Fan made!
Som sagt gjort utav ett fan och jag hittade det HÄR! Vad tycker ni om det:)?
Happy Birthday
Alice and I were standing by the Volvo, waiting for Bella. My Bella. I still couldn't believe she was mine. I'd waited over 100 years for her. I could wait another five minutes for her to get to the high school. But it was awfully difficult.
Edward. Alice thought. Edward. Can I give Bella her presents? Please?
I chuckled under my breath. Bella and expensive gifts did not mix.
"You can try but I think you better ask her."
Alice pouted. She loved Bella. Bella was her long lost sister in many ways. Then I heard the familiar roar of her Chevy. It grated against my ear drums. Alice and I gritted our teeth in annoyance.
When are you going to get her a new car? I can't stand it anymore!
The trunk lumbered slowly into the student parking lot. I tapped my foot in anticipation. The spots on either side of the Volvo were empty. The other humans avoided us as much as possible. Bella slammed the door harder than necessary, obviously expecting Alice's ambush. I grinned as soon as Bella, my Bella, came into view. I wanted so badly to touch her. So badly to be human so I could touch without inflicting pain. I shied away from the image of Bella, broken, bleeding, because I lost control. Because I was a human killing machine. I sighed quietly as I remembered why I would have to leave. Alice, so preoccupied with the excitement of Bella's birthday didn't notice and immediately said, "Happy birthday, Bella!"
Bella quickly shushed her. Nobody knew it was her birthday and she didn't want anyone to find out. While Bella and Alice talked about presents, I looked at Bella. Well, stared in awe is a better phrase. She looked perfect, as usual. Maybe a little stressed about her birthday, judging from the worry lines on her forehead, but still my beautiful, blushing Bella.
"I take it I'm not allowed to wish you a happy birthday, correct?" I asked. Doesn't hurt to make sure.
"That is correct." Just hearing her talk to me (me!) sent me flying. I stared deep into the molten pools of warm chocolate just savoring the feeling of being able to look at her. Then the burn in my throat started and I turned away, sighing so low she couldn't hear.
Alice and I worked out the times for the party, ignoring Bella's outraged protests. We walked to class, taking our time. I disregarded Mike's vile thoughts while he smiled at Bella. She smiled sweetly, not knowing what effect it had on Mike. His heart leaped thinking that Bella was finally getting tired of me and ready to move on to "bigger and better things". I bit back a hiss and distracted myself by mentally criticizing his ridiculous hair style. Did my hair look that greasy? I ran a hand through it self consciously.
The day passed uneventfully. I mostly stared at Bella, talked to Bella, listened to thoughts about Bella, and looked at Bella through the eyes of others if I didn't have a class with her. Ah, Bella.
She drove home. I made sure she had no chance to escape Alice's over-the-top birthday plans. I tried to point out the bad things about her stereo so that she would possibly be more receptive of the new one my family was getting her. Yeah, no chance of that. She parked in front of Charlie's house and I took her face in my cold hands, wishing I had warm skin that wouldn't raise goosebumps when I touched her. I leaned down slowly, making sure I was in complete control. She sighed as our lips met and carefully wrapped her arms around my neck, probably hoping I wouldn't notice. I resisted the urge to laugh as I slowly unwrapped her arms.
"Be good, please," I said as I quickly kissed her lips again. Her heart thudded unevenly. I thought about the blood pulsing faster than normal, her freesia scent coming off her in waves, the delicious scent pulling me in closer... closer... closer. No! Stop! I commanded myself. I opened my eyes and realized I had only moved about half an inch closer to her neck, a distance Bella didn't notice at all.
"Do you think I'll ever get used to that?" She murmured, referring to her pounding heart.
"I really hope not," I stated, though I almost wished she would so there wouldn't be extra temptation to kill her whenever I touched her for longer than a half second. But no thudding pulse meant Bella wasn't alive and that thought was the worst thought imaginable. A world without Bella... I contemplated it. A world without Bella was like at world without love, without happiness. A starless night, an empty heart, a soul with no purpose. At least I knew what my purpose was. My purpose was to make Bella happy, no matter what the cost. But I had no soul and I would not doom Bella to the same fate. Never would her heart stop beating even if her body was alive. Never would Bella be a damned creature of the night. Never would she be afraid to go out into the sun. I wouldn't allow it. Bella would and could not become a vampire.

Love it!
Sara: Aaaaa de va ja ju jätte bra!!!! ÄLSKADE den =P tack för att du la upp den. =) Hoppas verkligen att Stephenie skriver färdigt Midnight sun så att man kan läsa hela Twilight ur Edwards perspektiv, så som Stephenie har tänkt sig.=P Har läst de som hon la upp på hennes hemsida. Och ÄLSKADE det så som alla andar hennes böcker. ;)
Till sara.
Vadr har du hittat det här kapitlet? ska new moon också komma ut ur edwards perspektiv?
Åh, den var väldigt bra, hoppas som Ida att Midnight Sun kommer ut, och även alla fyra böckerna i Edwards perspektiv
jag läser en hel fanfiction ur edwards perspektiv, just nu har dom fått fara från italien , den är så bra! kan skicka länk om du vill ? :D
ÅÅH helt underbart ju :D
Ganska bra om jag får säga det själv :)
Sara: Hoppas det är okej om jag lägger upp texten. Men ni kommer såklart in som länk :D
Wow! har läst hela nu, coh den är ju verkligen skitbra gjord!
ÅHH den var ju jättebra! Nästan så man tror att Stephenie själv har skrivit den! :)