Stephenies Twilight Dreamcast

Detta pågick i Stephenie Meyers huvud, när hon skrev Twilight serien, dessa karaktärer hade hon och ville hon använda i filmen...

Jag översättre inte, utan låter henne tala för sig själv:

Edward: Indisputably the most difficult character to cast, Edward is also the one that I'm most passionately decided upon. The only actor I've ever seen who I think could come close to pulling off Edward Cullen is....(drumroll)....

Henry Cavill

henry cavill henry cavill henry cavill

Henry Cavill @
Henry Cavill @

(Henry was Albert, the young son in The Count of Monte Cristo.)

Can you see it? I know I can!


Bella: My narrator is actually surprisingly easy—there are several people that I think could do a decent job with Bella, Ellen Page and Danielle Panabaker among others. Right now my favorite choice is Emily Browning, of Lemony Snicket's fame:

emily browning emily browning

Emily Browning @

Just look at those lips! Love her!


Carlisle: Second only to Edward on my "passionately decided" list is Carlisle's character. My favorite: Charlie Hunnam. The reason this actor was able to get such a hold on me was his work as the title character in Nicholas Nickleby. He pretty much was Carlisle in that movie.

charlie hunnam

Charlie Hunnam @


My Favorite Esme Suggestions:

But the actresses would be too old for Carlisle above...

Mary-Louise Parker
Mary-Louise Parker

Jean Louise Kelly
Jean Louise Kelly

Charlie: There are tiers to the Charlie wish list. At the very top is John C. Reilly, the Oscar winner. Yeah, not likely, I know. But he would be so perfect:

john reilly

John C. Reilly @

Other options include Vince Vaughn (give it a minute...picture him with a few extra pounds and a receding hair line...can you see it?) and a more likely chance would be Adam LeFevre (I know him as Damon Bradley in Only You).


Alice: The only actress that springs immediately to mind is Rachel Leigh Cook.

rachel cook

Rachel Leigh Cook @

(Kinga tillägger: Rachel ser jag i huvudet när jag läser... Hon och Ashley är väldigt lika utseendemässigt, som Alice)

 I found my favorite Jacob Black, though he's a New Moon - aged Jacob (which means he'd be way, way too old to ever play Jacob if they ever made New Moon into a movie. Sigh. This is sort of what Jacob looks like in my head, though.)

Steven Strait
Steven Strait 1 Steven Strait 2

James: Ah, James! This is one of the most fun to cast. I started out leaning toward Joshua Jackson, who could do a fantastic job (and I still love you, Joshua!), but then I saw Cillian Murphy in Batman Begins. Cillian Murphy!!!

cillian murphy

Cillian Murphy @

This is the point at which my opinions become less urgent. I'm still up in the air about the rest of them. I did see one actor who caught my eye for an Emmett-type...

Emmett: Daniel Cudmore, X-Men's Colossus.

daniel cudmore

(Kinga tillägger: Daniel spelar Felix i New Moon nu)

Daniel Cudmore @

Rosalie: I didn't find any actress that looked exactly like Rosalie to me, but I did find a model...Joanna Krupa. And hey, don't all models want to be actresses?

joanna krupa

But I did find potential actresses:

Olivia Wilde
Olivia Wilde


AnnaLynne McCord

Jessica Stroup

Jessica Stroup


Laurent: Do you think John Stamos would mind doing a cameo? And 

john stamos

Graham Greene as Billy.
graham greene

(Kinga tillägger: Spelar Harry Clearwater i New Moon)

 Thank you everyone for your suggestions about who you would like to see in Twilight! Here are some of your suggestions—the most popular, and the ones that I liked the best:

Most Popular Edward Suggestions: (in order or popularity)

Hayden Christensen
Robert Pattinson   (Så folk röstade fram Rob, redan innan filmen)
Orlando Bloom
Gerard Way

My Favorite Edward Suggestions:
(based on looks alone, rather than acting ability, which is much more important, really. Isn't it wonderful that Henry Cavill can act?)

Mike Vogel
Mike Vogel

Drew Fuller
Drew Fuller

Hugh Dancy
Hugh Dancy

Jackson Rathbone
Jackson Rathbone

Most Popular Bella Suggestions:

Alexis Bledel (Rory in Gilmore Girls)
Rachel McAdams
Anna Paquin

My Favorite Bella Suggestion:

Danielle Panabaker (already on my personal list—she was great in Sky High)
Danielle Panabaker

Most Popular Jasper Suggestions:

Shawn Ashmore
Ian Somerhalder

My Favorite Jasper Suggestions:

Trent Ford
Trent Ford

Calum Best
Calum Best

My Favorite Charlie Suggestion:

Dennis Quaid
Dennis Quaid

Vad tycker ni?

Tror ni Twilight hade blivit lika bra om skådespelarskaran var annorlunda?

Postat av: Carro

Vilken underbar blogg! Finfin idé! När det gäller skådespelarna så är det svårt att föreställa sig att några andra än just Rob, Kristen & co skulle kunna spela dom. När jag läste böcker dock så var karaktärerna "ansiktslösa" för mig. Varför vet jag inte riktigt..

2009-05-17 @ 19:45:11
Postat av: Emma Damm

Hej Hej-! Tack för din kommenar och hoppas att du får en fin vecka :-)

2009-05-17 @ 20:10:38
Postat av: Josefin

Faktiskt inte , jag tror ingen skulle göra det lika bra som dom nuvarande skådespelarna gör det. Men jag vet inte riktigt för jag tittade på filmen innan jag läste böckerna så jag ser liksom skådespelarna i filmen när jag läser böckerna! (:

2009-05-17 @ 20:29:29
Postat av: evelina

jag älskar emily browining som bella, är inte så förtjust i Kristen.. och att hon föreslog Jessica stroup och Annalyne som Rosalie , gillar dom två, dom spelar ju båda i 90210 :)

men som sagt, är lite små sur för att Emily tackade nej till rollen som bella, faktiskt.

Postat av: Emma-Sophia

Vad udda det känns att tänka på hur det kunde ha varit. :) Men jag är rätt glad över den befintliga rollistan, även om jag är säker på att dessa människor också hade gjort en bra film.. men förmodligen inte riktigt lika bra. ;)

2009-05-18 @ 09:45:57
Postat av: emelie

nej då det tror jag inte !

2009-05-18 @ 15:33:36
URL: http://pemlaan.blogg,se

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