Bilder+videos på Bella/Charlies hus och bilar

Today, was a very productive day.  I was able to get a few nice pictures/video of Bella’s truck, motorcycles, cruiser and the house.  I was also lucky enough to take a picture with Rachelle.  (But I won’t be posting that image).  I must say, Rachelle is a very sweet girl.  Even though she was exhausted from her day, she still took a minute to say hello and take a few pictures.

Anyhow getting back to the more “important stuff”, they have moved Charlie’s cruiser over to the set with all of the other vehicles.  I wonder why they have 2 of each vehicle and not for the cruiser….maybe one for the stunt double…who knows. 


Huset i Vancouver


Bilarna, motorcyklarna

ALLA bilder och videos är tagna HÄRIFRÅN


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