Tror ni på detta rykte om Kristen?
Enligt denna text från ska Kristens pojkvän Michael, ha friat till henne vilket hon sagt nej till. Kristen känner att hon är för ung (vilket är väldigt förståeligt!!) och att hon vill vänta till hon är runt 25. Michael tycker att det är okej att vänta då han skulle kunna göra allt för henne.
Kristen Stewart is said rejecting a marriage proposal from her boyfriend Michael Angarano because "she feels she's too young to get married". "She thinks she'll wed when she's maybe 25," a source tells Star magazine.
Michael has bent his knee to propose to Kristen as he wanted to take their relationship to the next level. "Michael wants to be with her forever," the source continues. "They've been together three years, and he feels they're ready to take the leap." In response to Kristen's rejection, the source says, "Michael's OK with waiting. He'd do anything for her."

Kristen Stewart is said rejecting a marriage proposal from her boyfriend Michael Angarano because "she feels she's too young to get married". "She thinks she'll wed when she's maybe 25," a source tells Star magazine.
Michael has bent his knee to propose to Kristen as he wanted to take their relationship to the next level. "Michael wants to be with her forever," the source continues. "They've been together three years, and he feels they're ready to take the leap." In response to Kristen's rejection, the source says, "Michael's OK with waiting. He'd do anything for her."

Postat av: Julia
Jag tycker man ser mer passion mellan K och R än K och M. Man ser ju hur de kollar på varandra.
Postat av: twilight magnets
I do not believe the rumour about kristien