Taylor Lautner
Saturday Taylor Lautner went to dinner and a movie with Selena Gomez, young love in bloom. Sunday he and his dad hooked up for a friendly lunch with a girl he used to work with back in the Nickelodeon days. Vancouver is a major production hotspot right now! The girl was accompanied by her mother who is also her publicist. Needless to say, mom/publicist was hoping she could hitch a ride onto Taylor who now, as you know, has earned a very high profile. This is why the four of them were walking around downtown that afternoon trying to attract attention, practically flailing their arms around until the paps were notified. And so they came. And then Taylor’s dad and no-name girl’s mom (what’s she called? no clue, don’t care) tried to get out of the way to encourage the two being shot together. Don’t worry about drama. There is no drama. Selena is a Disney child. She knows the business, she understands how this business works. Taylor is learning too. Because the next day, Monday, as soon as his photos with Selena dropped and made a huge splash, suddenly he was all camera shy. Not 24 hours before, he was walking around downtown Vancouver, happily promoting a friend (this girl has the makings of a new Shelfy Biel, non?) and the next day his dad and trainer are all pap-phobic and escaping. They grow up so fast… As for what’s happening on set of New Moon today – continuing to shoot break up and Bella losing it and some scenes with Bella and Jacob in her room. Tomorrow, it’s a movie theatre and an Edward apparition and a motorcycle or something.

Tack till LaineyGossip via NewMoonMovie]

sv; okej,tack! :)
Jag har tagit mig friheten att göra en egen namnlista för att hjälpa till med att få hit Little Ashes filmen till Sverige. Så skriv erat namn på denna listan;
Du kan dessutom hjälpa till med att lägga ut denna länken på din blogg/myspace/BDB/playahead/annan hemsida, för att hjälpa till med att få hit Little Ashes (där Robert Pattinson är med) till Sverige.
Snälla hjälp till med detta så kanske detta blir verklighet.
Till Sandra
Oj! har Taylor jobbat med Nickelodion?
Kram, Julia! :)