'New Moon paparazzi'
“A year later, it’s starting to hit me how huge this thing is,” Gathegi said of all the attention sure to surround them as they reconvene on the “New Moon” set this week. “You really have to pay attention to what you look like when you leave your house, because you will be up on a blog site within minutes.”
The celebrity stalkings have gotten so bad, in fact, that some “Twilight” stars have decided to fight back.
“It’s funny. Edi and myself — because they have been up there and they have really been [following] us — we’ve been messing with them,” Kellan Lutz said of recent pictures that include him taking photos of the photographers. “It’s great; we have been doing some pranks on them. I can’t really share any, but a lot of the pictures are planned.”
Aaw, tack så jätte mycket (a).. gör mitt bästa i alla fall (a) hehe
Ja visst är dom, och att han vågar berätta om det kanske lockar fram andra ;) Hoppas på det!
Sandra: svar: ja, linnet är nog det finaste! ja typ gympa eller liknanade skulle det vara perfekt till ;D börjar vilja ha det mer och mer, haha. X)
Svar till Sandra : Okej tack :) men vet du vem som var på framsidan av tidningen? för nu ere typ Rihanna och man får ett armband med, kanske inte är den? :/