Caius är hittad!
Kinga uppdaterar:
Det är officiellt!

Caius has been cast! British actor Jamie Campbell-Bower has been enlisted to play Volturi leader Caius in the New Moon movie role, he has revealed exclusively to the BBC–
The 20-year-old, who has appeared in RockNRolla and Sweeney Todd, told the BBC news website that taking part in the vampire series was “very exciting”.
“You’re the first people I’ve told” he said. “Shooting has already started, and I’m going over in June.”
Campbell-Bower teased: “I do know who else will be in it - but I can’t tell you, unfortunately.
“But go online and have a look at the rumours,” he said, then added: “They’re all false. You’re putting me in a terrible situation.”
He does sort of have a creepy/beautiful vibe, no? What do you guys think?
Enligt BBC är det inte 100% officiellt. Men annars kommer Jamie Campbell-Bower spela Caius!
Jag tycker han passar!
hur ung är caius? jag har nog aldrig riktigt fattat det (;
jag har nog tänkt runt 30 typ.