. This was not unusual; given the way she made people feel, lots of people fell in love with Didyme. The difference was that this time, Didyme fell in love herself. The two of them were tremendously happy. So happy, in fact that, after a while, they no longer cared that much about Aro's plans for domination. After a few centuries, Didyme and Marcus discussed going their own way. Of course, Aro was well aware of their intentions. He was not happy about it, but he pretended to give his blessing. Then he waited for an opportunity to act, and when he knew he would never be found out, he murdered his sister. After all, Marcus's gift was much more useful to him than hers had been. This is not to say that Aro did not truly love his sister; it's just that a key part of his personality is the ability to destroy even what he loves in order to further his ambitions. Marcus never found out that Aro was responsible for Didyme's death. He became an empty man. Aro used Chelsea's gift to keep Marcus loyal to the Volturi, though not even Chelsea's gift could make Marcus show any enthusiasm for it.
How different is Breaking Dawn from Forever Dawn? What changed, what stayed the same, and why? Will you ever post extras from Forever Dawn?
The basic story is the same. Bella and Edward get married and go to Isle Esme for their honeymoon. Bella gets pregnant with Renesmee. The birth just about kills Bella, but Edward makes her a vampire in time. Jacob imprints on Renesmee. Alice has a vision of the Volturi coming to destroy the Cullens with the "immortal child" as their excuse. Alice bails. Bella's shielding abilities turn the tide in the Cullen's favor, along with Alice bringing home another half-vampire to prove that Nessie isn't a danger.
The things that are different:
- Jacob and Bella are not nearly so close. None of the events of New Moon or Eclipse exist; Edward never leaves, so Bella and Jacob never bond. Jacob's feelings for Bella remain at crush level.
- Due in part to Jacob being a smaller character, the werewolf pack is only sketchily developed. It exists as a whole, but there isn't much information about the individuals. Most of the wolves do not have names.
- The entire story is written in Bella's perspective. Because of this, there is a lot more emphasis on the pregnancy phase.
- Jacob isn't there at the delivery, naturally, so he imprints on Renesmee a few weeks later when Bella is visiting Charlie.
- With no New Moon or Eclipse, Victoria and Laurent are both still alive. Laurent stays happily with Irina and sides with the Cullens in the confrontation with the Volturi. It is Victoria rather than Irina who informs on the Cullens to the Volturi. She creates a new friend, Riley, to make the actual accusation. She doesn't want Aro to know about her agenda—or the fact that the baby is only half-vampire, of which she is aware.
- The wolves kill Victoria. She is the only casualty at the final confrontation.
- The last chapter ends the same way, but there is an epilogue. It involves Max (J. Jenk's assistant). Bella's initial interaction with him is a little bit longer and, feeling she owes him a favor, she gives him her number and tells him she will help him out in return if he ever needs a favor of his own. Max gets himself into some trouble, and Bella gets to play Superman.
I may post some extras someday if I ever have time to go back through the Forever Dawn manuscript—it's just as long as Breaking Dawn. There are a couple of things that family members told me they particularly missed, so I would start there.
Why the name Renesmee?
Well, I couldn't call her Jennifer or Ashley. What do you name the most unique baby in the world? I looked through a lot of baby name websites. Eventually I realized that there was no human name that was going to work for me, so I surrendered to necessity and made up my own. I don't approve of such shenanigans in real life, I don't even believe in getting creative with spellings for real kids! But this was fantasy, and no human name fit, so I did the best I could. I named Renesmee so long ago—Fall 2003—that the name now sounds really natural to me. It wasn't until people started mentioning it that I remembered, "Oh, yeah, it is a weird name, isn't it?"
What's the deal with "shapeshifters"?
What is the definition of a werewolf? Is it a man who changes into a wolf? Or is it a man who, once infected by a werewolf bite, changes into a wolf during a full moon? If you go with the basic description, then the Quileutes are werewolves. It's not a distinction that really matters on a normal day. During the standoff with the Volturi (not a normal day), Edward sees that Caius is going to use the treaty with the werewolves as an excuse to attack. He's aware of the distinction between these wolves and the more traditional kind, and though it's only a technicality, he is able to use it to deflect the attack. Technically, the Volturi aren't at war with these wolves and Edward stresses the word "shapeshifter" in order to make the distinction clearer to the witnesses. The Quileutes weren't aware of the existence of a different species of werewolves, but Carlisle and Edward were. There was a hint about this at the end of Eclipse when Edward says to Victoria (referring to Seth), "Is he really so much like the monster James tracked across Siberia?"
What happened to Leah?
Leah is currently pretty satisfied with life. She's free from Sam's pack, which is a very happy thing for her. She's the "beta" in Jacob's pack, which she can't help but be a little smug about around her pack brothers (its kind of a big deal in wolf terms). Jacob has become the reliable friend that she's been needing for quite some time, and he's a real comfort to her, though they conceal their fondness for each other with constant bickering. She has absolutely no romantic interest in Jacob, and the whole Nessie thing only bothers her in that it ties her to the vampires.
What happened to Sam's father?
Sam's father disappeared when Sam was very young. He wasn't a great person, and the stress of providing for a family was too much for him, so he skipped out. This is one of the reasons that Sam is mature beyond his years. He picked up a lot of the slack.
Is Billy actually Ephraim?
No, Billy is not Ephraim. Billy is Ephraim's grandson.
Who is Embry's father?
I don't know who Embry's father is. I'm aware that this lack of knowledge is annoying to some people. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to explain myself in more detail—that's one of the drawbacks of interviews. You don't know what you will be asked, you don't have much time to come up with an answer, and if you give an answer that is too long, they cut it down into a form that doesn't make sense. So you have to think on your feet and speak in sound bites. I'm not great at either.
I'm going to try to explain what it means when I say that I don't know something, or that a character hasn't revealed some part of himself to me. Those statements are both shorthand answers for a long and complicated explanation that doesn't work for a sound bite or a stage presentation. No two people write the same way, so I don't know if this will make sense to anyone else.
When I write a story, I start out with infinite possibilities. As I describe any character or plot point, I make those characteristics finite. For example, once I decide Bella is a brunette, all of her blonde and redhead possibilities disappear. Once I decide Bella lives in Washington, all the other places she might have lived are gone. There's this huge universe of options that I slowly whittle down into a more focused reality. Until I need to know a certain fact about the character, all the possibilities stay open out there in that universe of possibilities. If I set something in concrete prematurely, it could be a stumbling block later, so I try to keep an open mind about details until they become necessary to the story. If I explore a character too early, that can lock me into a situation that might be difficult to work with later.
So, I haven't explored the three main options for Embry's father this deeply yet. Someday, if it becomes necessary to a story, I'll comb through each character, look at his history and his present, and see which option makes the most sense. I'll more fully sketch out the internal workings of Billy, Quil Sr., and Samuel Sr. and see whose character supports this backstory best. That's what I mean when I say that the characters haven't told me yet. I haven't dug into them deeply enough to see if this information rings true with who the character is.
Someday, if I continue with the Twilight universe, maybe it will become necessary for me to know who Embry's dad is. I'm not to that point, and I don't want to just give a glib, "Oh it's ___________" kind of answer, because I might regret it later.
Vampires and pregnancy: when did that idea occur to you? How does that work?
The first seed (no pun intended) was planted when I did Bella's computer research in chapter seven of Twilight. Bella reads about several real vampire legends—the Danag, Estrie, Upier, etc. In the novel, I only mentioned a few of the many legends I read through. One that I didn't mention at this point was the entry on the Incubus. The unique feature about that legend was that the incubus could father children. Hmmm, I said, and I filed that kernel of an idea away for later. When I decided to write the first sequel to Twilight (Forever Dawn), I knew it was going to revolve around a hybrid baby from the outset.
When my editor and I decided to go back and really develop Bella's last year of high school, I did so with the knowledge that it was all going to end up with the events in Breaking Dawn. Everything I wrote was pointed in that direction.
I was always very careful when I answered the "Can vampires have babies?" question, because I didn't want to say anything incorrect, but I also didn't want to make the future super-obvious. I focused my answers on the female half of the equation—female vampires cannot have children because their bodies no longer change in any aspect. There is no changing cycle to begin with, and their bodies couldn't expand to fit a growing child, either. I purposely evaded answering the question, "Can a male vampire get a human female pregnant?" to preserve a tiny bit of surprise in the last book. There were many statements on this subject purported to have come from me, but I never made those comments because, obviously, I knew where this was going.
Now, on to the "how is this possible?" question. First of all, of course it's not possible. None of this story is possible. It's a fantasy story about creatures that don't actually exist. Within the context of the fantasy, however, this is how it works:
Vampires are physically similar enough to their human origins to pass as humans under some circumstances (like cloudy days). There are many basic differences. They appear to have skin like ours, albeit very fair skin. The skin serves the same general purpose of protecting the body. However, the cells that make up their skin are not pliant like our cells, they are hard and reflective like crystal. A fluid similar to the venom in their mouths works as a lubricant between the cells, which makes movement possible (note: this fluid is very flammable). A fluid similar to the same venom lubricates their eyes so that their eyes can move easily in their sockets. (However, they don't produce tears because tears exist to protect the eye from damage, and nothing is going to be able to scratch a vampire's eye.) The lubricant-venom in the eyes and skin is not able to infect a human the way saliva-venom can. Similarly, throughout the vampire's body are many versions of venom-based fluids that retain a marked resemblance to the fluid that was replaced, and function in much the same way and toward the same purpose. Though there is no venom replacement that works precisely like blood, many of the functions of blood are carried on in some form. Also, the nervous system runs in a slightly different but heightened way. Some involuntary reactions, like breathing, continue (in that specific example because vampires use the scents in the air much more than we do, rather than out of a need for oxygen). Other involuntary reactions, like blinking, don't exist because there is no purpose for them. The normal reactions of arousal are still present in vampires, made possible by venom-related fluids that cause tissues to react similarly as they do to an influx of blood. Like with vampire skin—which looks similar to human skin and has the same basic function—fluids closely related to seminal fluids still exist in male vampires, which carry genetic information and are capable of bonding with a human ovum. This was not a known fact in the vampire world (outside of Joham's personal experimenting) before Nessie, because it's nearly impossible for a vampire to be that near a human and not kill her.
I didn't get into all of these details at my signings because it's a long, complicated mouthful. Also, it's hard to be clearly heard with all the screaming. Mostly, though, I waited to do this in writing because I have an immature, Homer Simpson-like tendency to giggle when I say the words "seminal fluids" in public.
Why did you decide to end the saga?
The Twilight Saga is really Bella's story, and this was the natural place for her story to wind up. She overcame the major obstacles in her path and fought her way to the place she wanted to be. I suppose I could try to prolong her story unnaturally, but it wouldn't be interesting enough to keep me writing. Stories need conflict, and the conflicts that are Bella-centric are resolved.
How do you feel about the Breaking Dawn controversy?
It makes me sad, of course, but I was expecting it. The negative was more than I was braced for, but that was because the book sold a lot more copies than I expected. It was bigger than I thought it would be on both the positive and the negative sides.
It's inevitable that the bigger your audience gets, the bigger the group who doesn't like what they're reading will be. Because no book is a good book for everyone. Every individual has their own personal taste and experience, and that's why there are such a great variety of books on the shelves. There are lots of very popular books that I don't enjoy at all. Conversely, there are books that I adore that no one else seems to care about. The surprise to me is that so many people do like my books. I wrote them for a very specific audience of one, and so there was no guarantee that any other person on the planet besides me would enjoy them.
When I publish a book, I know that it's not going to be right for every person who picks it up. With Breaking Dawn, the expectation was so huge and so intense that I knew the negative reaction was going to be especially bad this time. In the end, it's just a book. No book—or album, or movie, or tv show, or any other kind of entertainment—can answer to that level of expectation. Oh, it might do it for some people, it might be exactly what they were looking for. But there's always going to be another group who was looking for
something else.
It's a hard thing to have people unhappy with you, but there's nothing I can do. Either Breaking Dawn entertains you or it doesn't. If I could go back in time, knowing everything I know right now, and write the whole series again, I would write exactly the same story. (The writing would be better, though—practice makes perfect.) This is the story I wanted to write, and I love Breaking Dawn. It's everything I wanted in the last novel of my saga. People's reactions don't change that.
I've heard you say that you think Breaking Dawn should be two movies. Why? Also, that it
might be impossible to film. What does that mean?
If Breaking Dawn were ever made into a movie, it's hard to imagine it fitting into ninety minutes. The book is just so long! I can't imagine how to distill it—if I could, the book would be shorter. But maybe a screenwriter can see a way to do it and still cover the crucial plot points.
When I said that Breaking Dawn might be impossible to film, it's because of Renesmee. You can do almost anything with CGI these days—realistic dragons and dinosaurs and endless amounts of nonexistent creatures that blend right in with the real elements. Some of them look so real you forget they're not. However, the one thing that I've never seen is a CGI human being who truly looks real. An actress can't play Renesmee, at least not when she's a few days old; she's the size of a baby, but her expressions are totally controlled and aware. She would have to be a construct, and CGI isn't quite there yet. Of course, they develop amazing new technologies everyday, and we've got a little time left.
Is Bella an anti-feminist heroine?
When I hear or read theories about Bella being an anti-feminist character, those theories
are usually predicated on her choices. In the beginning, she chooses romantic love over everything else. Eventually, she chooses to marry at an early age and then chooses to keep an unexpected and dangerous baby. I never meant for her fictional choices to be a model for anyone else's real life choices. She is a character in a story, nothing more or less. On top of that, this is not even realistic fiction, it's a fantasy with vampires and werewolves, so no one could ever make her exact choices. Bella chooses things differently than how I would do it if I were in her shoes, because she is a very different type of person than I am. Also, she's in a situation that none of us has ever been in, because she lives in a fantasy world. But do her choices make her a negative example of empowerment? For myself personally, I don't think so.
In my own opinion (key word), the foundation of feminism is this: being able to choose. The core of anti-feminism is, conversely, telling a woman she can't do something solely because she's a woman—taking any choice away from her specifically because of her gender. "You can't be an astronaut, because you're a woman. You can't be president because you're a woman. You can't run a company because you're a woman." All of those oppressive "can't"s.
One of the weird things about modern feminism is that some feminists seem to be putting their own limits on women's choices. That feels backward to me. It's as if you can't choose a family on your own terms and still be considered a strong woman. How is that empowering? Are there rules about if, when, and how we love or marry and if, when, and how we have kids? Are there jobs we can and can't have in order to be a "real" feminist? To me, those limitations seem anti-feminist in basic principle.
Do I think eighteen is a good age at which to get married? Personally—as in, for the person I was at eighteen—no. However, Bella is constrained by fantastic circumstances that I never had to deal with. The person she loves is physically seventeen, and he's not going to change. If she and he are going to be on a healthy relationship footing, she can't age too far beyond him. Also, marriage is re
ally an insignificant commitment compared to giving up your mortality, so it's funny to me that some people are hung up on one and not the other. Is eighteen too young to give up your mortality? For me, any age
is too young for that. For Bella, it was what she really wanted for her life, and it wasn't a phase she was going to grow out of. So I don't have issues with her choice. She's a strong person who goes after what she wants with persistence and determination.
What are you going to do next? Will you continue with the Twilight universe?
I think I need a break from vampires. At this exact point in time, I don't feel like I will go back to Forks. However, I also don't feel comfortable with telling people what I had planned for further novels. Maybe part of me is protecting those secrets because I'm not ready to leave my vampires behind. Or maybe it's just habit from five years of compulsory secrecy. I'm sure it will be a while before I figure out which one is the real reason. Things will probably be clearer after I've been away from the stories for a while.
I really enjoyed working on The Host, doing something totally different, and I'd like to have that experience again of starting a new world from scratch. I have several other stories that I've been waiting to work on. At this moment, I'm torn between two, but I'm planning to commit to one of them very soon.
Mössa, och lost?
(bilder tagna igår, den sjunde februari.)
Vad är det egentligen med mössor för twilightskådespelarna...?
Här ser man även Rob i en mössa:
Glöm inte rösta på Twilight va?!
Böckerna som blivit nominerade är:
* Diary of a Wimpy Kid
* Diary of a Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book
* Harry Potter series
*Twilight series
Röstningen börjar den andra mars, glöm inte rösta!!
HÄR hittar ni sidan.
Breaking dawn blir film
''The production company has acquired the rights (optioned property) from Stephenie Meyer to film and distribute Breaking Dawn, the fourth novel in her series. However Breaking Dawn will not begin production until sometime in early 2010.''
Tre skådespelare..
Taylor Lautner 11 februari
Sarah Clarke 16 februari
Ashley Greene 21 februari
Det är fem dagars mellanrum mellan de tre födelsedagarna xD
Jag jobbar på att fixa en bildspecial till var och en. :) Just nu bjuder jag på tre enkla bilder bara.
Jacob Black, spelas av Taylor Lautner:
Renée, Isabellas mamma:
Alice Cullen, spelas av Ashley Greene:
Taylour fyller 17. Så han var alltså 16 när han spelade in Twilight.
Sarah fyller 27. ( rätta mig om jag har fel! )
Ashley fyller 22. (rätta mig om jag har fel!)
Kristen Stewart
Hon är en numera amerikansk skådespelerska. De kändaste filmerna hon medverkat i är Panic Room, Speak, Into the Wild och Twilight. Hon ska även vara med i fortsättningsfilmerna i Twilight som heter New Moon och Eclipse, Det är ännu inte klart om fjärde boken ska bli en film.
Kristen är alltså född och uppvuxen i Los Angeles. Hennes pappa heter John Stewart och är televisionsproducent och har jobbat för det stora företaget Fox. Hennes mamma skriver manus och kommer från Australien. Hon har också en storebror, Cameron. Kristen bor i dagsläget kvar i Los Angeles med sin familj.
Så det är inte så konstigt att Kristen blev skådespelare med såna föräldrar!
Biografi: (lång lista!)
* 2001 The Safety of Objects - Sam Jennings
* 2002 Panic Room – Sarah Altman
* 2003 Cold Creek Manor – Kristen Tilson
* 2004 Speak – Melinda Sordino
* 2004 Catch That Kid – Maddy
* 2004 Undertow – Lila
* 2005 Fierce People – Maya Osbourne
* 2005 Zathura – Lisa
* 2007 The Messengers – Jess Solomon
* 2007 In the Land of Women – Lucy Hardwicke
* 2007 The Cake Eaters – Georgia
* 2007 Into the Wild – Tracy Tatro
* 2007 Cutlass – Young Robin
* 2008 Jumper – Sophie Cameo
* 2008 What Just Happened? – Zoe
* 2008 Yellow Handkerchief – Martine
* 2008 Adventureland – Em
* 2008 Twilight – Isabella Swan
* 2009 Welcome to the Rileys
* 2009 New Moon - Isabella Swan
* 2010 Eclipse - Isabella Swan (datum icke besämt ännu, alltså bara ett rykte.)
Som ni ser så filmade hon alltså inte bara in Twilight år 2008, utan även FYRA andra filmer. Hon ligger då inte på latsidan!
The biggest online website:
Bilder; biografi.
The messengers:
In the Land of Women – Lucy Hardwicke:
The Safety of Objects - Sam Jennings: ( SER NI SÅ GRYMT LITEN?! detta är år 2001)
Zathura – Lisa:
Adventureland – Em:
Twilight - Isabella Swan:
Do you se the different?! Vilken karriär den här tjejen har gjort. Man kan inte låta bli att bli imponerad!
Ser ni skillnaden från 2001 till 2009?! Jag gör det! Dessutom tycker jag hon är sötare som brunett än blondin! =)
Eclipse - boken
Eclipse (Ljudet av ditt hjärta)
"BELLA?"Edwards mjuka röst hördes bakom mig. Jag vände mig om och såg honom jogga uppför trappan, med vindrufsigt hår efter att ha sprungit. Han omfamnade mig genast, precis som på parkeringsplatsen, och kysste mig igen.
Kyssen skrämde mig. Den var för laddad och hans läppar pressades alltför hårt och desperat mot mina - som om han var rädd att vår tid höll på att rinna ut.
* * *
En våldsam seriemördare härjar i Seattle och en ondskefull vampyr fortsätter sin jakt för att ta ut sin hämnd på Bella som åter igen befinner sig omgiven av fara. Samtidigt tvingas hon att välja mellan sin älskade Edward och sin vänskap med Jacob. Och hennes val riskerar att blåsa liv i den urgamla kampen mellan vampyrer och varulvar.
Men Bella har också ett annat val att göra - valet mellan liv eller död. Men vad är vad?
New Moon, boken, och storyn bakom
New Moon by Stephenie Meyer
"Shoot," I muttered when the paper sliced my finger; I pulled it out to examine the damage. A single drop of blood oozed from the tiny cut.
It all happened very quickly then.
Edward threw himself at me, flinging me back across the table...
I tumbled down to the floor by the piano, with my arms thrown out instinctively to catch my fall, into the jagged shards of glass. I felt the searing, stinging pain that ran from my wrist to the crease inside my elbow.
Dazed and disoriented, I looked up from the bright red blood pulsing out of my arm—into the fevered eyes of the six suddenly ravenous vampires.
Men att vara kär i en vampyr är ännu farligare än Bella någonsin kan föreställa sig.
Edward har redan räddat Bella ur klorna på en ond vampyr, men nu, när deras redan vågade förhållande hotar allt som är dem kärt, inser de att deras problem kan vara bara början ...
Bella firar sin födelsedag tillsammans med Edward och hans familj. Men firandet får ett minst sagt abrupt slut när Bella skär sig på en glasskärva och familjens "yngsta" vampyr inte kan lägga band på sina känslor utan kastar sig över henne. Händelsen får Edward att inse vilken fara han och hans familj utgör för Bella ...
Med en oemotståndlig kombination av romantik och spänning berättar Stephenie Meyer vidare om Bellas och Edwards omöjliga kärlek.
Legions of readers entranced by the New York Times bestseller Twilight are hungry for the continuing story of star-crossed lovers, Bella and Edward. In New Moon, Stephenie Meyer delivers another irresistible combination of romance and suspense with a supernatural twist. Passionate, riveting, and full of surprising twists and turns, this vampire love saga is well on its way to literary immortality.
The Story Behind the Writing of New Moon
**A note: I don't pull any punches here, so if you haven't read New Moon and you don't want to be spoiled, don't read this.**
Writing a sequel is a very different experience than writing a story. It was for me, at least.
If you've read the story behind Twilight, then you know that I didn't set out to write a novel or begin a career as an author. I was just writing down a story for my personal enjoyment, letting it grow as it would and lead where it would. No pressure, just fun.
The first sequel I wrote to Twilight—Forever Dawn—was more of the same. I wasn't planning a sequel any more than I was planning to write a book in the first place. Originally, Twilight had a more defined ending. But, when it was ended, I started writing epilogues. After I'd written three epilogues, all of them over a hundred pages long, I realized I wasn't ready to stop writing about Bella and Edward. One of those epilogues turned into Forever Dawn.
(People often ask me if I'm ever going to make Forever Dawn public. The answer is no. For one thing, it's not great—it's downright embarrassing in some places. However, some of the content will work as a loose outline for book four, so I can't tell you what happened, either.)
I was about three hundred pages into Forever Dawn when my life got turned upside down. Twilight was going to be published. People were going to read what I was writing. More specifically, young adults were going to be reading what I was writing. Unintentionally, I'd written a young adult novel. I realized pretty quickly that Forever Dawn did not follow the rules of YA. Because I was caught up in the story, I finished Forever Dawn anyway, knowing that it would never see the light of day; I gave it to my big sister as a birthday gift. And then I started on the real sequel.
The biggest non-YA thing I'd done with Forever Dawn was this: I'd pretty much passed over the rest of Bella's high school experience entirely, skipping ahead to a time in her life with more mature themes. So, as I began to sketch out New Moon, I went back to Bella's senior year of high school and asked my little cast of characters, "What happened?"
I swiftly regretted asking them for the story. Because they gave me a story I wasn't expecting. More specifically, Edward told me something I didn't want to hear.
I should probably mention here that I am not crazy (that I know of), it's just that I am a character writer. I write my stories because of my characters; they are the motivation and the reward. The difficulty with strong, defined characters, though, is that you can't make them do something that is out of character. They have to be who they are and, as a writer, they're often out of your control.
As I started plotting New Moon (untitled at that point), it became clear that Edward was Edward, and he would have to behave as only Edward would. And, because of that, Edward was leaving.
NO! I didn't want Edward to leave. I pitched a fit every bit as violent and tearful as those I've seen in New Moon discussion forums. I tried to talk him out of it. I presented him with other plot options. I begged. Edward remained unmoved.
Someday, when Midnight Sun (Edward's version of Twilight) is available, I think you'll understand better what was going on in the boy's head. See, just as Bella doesn't think she's good enough for Edward, Edward sees himself as a soulless monster destroying Bella's life and endangering her afterlife. The incident with Jasper acts as a catalyst, forcing him to act. He is determined to save Bella. He thinks the best way to do this is to take the vampires out of her life.
Is he being silly? In some ways, yes. But he can't see any other way to protect Bella. Edward's dealing with the idea that if he hadn't been quick enough, if he hadn't read Jasper's thoughts just in the nick of time, then would that—death—have been better for Bella than a life with Edward? If she died at eighteen and went to heaven, wouldn't that be better than an immortal but soulless and damned existence? Edward thinks so. However, he knows he'd never be able to watch her die. Consequently, he'd better get away from her before something happens that makes biting her a necessity...
So there I was, with Edward leaving. It was a hard pill to swallow, but once I accepted the inevitability of it, I had an interesting question on my hands. (And writers live for interesting questions.)
WHAT IF... What if true love left you? Not some ordinary high school romance, not some random jock boyfriend, not anyone at all replaceable. True love. The real deal. Your other half, your true soul's match. What happens if he leaves?
The answer is different for everyone. Juliet had her version, Marianne Dashwood had hers, Isolde and Catherine Earnshaw and Scarlett O'Hara and Anne Shirley all had their ways of coping.
I had to answer the question for Bella. What does Bella Swan do when true love leaves her? Not just true love, but Edward Cullen! None of those other heroines lost an Edward (Romeo was a hothead, Willoughby was a scoundrel, Tristan had loyalty issues, Heathcliff was pure evil, Rhett had a mean streak and cheated with hookers, and sweet Gilbert was much more of a Jacob than an Edward). So what happens when True Love in the form of Edward Cullen leaves Bella?
I let Bella answer the question for herself, writing to see what she would do. It was hard to write her pain, because I had to live it to write it, and I was often writing through my tears. At the same time, it was always interesting. Bella surprised me with her grit and dogged determination. She pushed through the agony, living for others—Charlie in this case—as has always been her style.
(Side note: there are those who think Bella is a wuss. There are those who think my stories are misogynistic—the damsel in distress must be rescued by strong hero.
To the first accusation, I can only say that we all handle grief in our own way. Bella's way is no less valid than any other to my mind. Detractors of her reaction don't always take into account that I'm talking about true love here, rather than high school infatuation.
I emphatically reject the second accusation. I am all about girl power—look at Alice and Jane if you doubt that. I am not anti-female, I am anti-human. I wrote this story from the perspective of a female human because that came most naturally, as you might imagine. But if the narrator had been a male human, it would not have changed the events. When a human being is totally surrounded by creatures with supernatural strength, speed, senses, and various other uncanny powers, he or she is not going to be able to hold his or her own. Sorry. That's just the way it is. We can't all be slayers. Bella does pretty well I think, all things considered. She saves Edward, after all. Side note/rant over. Back to the story.)
And thus was born the basic premise of New Moon, and with it the title. To follow after Twilight, I needed a time of day to reflect the mood of the sequel. As this is the blackest period of Bella's life, I thought it appropriate to name the book after the darkest kind of night, a night with no moon.
When the advanced reading copies began to fall into the hands of my fans, I asked people read New Moon twice, promising that I would explain why later. It's later, and this is why: the first time through New Moon, I've found that readers are so anxious about the absence of Edward that they can't settle into the middle portion of the book. They skim and speed read and flip ahead until, at last, they find him again. However, at that point they've missed the main section of the novel almost completely. On a second reading, knowing that Edward will return to the story at the proper place and time, the reader can slow down and enjoy the wondrousness that is Jacob Black.
And with that as a segue, on to the benefits!
I didn't realize until I was working on the resolution how much my characters had gained from this experience. Vital stuff. Without this painful separation, Bella might never have realized that Edward really is hers to keep. No matter how perfect she thinks he is, or how imperfect she thinks she is, he belongs to her. Words can't quite capture the life-changing nature of this knowledge for Bella.
Equally as cataclysmic—Edward finally realizes the intensity of Bella's feelings for him, something he has always underestimated. Here's the thing about Edward: he knows human nature pretty well. He's seen a hundred thousand human relationships from the inside, and none of them have come close to touching the depth and everlasting devotion of Carlisle's and Esme's love, or Alice's and Jasper's, or even Rosalie's and Emmett's. Can you blame him for thinking himself—after one hundred years of immortal experience—capable of a more profound love than his eighteen-year-old human girlfriend? Edward is, understandably, a bit of a know-it-all. He learns a lot through this experience, the most important being that Bella's feelings for him are an exception to the human rule. Something else he learns (not quite as important, but still good to know) is that, despite all his knowledge, he is fully able to make hideous mistakes in judgment.
Ah, and then there is my favorite gift that New Moon gave to me: Jacob Black.
Jacob's development into a major character was a strange journey. Originally, Jacob was just a device. In Twilight, Bella needed a way to find out the truth about Edward, and the conveniently located Quileute Tribe, with all their fantastic legends, provided a cool option for that revelation. And so Jacob was born—born to tell Bella and Edward's secret.
Something happened then that I didn't expect. Jacob was my first experience with a character taking over—a minor character developing such roundness and life that I couldn't keep him locked inside a tiny role. (Since Jacob, this has reoccurred with several other meant-to-be-minor characters. I really love it when this happens, though it often destroys my outlines.) From the very beginning, even when Jacob only appeared in chapter six of Twilight, he was so alive. I liked him. More than I should for such a small part. Bella liked him. Her instinctive trust and affection came without my intervention. And it wasn't just us; my agent did, too. "I love that Jacob kid," Jodi said (or something to that effect-this all happened in 2003). My editor agreed. "Can we get more Jacob in the story?" Megan asked.
Oh yes, we could!
I was writing New Moon and editing Twilight simultaneously. So, when Jacob Black started taking over New Moon, I was able to go back and weave Jacob and Billy throughout Twilight more centrally.
Lots of people give me more credit than I deserve; they think I knew Jacob was a werewolf from the very beginning. This is not the case. Twilight was supposed to be a stand alone novel, remember. There was no thought of werewolves in my mind as I wrote it. The Quileute (Quill-yoot) legends Jacob tells Bella in chapter six of Twilight are all genuine Quileute stories that I learned when I was researching the tribe (which is a real tribe with a truly fascinating and mystical history). All actual Quileute legends, except for the vampire myth about the 'cold ones.' I latched onto the wolf story (the actual Quileute legend claims that the tribe descended from wolves transformed by a sorcerer) because it fit with my sketchy knowledge of vampires and werewolves always being at each others' throats (ha ha, pun intended). The dream Bella had of Jacob transforming into a wolf to protect her had no foreshadowing significance at the time. It was just my way of letting Bella's subconscious articulate the situation.
Of course, I of all people should know that dreams can have a serious impact on your life.
Bella's wolf dream was always one of my favorite visual images from Twilight. When I started working on New Moon, that image stuck with me. And I thought to myself, wouldn't it be cool if it was true—if ALL of Jacob's legends were founded in absolute fact? What if Jacob was descended from wolves?
It all started to come together then. Sam on the beach in Twilight was no longer just a believer in old traditions—he was the first contemporary wolf. Billy's warnings were more vital—he had concrete evidence on his hands, rather than just suspicions. And Jacob, my poor, sweet Jacob, had a whole secret heritage just waiting to come crashing down on him.
At that point all the crucial supports of the story were in place, and I only had to write it. Ha. Easier said then done.
It's hard to explain how joyous the writing process was for me when I was creating Twilight. It was something I did for fun and excitement, with no concern for what anyone else might think, because no one else was ever going to read it. With New Moon, I knew people were going to read it. And some of those people were going to have bright red pens in hand while reading. I knew enough about the editing process to know that there were painful changes ahead; the parts I loved now might not make the final cut. I was going to have to rethink and revise and rework. This made it very hard to put the words down, and I had a horrible feeling much like stage fright the whole time I was writing.
It took about five months, but the editing process was much longer and more difficult than the same process with Twilight. New Moon was a very hard story to tell, not only emotionally, but also functionally. It needed a lot of work. The New Moon outtakes I posted explain some of the bigger renovations that I had to make.
The good news is that I got over—or rather got used to—the stage fright. Book three was much easier in a multitude of ways. I learned a lot through the New Moon experience, and I grew as a writer. Even better, my characters grew and matured in interesting ways that gave me so much to work with throughout the rest of the series! I'm writing book four at this moment in time, and let me tell you, Forks is a very exciting place to be these days.
Kram Kinga
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Metro - del 4
New Moon's Kristen Stewart gets inside Bella's head
It is the role that catapulted her to stardom, and Kristen Stewart is about to reprise her part as Bella in the hotly anticipated sequel to Twilight — New Moon
What is it like to be back on set doing another Twilight film?
It’s a little bit surreal to be back doing a second one, just because it’s something that I thought about for an entire year and now it’s happening. But it’s sort of like I couldn’t wait any longer.
It’s hard. Usually you finish a movie and there’s a very long grieving process. You have to lose the character. You have to drop it from your mind or else it just continues to bug you. In this case, I couldn’t drop her completely and I worked in between, which is a strange sensation. It’s weird how easy it was to slip right back into it. I don’t know if it’s because I have such a reference, like the book, or because I knew that I just had to do it. I don’t know, but it feels good. It feels like I can finally release the pressure.
Isn’t that pressure kind of self-inflicted?
I have that feeling on every movie that I do. It’s just that this one,
I had to wait a year. Unless there’s something about the story or that
character I’m playing that literally needs to be fulfilled -- like,
consummated -- unless it’s actually lived through and physically
manifested, it’s just a story and it’s not done. So until you actually
bring it to life, you basically have the capability of murdering the
character on the page. If you don’t do it justice, then nobody else is
ever going to see those things and you’re never going to learn from
those experiences because you didn’t do it right.
So yeah, the thought of having to live through something that I find so worthwhile, and then subsequently have people learn from that through your own experience, I would do anything. I would jump off a cliff for it. Oh! There’s cliff-jumping in our movie. Perfect! (Laughs)
What are the changes in this second installment? Your character Bella takes risks again…
she loses what basically gives her the drive to do anything in her
whole life. She loses the man she’s in love with, but she also loses
her entire life plan, and she’s so young to have to be forced into a
decision like that. It’s just a glorified, elaborate version of the
worst breakup you’ve ever been through. All of a sudden you question
everything. All of a sudden you know nothing and you’re dropped in the
middle of a freezing cold ocean.
we have a character that’s warm enough and bright enough to bring her
out of that, and it’s truly gut-ripping. Because as perfect as Jacob is
for her, she holds on to an ideal, the ultimate fiery love that she has
for Edward even though it’s not comfortable, it’s not practical and
it’s not a good idea. So it’s really a very strong thing to do. It
takes someone who really trusts themselves.
So basically the movie starts out and everything’s great, and then it gets absolutely terrible, and then it gets maybe OK again, and then it’s" no, no, no, no – life is hard." It’s going to get hard again because he comes back again.
Is she introverted or just seeking an ideal?
It’s not that she’s incredibly introverted. She’s just yet to have found a connection that is truthful. She’s a seeker of the truth. She’s not one to get wrapped up in something that is a fantasy. She doesn’t set herself up for disappointment. So that’s what makes the story with her and Edward so compelling, in that this is a girl that normally wouldn’t do something this crazy.
So what does Kristen prefer, the werewolf or the vampire?
Kristen shouldn’t open her mouth (Laughs). Kristen is entirely torn. Kristen should stop using her name in the third person.
You were virtually unknown when you shot Twilight. How has your life changed since its phenomenal success?
My life hasn’t changed. Most circumstances I find myself in are different than they were a year ago, but I myself haven’t changed...however a normal 18-year-old girl would change in a year. But it makes things so much easier. I would do it for free every day [even] if nobody saw it. I cannot describe how good it feels to actually have something that is truly into your heart and soul actually affecting people. And that’s amazing. So that’s the biggest change.
Has success changed you?
It didn’t change me, it changed things around me a little bit...I’m so used to doing movies that nobody wants to see. To put your heart and soul into something for years of your life and have it actually affect people is probably the most satisfying, and that is a completely ineffective word to describe how satisfying it is.
Do you feel a responsibility towards the author's fans and the movie fans?
Yeah, absolutely. It’s a strange thing. You start something and you know that it’s going to take on a life of its own, but its already something so whole -- there are so many people that you’re going to inevitably either make happy or not. Everyone’s understanding of the story and love for it is going to show, even though there are little issues that everyone’s going to have because everybody reads the book differently. So of course we have a massive responsibility. Because of them, we’re able to do what we like to do.
What was it like coming back to a different director?
an actor, you don’t work with the same director on every film. And
this, it’s a continuation. It’s the same story but it is a different
movie. I love Catherine (Hardwicke). She’s a dear friend of mine, but
Chris (Weitz) – it just works out.
Besides all the technical, logistical reasons, Chris is so devoted and because he’s a man, there’s a common question. How is it having a man director? Is it a huge difference? You can’t make generalizations about people like that. He’s one of the most compassionate human beings I’ve ever met. Unfalteringly compassionate. He cares way too much for the story, and you need that. So he’s perfect.
How would you describe it to someone who hasn’t read the books or seen Twilight?
Anybody who’s ever been broken up with will probably watch this movie, and their temperature will probably go up.
How do I describe this? It’s a movie about ultimate devotion being ripped from you and thinking that your entire world that you’ve established is wrong. And then trying to get it back and realizing that it’s all OK. (Laughs) And vampires, werewolves, too, so that makes it even more exciting. Robert Pattinson is just so cute. So is Taylor Lautner. That’s what I would tell someone who doesn’t know about the movie yet.
You’re still quite young. Do you want to continue making movies or perhaps go to college?
I absolutely have no foresight. I used to think I had a lot when I was younger. I worked really hard in school to give myself options, and I’ve literally taken those options and thrown them down the toilet. Purposely – not to make that sound totally negative. It’s what I want. I want to keep doing what I’m doing.
It’s funny, people ask me all the time: “What do you do for fun? What do you do when you’re not acting?”
It’s a strange thing, acting. It’s a business, it’s a job, everything like that. All it is, is self-reflection. You just never stop caring about people and I’ve never stopped doing that, so I’m sure it’ll seep into other areas of my life. I want to write. I’m not going to school because I can’t take the structure of it, but I’m not going to stop learning.
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Dagens Bild 22/5-09
En gullig läsare, Josefin, skickade denna manipulation till mig... vet inte vem som gjort den dock!
vad tycker ni?
Kristen stewart - den ultimata huvudrollen.
Kristen Stewart har egentligen den ultimata huvudrollen i Twilight. Ändå kretsar allt om Robert Pattinson. Jag förstår egentligen inte hur det blivit så. Okej, jag tycker båda är söta, men robert är liksom..kille..och de flesta som sett twilight är ju oftast tjejer som blivit lite småkära i karaktären Edward Cullen/Robert Pattinson. Men egentligen är det Kristen som skulle glänsa, enligt mig. Hon gör mest jobb. Överallt kan jag hitta tidningsartiklar, bilder och annat på Robert. Men Kristen då? It's unfair. Även om jag gillar karaktären Edward mer än Bella så kan jag tycka det är lite orättvisst, men men!
Otroligt söta Kristen Stewart a.k.a Isabella Marie Swan.
Daniel Radcliffe - snyggare än Robert Pattinson?
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I den här artikeln. Själv är jag lite osäker. Jag är ett väldigt stort fan av Harry Potter [alla har säkert hört talas om dem], jag har alla filmer och alla böckerna - min barndomsidol kan man väl säga. Jag tycker Daniel Radcliffe var snyggare när han var med i filmen Azkaban - alltså var han runt 14. Nu har han ju växt till sig och låtit skägget växa. Menmen han bestämmer såklart själv. Men vem av dem är egentligen snyggast? Hm.. jag är mer förtjust i KARAKTÄREN Edward Cullen och inte Robert Pattinson... det var en svår fråga. Men jag kan inte låta bli att säga att Edward / Robert har det där lilla extra...
Metro - del 3
Chris Weitz takes the Twilight helm with New Moon
After the success of Twilight last year, New Moon — the latest film adaptation of Stephanie Meyer’s book series — is one of the most hotly anticipated movies to be released this year. Leading the production is director Chris Weitz, who is taking his first stab at the franchise.Q. How does it feel to take over directorial duties of such a successful franchise?
A. On the one hand, it’s exciting to take over a successful franchise. On the other, it’s daunting. There are so many fans who have high expectations for this film, but it’s made easy by the fact that I inherited this amazing cast who are certainly very talented. So half of the time, I’m just overjoyed to be a part of this and the other half, I’m nervous that I’m going to be hunted down and killed by a pack of 14-year-old teenage girls in about a year’s time!
Q. What was your reaction when you were first offered the job?
A. I was surprised because it happened very suddenly, and I had a week and a half to decide whether I was gong to do it or not. Then I saw the first film, I saw the case and I thought, 'This is going to be great, actually. Kristen, Rob and Taylor were great' - that’s what convinced me to do it. And I read the book and I thought I saw my way of making a good version of the book. It’s really a question of whether I can do justice to the book and to please the readers. That’s my job. It’s not to run away with it and just do my version of things. It’s to be faithful to their experience of reading it.
Q. “Twilight”, the first installment of the series, received some criticism for not being 100 per cent true to the book. Are you addressing some of these issues?
A. It’s impossible to be completely faithful to every single page of a book because movies don’t have enough time. So you end up cutting things and combining things. But I would say that we’re definitely using the book as our bible. My take on this film is the film is the book and Stephanie Mayer is my main resource for everything in this. I’m constantly checking with her to see if it’s something a character would do or a detail is right. You can never absolutely please everybody but my main intention is to satisfy the fans of the book.
Q. You’re a very visual director. What’s your vision for New Moon?
A. We’ve got an amazing visual effects team. The whole idea is to use the full palette of colors, to have our shadows be very dark and to have our colours be very rich so that we can experience the full range of emotional texture. The idea is that this will look like a Victorian narrative painting in a way, with those medieval jewel-like colours as well as very glossy deep blacks, and for the composition of the frames to be classical. In some ways, this is going to be a rather old-fashioned film. There are elements that incorporate the latest technology and there are things that are very dynamic in the action scenes. But it’s more Dr. Zhivago than Iron Man.
Q. Dr. Zhivago was a romance, much like Twilight…
A. Well, these books are wonderful romances and appeal to people’s sense of their lives and loves. At the same time, they’re also very grand in scope.
Q. Is it a way of aiming at older audiences?
A. I think that would be nice, too. Actually, I think there’s an older audience for the books as well -- which is the hidden demographic that people don’t acknowledge, that people’s mom’s are reading this as well! I want to render a version that satisfies the fans of the book but also appeals to an older audience as well. Alexander Desplats is going to do the music, which is another great thing for me. He’s someone I worked with before. I think he’s immensely talented. So the idea is to make something beautiful.
Q. Is the music very important in this kind of film?
A. It is. The book itself is a very internalized narrative and music can be extraordinarily helpful in conveying those kinds of nuances of emotion which otherwise what you would rely on is voiceover or people flat out stating what they feel, which they never, ever do. So it helps you avoid exposition and it can make it intro a really gorgeous nuanced affair. Films enjoy more senses that almost any other art form, so music is going to play a tremendous role in this.
Q. Could you tell us about New Moon and how it’s different from Twilight?
A. I think we get an opportunity to sort of expand our scope -- from the confines of the forest to Italy. Your sense of mythology of this world is deepened so that the story that underlies what was going on in the first movie becomes more and more clear. And there are a lot of secrets that were set up in the first book and the first movie that come to light in the second movie. So there are a lot of surprises in store.
Q. How do you keep the continuity of the story?
A. Well, we try to maintain a coherence so that nothing seems unrealistic or bizarre. One of the strengths of Stephenie Meyer’s books is that they manage to convey the normalness of people’s lives and the normalness of the main character, and yet feeds on all those supernatural and extraordinary elements. When we go to Italy [to shoot], we are dealing with this 2,000-year-old order of vampires. The key is to cast it and to design it in such a way that it doesn’t fall completely from the story, but it’s a beautiful and intricate part of the whole thing, while at the same time, giving you the sense that you’re opening up to this much bigger world. That part of the story is a reversal of the usual rules. Bella goes to save Edward. It’s not the guy saving the girl; it’s the other way around.
Q. Can you comment on some of your casting choices, like Dakota Fanning?
A. Dakota Fanning is playing Jane, who’s the most dangerous and evil of all of them. And it’s a part where she plays against type because you don’t think of Dakota Fanning as either evil or dangerous. But she’s an extraordinary actress and we’re lucky to have her. Michael Sheen plays the head of the Volturi, who are the law and order of the vampire world. I think he’s an extraordinarily accomplished actor and I just feel, again, fairly fortunate to have someone of his calibre.
Q. What is it about this story that resonates so much with its audience?
A. It deals with emotional occurrences that everyone has gone through. You’ve got all this supernatural stuff, but really what it’s about is falling in love for the first time, losing that love, wondering if you’ll ever be happy again, the restorative power of friendship, having to choose between the guy who seems the right guy or whether you’re going to hold out for the wrong person. This is true of girls, boys, men, women. We’ve all had the experience of falling in love or having unrequited love or being left and feeling miserable and hoping you can get someone back. All these things are universal.
Q. Stephen King wrote in a column that there is no substance, nor emotion in these books, unlike Harry Potter that he loves. What are the qualities of the books in your opinion?
A. The books address the feelings of love and loss that Stephen King isn’t particularly concerned with. (Laughs) I’m not terribly surprised that he says that. I would say, “physician, heal thyself.” Actually, the reason that they’re so successful is that people identify with the main character, with her sense of insecurity, with her sense of being singled out by someone extraordinarily special, with the sense of being broken up with, which is something everyone has experienced unless they are terribly, terribly lucky, and with the deep value of friendship as a way to heal. So I must respectfully disagree with Stephen King. (Laughs)
Q. How would you describe the books to someone who hasn’t read them?
A. I’d say it’s a story about heartbreak and reunion. It’s also a story about humans, vampires and werewolves at the same time. It has these elements which are all about human feelings and then it has elements which are magic, wonder, surprise and suspense.
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Metro: Sista delen - del 5
Robert Pattinson talks to Metro about his newly found fame
Robert Pattinson melted the hearts of many when Edward Cullen first appeared on screen in Twilight. The young actor is back in New Moon, but still admits he is shocked with the phenomenon Twilight has turned into. Pattinson sat down with Metro to talk about New Moon, his own success, and his character.
How is the filming going?
It’s great. To be honest, I am surprised at how relaxed it is. I was really nervous before we started because there’s so much expectation now. But with this team, everything seems to work really well. Everyone knows each other. It’s one of the most relaxed jobs I’ve ever worked on. It’s really strange. It’s going really well so far.
Last time we spoke, you told me that you still walked in the street without anyone recognizing you. I’m assuming that’s changed now.
I don’t walk in the street anymore, and when I do, I’m in disguise. (laughs) It’s actually a relief being back at work.
Were you surprised that Twilight became such a phenomenon?
It never ever fails to shock me. Even here. Yesterday, there were 300 people outside the set. It’s just crazy. Every day, every single person I meet knows someone who has a very strong attachment to the books. It’s very difficult to put your head around. I can go through customs at any airport in the world — every customs agent is like, ‘Can I get an autograph for my daughter?’ Every single time! It’s crazy! I just hope it doesn’t change the way I think and stuff.
Which is your favorite motion picture vampire of all time?
I always liked the original Nosferatu. I watched 30 Days of Night recently. I thought it was really good. But I wouldn’t say that I was a vampire fan.
You must be offered a lot of roles now. How are you making your choices?
I judge things purely on the script. I’m booked up for this year. I’ve been doing the most different things you can possibly imagine. Every part is so different. I can’t say any of the parts I’m doing — they haven’t been finalized yet. But I don’t pick them in terms of genre; purely the script. If I like the script and I like the part, then that’s all that matters.
Are there differences in your preparation to play Edward?
I feel very familiar with the character. I’m a ghost, a figment of Bella’s imagination. I’m not really playing Edward. I’m playing a kind of disrupted memory, which is really strange. I’m trying to play him as if Edward’s constantly thinking that things are going to fall apart. It’s this idyllic relationship on the top. I’m very, very close to the surface. He’s so insecure about everything.
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WOHO!! Scenerna i New moon ska spelas in i Italien!
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Metro - del 2
New Moon’s Taylor Lautner bites into meatier werewolf role
For a while, there were rumours the Twilight character of Jacob Black would be recast for New Moon, but actor Taylor Lautner is back in the role. It’s a juicier one this time, with more for the actor to get his teeth into. Not only does his relationship with Bella — played by Kristen Stewart — develop, but Lautner also went through an impressive physical transformation.
Q. How is it back on set?
A. It’s good. I’m really excited to be back with the whole team again and our new director, Chris Weitz. It’s been a lot of fun so far and the movie’s looking great, so I couldn’t ask for more.
Q. And you have a huge role this time…
A. It’s a little bit bigger, yeah! It’s exciting because I’m excited to bring alive the new Jacob Black for the fans.
Q. You look like an '80s rock star with your long hair!
A. Sometimes I look in the mirror and I don’t recognize myself. It’s an actual wig. It’s glued to my head in the front and it gets itchy sometimes. You can see the lace if you look close, but it doesn’t come across on camera. It gives me a totally different look. I don’t even look like myself. But it’s fun.
Q. The biggest change is in your body though. You gained 30 pounds of muscle for this role, is that right?
A. I did, yeah. When I was filming Twilight, I knew where my character was going in the rest of the series, so obviously I knew I had some work ahead of me! So as soon as I stopped filming Twilight, I got back home, hit the gym and worked very, very hard, and here I am filming New Moon, 30 pounds heavier.
Q. And doing your own stunts.
A. So far. Let’s not jinx it, but basically you get an evaluation at the beginning of filming. They took me to a gymnasium to see what I could do. They put me on some dirt bikes to see how well I can do. I think they’re just figuring out how much they’re actually going to allow me to do. So far, I’ve been able to do everything, so I’m hoping that doesn’t change too much, 'cause the stunts are a lot of fun.
Q. Did you have a trainer?
A. Yes, I did have a trainer that I used the whole time and I owe him a lot of thanks!
Q. How is it working with Chris Weitz?
A. Chris is amazing. He’s extremely talented and he’s done a lot of amazing work. Everything is looking fantastic so far for this and I know it’s gong to continue to. But at the same time, the set is so calm and relaxed and we’re just having a really great time. Sometimes you wonder, “How is he doing this? How is he creating this beautiful work and we’re just all having a blast doing it?” Chris has definitely taken control and he’s a blast to be around.
Q. What is the biggest challenge this time around?
A. It’s actually the same biggest challenge we had for the first one and it’s the weather. It’s really funny because I think the Twilight saga is the only movies where we have to stop filming when the sun comes out. So whenever it’s sunny, we have to either go to an interior shot or just stop filming.
Q. Let’s get to your character, Jacob. He is actually in love with Bella…
A. Jacob’s love for Bella is really intense. He will always be there for Bella, no matter what. Even if she’s with another guy… or a vampire!
Q. How did you prepare for your role?
A. I did a lot of study for the first film. Before I even started filming Twilight, I studied up on all of the Quileute tribes and legends and myths and everything about them. And when got up to Portland, Ore. to film, I was able to meet with about ten Quileute tribal members. I got to talk to them and what I really learned is that they’re not much different than me, and that was very unexpected.
Q. Do you ever discuss Jacob with Stephenie Meyer?
A. It’s really cool because she comes up here every once in a while for her favourite scenes. At the beginning of filming, she gives a list of her favourite scenes that she wants to be up here for. You've got the best person in the world to ask for advice. So if you have a question, you can just walk on over and ask her.
Q. What’s your most exciting scene in New Moon?
A. It’s so hard to choose. Like I said, I really enjoy the stunts so I had a lot of fun doing the dirt bike sequences. I got to hop on the bike and go really fast and come to a skidding stop. It’s really cool. And I also like a lot of the more serious scenes, the pivotal scenes in the movie, like Jacob and Bella’s breakup scene, which is the first time Bella sees Jacob after he has transformed into a wolf. And it’s really emotional. I felt bad for Jacob just reading the books, but now that I’m actually living this character, I feel so bad for the guy! It’s really sad.
Q. Is Jacob an outsider like Edward?
A. Yeah, I’d say a little bit. Jacob is a really interesting character because he definitely feels like an outsider because he doesn’t go to the same school as everybody else, he’s on the reservation. But Bella brings him out of that. Also, Jacob brings Bella out of this huge depression she’s in. She wants to kill herself, she’s so sad. Jacob is her sun. He brings her alive, out of this deep hole.
Q. Jacob likes Bella. Who kind of girl does Taylor like?
A. Somebody who can be themselves. Somebody who can just open up and be free and not try to be somebody different.
Q. Have you, Kristen and Rob become close?
A. Yeah, it’s a lot of fun. We all get along really well and I think definitely our chemistry offscreen is going to be transferred onscreen.
Q. What is a typical day on the set for you?
A. I have very early wake-up calls. I’m usually waking up at 4:30 or 5, and we don’t usually finish until about 5 or 6 at night. But we usually go out after, just explore the restaurants in town. It’s been a lot of fun so far.
Q. What do you do when you’re not on set?
A. Well, I’ve been so busy with the Twilight saga within the past year. It’s been crazy, but it’s been a lot of fun. We did tons of publicity. I got to travel to so many places in the world. I got to go to Australia, Tokyo… I got to go all over the place. So it’s been a lot of fun. It’s definitely keeping me busy though.
Q. Are you ready to change your life and not be able to walk in the street incognito?
A. I think so! I’m not sure yet!
Q. What would you be doing if you weren’t an actor?
A. I’d probably still be playing sports. I did football and baseball my whole life. I definitely like writing too and maybe I’d be trying to be getting in the directing field, but I’m glad that I’m an actor.
Q. Who are your favourite actors?
A. I really like Denzel Washington, Brad Pitt and Matt Damon.
Q. What about actresses?
A. It changed a lot. It used to be Jessica Alba for the longest time, and I’m kind of transferring to Megan Fox.
Q. All the hot babes!
A. Yeah, yeah, yeah! (Laughs)
Q. What kind of movies do you watch?
A. I’ll see a wide variety, but usually my favourites are action movies. I really like action drama movies. I like The Dark Knight, Iron Man, I like the Bourne series.
Q. Are you eventually looking for a role in an action movie?
A. Yeah, some day. I’d love to.
Q. Aren’t you involved in some sort of hip-hop performance art show?
A. No! That’s on some of my biographies. I need to get that off because I did it when I was 10 years old and I did it for about six months and I was done with it. And I can’t dance at all, so I need to clear that up!
[Bild lånad av Twilightmovie@bdb]
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Metro - del 1
Metro goes behind the scenes on set of the New Moon
The clouds are low, the sky is grey and moody. It’s a perfect day for the vampires to come out — or at least the cast and crew of New Moon, the follow-up to last year’s hit film Twilight.
Young fans surrounding Burnaby Park in Vancouver are the borderline between the real world and the one conjured up by Stephenie Meyer, author of the popular Twilight book series.
Within the lush emerald landscape, Hollywood is hard at work. While caterers are preparing snacks and warm drinks for the 80 teenage extras, director Chris Weitz is preparing to film the first sequence of the day. “Action!” he finally yells, and another long day of shooting begins.
As the extras disperse and pretend to be heading toward the makeshift school building, Kristen Stewart, reprising her role as Bella, is greeted by her four best friends singing her happy birthday as she gets out of her truck.
“Cut! Let’s do it again!” yells Weitz. After shooting the scene three times, the director asks for one more, “just for safety.” And it’s in the can. The enormous crew huddles around, preparing for the next sequence.
This time, Taylor Lautner joins Stewart on set. This scene is crucial — and so is Lautner’s character, Jacob, in this second instalment in the series.
In Twilight, he was Bella’s friend and a shoulder to cry on; in New Moon, with her love Edward gone away, the two become closer and he reveals some surprising facets of himself, including supernatural powers and a very muscular body for which the actor trained for months.
Ready? Action! Jacob fastens a necklace on Bella. “It catches bad dreams,” he tells her. But Bella only dreams of Edward, played by Robert Pattinson. The British actor is leaning nearby on a car, a figment of Bella’s imagination. She is continually haunted by memories of this impossible love.
As the cameras roll for the third take, Lautner forgets his lines. “Sorry, I’m totally lost,” he laughs. “Cut, reset!” orders Weitz. The cast had a 5 a.m. wake-up call. Lautner outdoes himself in the fourth take. “That was my favourite!” enthuses the director.
The heavy atmosphere of the Vancouver weather seems to temporarily lift as lunch break is declared. Even vampires get hungry, and Pattinson joins us for a quick bite and chat. In full vampirical make-up and sporting yellow contact lenses, we almost expect him to bite us instead of his food.
His role is minimal in New Moon, yet crucial nevertheless, as we see in the next sequence.
Stewart, standing on a platform to reach up to the tall actor, leans in for a kiss. Is it real or is Bella’s imagination playing tricks on her again? Fans will have to wait until the movie’s November release to find out.
– This is the first in Metro’s five part look at New Moon. Tomorrow we chat with actor Taylor Lautner who plays Jacob Black in New Moon.
[Bild lånad av Twilightmovie@Bdb]
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New moon trailer (FANMADE)
Jag känner att jag bara måste dela med mig av en video jag råkade hitta på youtube av misstag - FANMADE New Moon trailer! Det är alltså INTE den officiella trailern! =)
Jag tycker den är så jä*la bra, passar perfekt in i boken! Hade jag skött det här med trailers och så hade jag klart som fan anlitat den här tjejen som gjort trailern!
Till tävlingen
Now it was time.
Volturis decision, and I think everyone already knows what decision they've picked. They are going to destroy us.
I will miss Nessie so much. My daughter. My life.
And Edward & Jacob, my two best friends, the two people I could never live without. Soon, I would let Jacob run away with Nessie. If I can not save my life, and Edwards, then I will save Nessies and my Jacobs life. Everything was finished, I'd given Nessie the small bag that contained everything they needed. I gave some instructions to Jacob, and he looked at me and understood immediately, he just nodded.
Edward had already said goodbye. I thought back a little and remembered the painful farewell.
"Goodbye Jacob, my friend. My son." Edward said, "I will miss you. Thanks for everything you did for us."
Nessie knew something was wrong. I could see it in her eyes.
I told her that we will always be together. At least in our hearts. And she will have Jake. It will be okay.
Aro is slowly going to the line, the line who's between them and us. He looks very serious, and at once I understand what will happen. I gave a symbol to Jacob who looks terrified out, he is completely white and he looks like he will collapse any moment.
He moves slowly backwards, with Nessie on his back. I gave Nessie a last look and whispers:
"I love you, Renesmee, you will always be my life."
I knew that Nessie knew what I had said. She would start crying at any time, but she knew she had to be brave. For my sake, for Edwards, but for the most important, for her own sake.
I knew it was pointless to use the shield, we would die anyway.
I watched all my friends, Zafrina, Benjamin, Tanya. All will die.
I took Edwards hand in mine, and we walked slowly to Aro, to meet our destiny - together.
It went very fast, I could feel the pain, the pain that should maked me dead by now. Something in me does so I can hold out a bit. I have to see what happened to Edward. They had not torn us to pieces yet, except that my left leg was no longer where it should be. Edward was still, lifeless and waited for them to kill us.
"You and me, Bella, we are forever. See you soon. I love you, will always do so," Edward whispers. "Nessie also know about it, she will be fine with Jacob. We'll do this together Bella",
If vampires could cry, I would do it, I felt the lump in my throat and gave Edward a last kiss, before I put me next to him.
A final pain, and then everything became black.
Jacob is sitting on a rock and doing something with his belt, it was long ago I saw joy in his eyes. We both have been through so much. In the past, I doubt that I could ever be happy again.
My mother and father died two years ago, in a war, thanks to me.
It should have been I who was dead, not they, me. I miss Mom. I miss Dad. I miss my friends.
I am sorry that I caused my family's death.
But I know that mom and dad are watching over me, I feel it in the heart, I feel it in my blood. I know they exist somewhere, I just know it. They know I love them, and it's the most important thing in the world.
Without Jacob, i wouldn't live today, Jake is my best friend, boyfriend and also werewolf. I love him so deeply.
I just wish that my mom and dad were here, I wish that they not died for me, 'cause I don't deserve it. How could I be so selfish that I just let them be? I just went away on Jacob, I didn't even told mom and dad that I loved them.
Without saying goodbye to Charlie?
I live a good life, with my Jacob. We will actually be back to Forks and visit Charlie, he was wondering where I went. I wondered how hard he has taken on mom's death, I wonder how Renée handled it.
My mother was called Isabella, she was one of my best friends, she was the one I lost in the war with Volturis two years ago. My father was named Edward, I miss his warm face, I'm jelaous because he has got more time with my mom than I ever had, and will ever do. Dad was one of the most kind person I ever met, he took care of mom in a way I never could do. He took care of her when I just turned my back on and let them die.
And everyone else in my family, the Cullen:
Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, Esme and Carlisle. did they deserved to die? No.
I maked them die.
I will never forgive myself that I let them all die, for me.
Mom almost died when I was born when dad had to bite through her uterus to get me, he saved her life, but not just her, but my also. All that was in vain, the best thing would be if mom could only have agreed to abortion when Carlisle and Edward proposed it. Then, they wouldn't have died. Then mom and dad had live now. They will never live again, and it's my fault.
Stora kändisar ska vara med i New Moon?
Men sen ryktas det att...Vanessa Hudgens ska spela Leah i New Moon & Eclipse? Usch säger jag bara! Visst Vanessa är en grym skå twilight? Nej, nej och NEJ. Vanessa för mig är den dära ''good girlen'', jag tycker inte hon passar som en varulv. Men, åh andra sidan är det ju inte bestämt än. Men blir det hon så kommer jag nog bli besviken.
Twilight - FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions: Twilight
Jag publicerar dessa FAQ på engelska, eftersom Stephenie förklarar bäst själv.
Is there a sequel to Twilight?
Yes, there is a sequel! For more information on the sequel, click here.
Are they going to make a Twilight movie?
Yes! Click here to read about the latest movie news.
Can you get me an audition for a part in the movie?
Nope. If, for any reason, I do come into possession of knowledge concerning open auditions for any of the parts, I will post that information on the movie page.
Did Edward bite Bella at the end of the book?
There seems to be a lot of confusion about the last line of Twilight. For that, I apologize. In my defense, I can only say that sometimes a writer loses a small battle here and there with her editor, and it wasn't entirely my idea to leave the ending so ambiguous. But let me assure you that it is only Edward's lips that are pressed into Bella's throat at that particular point in time. At the beginning of book two, Bella is still very human and Edward is still very stubbornly determined to keep her that way.
Will Bella and Edward's story be a trilogy, or a longer series?
I have no intention of quitting at three. Firstly, Bella and Edward would never forgive me. Secondly, the next two books would have to be 1000+ pages apiece to get the story to any place that felt like a true resolution. Thirdly, there are other stories to tell here, and, though the narrator might change, the story will continue. I just have way too much fun living in Forks (in my head) to stop anytime soon.
What's with the apple?
The apple on the cover of Twilight represents "forbidden fruit." I used the scripture from Genesis (located just after the table of contents) because I loved the phrase "the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil." Isn't this exactly what Bella ends up with? A working knowledge of what good is, and what evil is. The nice thing about the apple is it has so many symbolic roots. You've got the apple in Snow White, one bite and you're frozen forever in a state of not-quite-death... Then you have Paris and the golden apple in Greek mythology—look how much trouble that started. Apples are quite the versatile fruit. In the end, I love the beautiful simplicity of the picture. To me it says: choice.
Why did you pick the title Twilight?
Twilight was not the easiest book to title. When I started sending out queries, I called it Forks for lack of a better idea. The first thing my agent advised me was that the title was going to have to change. We played around with a lot of different titles, and nothing seemed to convey the right feel. We brainstormed through emails for about a week. The word twilight was on a list of "words with atmosphere" that I sent her. Though these words were meant to be used in combination with something else, the word twilight stood out to both of us. We decided to try it out, and, after a little adjustment time, it started to work for both of us. It isn't absolutely perfect; to be honest, I don't think there is a perfect title for this book (or if there is, I've never heard it). When I look at the titles other countries have used (examples: Germany: Bis zum Morgengrauen which is "Until Dawn" or "Bite" if you add an "s" to make it "biss" (if you look at the German book cover on the Twilight International page); Finland: "Temptation;" France: "Fascination;" and Japan, which has split it into three separate books: "The Boy Whom I Love is a Vampire," "Blood Tastes Sadness," and "The Vampire Family in the Darkness."), it seems like I might be right about that. (Both New Moon and Eclipse were much easier to title, and the titles also fit better.)
I'm confused by the preface; who is the Hunter?
(Warning: if you haven't read Twilight, this will spoil the ending! Stop now!)
Sometimes, things in the story are so clear to me that, when I write them, I don't flesh them out or explain them well enough. Usually the editor will catch these kinds of thing. However, if it's just as clear to her, then confusion slips through. Some people get the preface, and some don't. So, to clear it all up: James is "the hunter." I think this term has caused some of the confusion, because later, he is a "tracker." But he is hunting Bella, so, in that moment, that is how she thinks of him. The moment occurs in the dance studio, near the end. The preface is one second of Bella's thoughts as James begins walking toward her from the back of the room. So here's the preface:
I'd never given much thought to dying—though I'd had reason enough in the last few months—but even if I had, I would not have imagined it like this.
I stared without breathing across the long room, into the dark eyes of the hunter, and he looked pleasantly back at me.
Surely it was a good way to die, in the place of someone else, someone I loved. Noble, even. That ought to count for something.
I knew that if I'd never gone to Forks, I wouldn't be facing death now. But, terrified as I was, I couldn't bring myself to regret the decision. When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.
The hunter smiled in a friendly way as he sauntered forward to kill me.
And here's the part where it fits in, on page 444 of the book:
I turned slowly. He was standing very still by the back exit, so still I hadn't noticed him at first. In his hand was a remote control. We stared at each other for a long moment, and then he smiled.
He walked toward me, quite close, and then passed me to put the remote down next to the VCR. I turned carefully to watch him.
I could have flashed-back to the preface here, but, like I said, it was so clear to me that I didn't realize the need. My apologies to those who were confused!
Why do all the guys at Forks High like Bella if she's supposed to be average-looking? Is she pretty or not?
Some parts of Bella's experiences are modeled after real life (my life, to be exact) in order to ground the fantasy aspects of the story in solid reality. Ironically, many of the details that are one hundred percent reality are the ones that are called into question the most (as illustrated by some of my angry Amazon reviews). In this particular case, I modeled Bella's move to Forks after my real life move from high school to college. (Personal story alert!) I mentioned in my bio that I went to a high school in Scottsdale, AZ, which is Arizona's version of Beverly Hills (picture the high school in the movie Clueless). In high school, I was a mousy, A-track wall-flower. I had a lot of incredible girlfriends, but I wasn't much sought after by the Y chromosomes, if you know what I mean. Then I went to college in Provo, Utah. Let me tell you, my stock went through the roof. See, beauty is a lot more subjective than you might think. In Scottsdale, surrounded by barbies, I was about a five. In Provo, surrounded by normal people, I was more like an eight. I had dates every weekend with lots of really pretty and intelligent boys (some of whose names end up in my books). It was quite confusing at first, because I knew there was nothing different about me. (Side note: don't ever let anyone tell you that high school is supposed to be fun. High school is to be endured. College is fun.)
Back to Bella. Here's a short excerpt from a character study I did recently (I wrote the first chapter of Twilight from Edward's point of view; it turned out really cool, and, eventually, Midnight Sun will be published so that everyone can read it.), which shows Bella's first day a school as seen by Edward's mind-reading perspective. It explains the excitement over her arrival:
Today, all thoughts were consumed with the trivial drama of a new addition to the small student body here. It took so little to work them all up. I'd seen the new face repeated in thought after thought from every angle. Just an ordinary human girl. The excitement over her arrival was tiresomely predictable—like flashing a shiny object at a child. Half the sheep-like males were already imagining themselves in love with her, just because she was something new to look at.
Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?
Beware: I can only give writing tips for my style of writing, because I don't know how to do anything else!
My focus is the characters--that's the part of the story that is most important to me. I feel the best way to write believable characters is to really believe in them yourself. When you hear a song on the radio, you should know how your character feels about it--which songs your character would relate to, which songs she hates. Hear the conversations that your characters would have when they're not doing anything exciting; let them talk in your head, get to know them. Know their favorite colors and their opinions on current events, their birthdays and their flaws. None of this goes in the book, it's just to help you get a rounded feel to them.
I think outlining--in a very non-structured, free-flowing form--can really help. I didn't have to do that with Twilight, but it was very necessary for the other two books. I changed my outlines often as the writing led me in other directions--the outline is just a tool, not something mandatory that you have to follow.
Some of the best advice on writing I got from Janet Evanovich's website. She said if you want to be a writer as a profession, then treat it like a job. Put in the hours. Set aside time for writing, and then make yourself sit down and do it. Sometimes it's easy--the words flow and you can get a lot done. Other times it's hard, and you might only get one sentence done in an hour. But that's better than nothing.
Here's a tip that really helped me with book two and three: forget writing in order. With New Moon and Eclipse, I wrote out whichever scenes I was interested in, rather than starting at the beginning and working through to the end. I wrote most of the books in scenes, and then went back later and tied the scenes together. It cut out a lot of writer's block to write whatever part I was most interested in at the time. And it makes it easy to finish. By the time you get around to writing the less exciting transitions, expositions, and descriptions, you already have so much done! You can see a full novel coming together, and that's very motivating. (But you really need an outline to work that way--to keep from getting lost!)
What advice would you give to someone who wants to be published?
Here are my recommendations on getting published: first, finish your book completely. And try not to focus on the publishing part while you write—tell yourself a story that you really love. After you're done, read through it several times and fix anything that doesn't feel right. Then, if you're brave, have someone you trust (who also has good taste in books) read through it and give you constructive criticism. After you've got the manuscript cleaned up, go to the library and check out a big book called "Writer's Market" (or you can get an on-line subscription for something like three bucks a month at, which is what I did). Search for agents who specifically represent the kind of literature you write--YA, children's, mystery, whatever. Research these agents as much as possible--find out if they just want a one page query, or a two page synopsis, or a whole chapter (there's lots of information about how to write a query on line--here's a good one: You have a better chance of getting someone to look at your query if you give them exactly what they want. Be brave, even when you get rejections. All bestselling authors got rejections. All it takes is one person who wants to look at your manuscript.
Good luck with your writing ambitions! I wish I would have believed in myself and started writing sooner.
Got any recommendations for books I can read while I'm waiting for the next book to come out?
Amazon has a list of all my favorite books here.
What does Bella look like?
I left out a detailed description of Bella in the book so that the reader could more easily step into her shoes. However, so many people have asked this question, I have decided to tell you what she looks like to me. But I want to stress, Bella's looks are open to interpretation.
In my head, Bella is very fair-skinned, with long, straight, dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. Her face is heart-shaped—a wide forehead with a widow's peak, large, wide-spaced eyes, prominent cheekbones, and then a thin nose and a narrow jaw with a pointed chin. Her lips are a little out of proportion, a bit too full for her jaw line. Her eyebrows are darker than her hair and more straight than they are arched. She's five foot four inches tall, slender but not at all muscular, and weighs about 115 pounds. She has stubby fingernails because she has a nervous habit of biting them. And there's your very detailed description.
What do you mean you're switching narrators? Are you crazy?
There seems to be some anxiety over my statement that, eventually, the story of Bella and the Cullens and all my other Fork friends might be narrated by someone besides Bella. Please, don't worry. I promise that Bella will get to tell her whole story. But when her story is more or less resolved, there are other stories left to tell. Bella and Edward will always have their roles. Don't fret—those two aren't going anywhere.
In the outtakes, you described Bella's prom dress in so much detail. Do you have a picture of it?
I did! Unfortunately, it was lost in the Great Computer Crash of '04. I've searched through pages and pages of google images for Paris fashion week 2003, but I haven't been able to recover it. (I also used to have pictures of Alice's and Rosalie's, also from the runway). Sorry!
**update** A fan named Michelle—who also happens to be quite a sleuth—tracked down (using only my description in the outtakes and the clue that I found the pictures in 2003 Paris Fashion Week slides) the exact photographs that I used in creating my prom dresses for Bella and Alice. I am quite stunned that she was able to find Bella's dress, since I never mentioned that in the original photo the dress was light yellow rather than blue. Here they are:
Can you post Forever Dawn, or send me a copy, or give me a summary, or email me the outline...?
Ever since I put up my "craptastic covers" page and included the cover I made for Forever Dawn (the original sequel to Twilight), I've been getting different versions of this question. First of all, here's the reason why Forever Dawn will never be published: it doesn't fall into the young adult genre. I wasn't thinking about my audience yet when I was writing it, I was still just writing for my own amusement. When I knew that I was going to have to write another sequel, with a more YA focus, I went ahead and finished Forever Dawn so I could give it to my big sister for her birthday (how many of your sisters have ever written you a 600+ page book for your birthday?). Now, eventually, in the distant future, I will probably put up sections of Forever Dawn like I did with the Twilight outtakes. The reason I can't do this for a long time is because the plot line of Forever Dawn is still working as a loose skeletal outline for the rest of the series. In other words, it's chockfull of spoilers. So I won't be able to put any of it here on the site until I'm past that point in the story. After Eclipse is out and we get a little closer to the release of Breaking Dawn, I'll be able to reveal the first pieces of Forever Dawn.
Can you come to my town on your next tour?
I actually have no control over my tour schedule. I just go where Little, Brown & Co. tells me to go. At this point in time, I have no idea where they'll be sending me next fall. As soon as I know about any events I'll be at, I will post them in the calendar section of this website.
What CD is Bella listening to in Chapter Seven?
I took that information out because I wasn't sure how long it was going to take to get Twilight published. If it took ten years, would the band still be cool, or would it be embarrassing? Lucky for me, it didn't take that long, and the band is still quite cool (in my eyes, at least). Bella is listening to Linkin Park. As I am at this very moment.
Is there anyway to hurry the release of the sequel?
Sadly, no. That's not in my hands. New Moon will come out in August of 2006, and Eclipse will come out on August 7, 2007. No matter how fast I work, that's how it will be—it's the publisher's decision to have the books come out one per year.
And here's my favorite, though it's only been asked once:
Is Twilight autobiographical?
What if my question isn't answered here?
Try the Twilight Lexicon.Kram Kinga
En kul artikel
Midnight Sun
Midnight Sun: Edward's Version of Twilight
August 28, 2008
As some of you may have heard, my partial draft of Midnight Sun was illegally posted on the Internet and has since been virally distributed without my knowledge or permission or the knowledge or permission of my publisher.
I have a good idea of how the leak happened as there were very few copies of Midnight Sun that left my possession and each was unique. Due to little changes I made to the manuscript at different times, I can tell when each left my possession and to whom it was given. The manuscript that was illegally distributed on the Internet was given to trusted individuals for a good purpose. I have no comment beyond that as I believe that there was no malicious intent with the initial distribution.
I did not want my readers to experience Midnight Sun before it was completed, edited and published. I think it is important for everybody to understand that what happened was a huge violation of my rights as an author, not to mention me as a human being. As the author of the Twilight Saga, I control the copyright and it is up to the owner of the copyright to decide when the books should be made public; this is the same for musicians and filmmakers. Just because someone buys a book or movie or song, or gets a download off the Internet, doesn't mean that they own the right to reproduce and distribute it. Unfortunately, with the Internet, it is easy for people to obtain and share items that do not legally belong to them. No matter how this is done, it is still dishonest. This has been a very upsetting experience for me, but I hope it will at least leave my fans with a better understanding of copyright and the importance of artistic control.
So where does this leave Midnight Sun? My first feeling was that there was no way to continue. Writing isn't like math; in math, two plus two always equals four no matter what your mood is like. With writing, the way you feel changes everything. If I tried to write Midnight Sun now, in my current frame of mind, James would probably win and all the Cullens would die, which wouldn't dovetail too well with the original story. In any case, I feel too sad about what has happened to continue working on Midnight Sun, and so it is on hold indefinitely.
I'd rather my fans not read this version of Midnight Sun. It was only an incomplete draft; the writing is messy and flawed and full of mistakes. But how do I comment on this violation without driving more people to look for the illegal posting? It has taken me a while to decide how and if I could respond. But to end the confusion, I've decided to make the draft available here (at the end of this post). This way, my readers don't have to feel they have to make a sacrifice to stay honest. I hope this fragment gives you further insight into Edward's head and adds a new dimension to the Twilight story. That's what inspired me to write it in the first place.
I do want to take a moment and thank the wonderful fans who have been so supportive of me over the past three years. I cannot begin to tell you how much each of you means to me. I only hope this note will stop all the confusion and online speculation so that the Twilight universe can once again become the happy escape it used to be. After this incredibly busy year, I am now focusing on spending more time with my family and working on some other writing projects.
Här kan ni ladda ner de 12 kapitlen av boken, hon bestämde sig för att lägga ut dem, så att ingen annan skulle kunna förfalska dem:
Midnight Sun Partial Draft (if you are having problems viewing it, please click here.) This material is copyrighted by Stephenie Meyer. Any retranscription or reproduction is illegal.
New Moon!
Jag hoppas, precis som många andra, att det datumet även kommer gälla i Sverige! =) Vem ser inte fram emot New Moon?
Haha, alla som har sett Twilight vill säkert se uppföljaren!
Ja, New Moon är då uppföljaren för Twilight. Just nu är det bestämt att det ska bli film av både New Moon och Eclipse, dock är det osäkert hur det blir med den sista boken, Breaking Dawn. Vi fans får hoppas på det bästa helt enkelt.
Grattis till Rachelle Lefevre!