Stephenie Meyer blev årets författare!
Children's Book Choise Awards har utsett Sthephenie Meyer till årets författare. Vid en ceremoni som hölls i New York, vann hon pris för Breaking Dawn, som också vann "Teen choice Book of the Year".
Se hela artikeln på engelska nedan;
The Children’s Book Choice Awards has chosen Stephenie Meyer as author of the year. In a ceremony held in New York last night, she was awarded the prize for the fourth novel in the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn, which also won “Teen Choice Book of the Year.”
The ceremony was held as this week is the 90th annual observance of Book Week.
The awards ceremony, hosted by National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature Jon Scieszka, included the presentation of the Impact Award to Whoopi Goldberg in recognition of her vast contribution to the promotion of literacy and the love of reading among young people. Last year’s Impact Award recipient, Al Roker, presented the award.
Nedan kan ni se Al Roker prata om ceremonin i Todays Show.
Se hela artikeln på engelska nedan;
The Children’s Book Choice Awards has chosen Stephenie Meyer as author of the year. In a ceremony held in New York last night, she was awarded the prize for the fourth novel in the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn, which also won “Teen Choice Book of the Year.”
The ceremony was held as this week is the 90th annual observance of Book Week.
The awards ceremony, hosted by National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature Jon Scieszka, included the presentation of the Impact Award to Whoopi Goldberg in recognition of her vast contribution to the promotion of literacy and the love of reading among young people. Last year’s Impact Award recipient, Al Roker, presented the award.
Nedan kan ni se Al Roker prata om ceremonin i Todays Show.
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Postat av: Sarah
Tycker verkligen hon förtjärnade det !
Ingen bok kommer någonsin, NÅGONSIN slå hennes böcker ! ALDRIG !
Stephenie Meyer - The Best Author EVER !
Postat av: Emma
SV: självklart gillar jag Twilight, jag älskar filmen!
Har skickat iväg ett mail angående tävlingen att vinna en bok också, nu håller jag tummarna.
Postat av: Becca
Till Vera: Den där nyheten har dom redan haft med :P
Postat av: Felicia
Sv: Jag har inte sätt Twilight ännue :P
Postat av: rebecca
Postat av: ilovemondays , ♥
vilken fin blogg ni har! jag är imponerad, :) kramar till er!
Postat av: Lady Gagas fanblogg
lägger upp din länk bland mina länkar:)
Postat av: Alexandra
sv; jo det är ju sant :)
Postat av: Lisa
jättebra och fin blogg :D älskar Twilight :) <3