Eclipse - rollbesättningen är påbörjad!
Roles Currently Casting:
Leah Clearwater: Female, 19 years of age. Seth's big sister, and the only female member of La Push wolf pack: "She is tall and slender with beautiful skin and short cropped black hair. She would be considered gorgeous if not for the perpetual scowl she carries due to a broken heart and her anger issues."
Seth Clearwater: Male, 15-16 years of age is a "tall, gangly-limbed boy with a huge, happy grin, Seth idolizes Jacob." Black hair, lean muscle type, think swimmer type body.
Riley: Male 19-21. Good looking, blond, clean-cut, muscular college guy who falls victim to Victoria. He's in his early to mid 20s and Riley was a newborn that was created by Victoria to act as the leader of her recently formed newborn army. He accompanies Victoria in her attempt to murder Bella Swan.
There will also be additional members of the La Push wolf pack and Quileute tribe cast in Eclipse. Like New Moon, they are looking for Native American or First Nations actors ONLY to fill these roles - no actors who "look like they could be" Native American or First Nations people.
Yay!! Där är alltså kraven man ska ha för att kunna söka till rollerna. Hoppas de hittar några riktigt bra!
[Tack till Cassandra/Twilightmovie@Bdb]
Gillar er header sjukt mkt :)
Men jag har en fråga...Bilden på Edward, bella och Jacob är ju från postern, så hhur har ni gjort för att få bort bakgrunden på postern?