Rob intervju!
1. How was filming 'Little Ashes,' which is such a small production, compared to doing the 'Twilight' movies?
I kind of like small productions 'cause there's not so much waiting around. And it's strange, there are little things on 'Little Ashes,' like we didn't have stand-ins, so we'd just kind of sit or stand around the set, which I initially found kind of bizarre but after a while it's great, because you can just kind of stay in character the whole time. And also you can be much more a part of the set up of the shot, so I kind of liked that. I don't know, it was, I would say, a very different energy. [But] there's not a huge amount of difference, really. You're just inside your head anyway most of the time, so you don't really notice stuff.
Läs hela intervjun här!Behind the scenes på How To Be
Ett klipp från Rob's film How to be! =)
Rob som liten!
Svar från cdon; om little ashes och how to be
Hej Sandra Tack för att du kontaktade oss. Om någon av de leverantöterna som vi arbetar med har filmerna så köper vi in dem. Jag tror dock att så inte är fallet. Vi har tyvärr ingen möjlighet att köpa ett par titlar från någon enstaka leverantörer. Vi ska dock ta upp detta med ansvarig.
Det verkar inte så positivt... Det var någon som tipsade om en namnlista; här kan ni skriva under ifall ni vill att Little Ashes ska komma till sverige.Robert; little ashes
How to be exclusives!
Before his star turn as Edward Cullen in Twilight, Robert Pattinson sunk his teeth into How To Be, a dark comedy where he plays a quirky twenty-something musician on the verge of a quarter-life crisis that ends up spending his entire inheritance on a live-in life coach. After searching for a lead for nearly a year, director Oliver Irving says he instantly knew that Robert was the one when he showed up at a casting. And, according to Oliver, if it weren't for How to Be, we may never have come to know Robert as the ubiquitous blood-sucker. "Rob was thinking of giving up acting but wanted to try out an indie film where he could get into a character" he told us. Twilight fans worldwide should be thankful that this film came to be
[Tack till TeenVogue, via HisGoldenEyes!]Hälsning till Norge, från Rob!
Kanske kommer en Sverige hälsning snart? (A)
Rob's Weekend!
Så här skriver Lainey!
Robert Pattinson slipped away from Vancouver this weekend for a quick break to LA. Returned back on Sunday night to continue working on New Moon. A few bedroom dream sequences are happening early this week. Then an interesting shoot later on. More details in the coming days. As for his time in Los Angeles – he stayed relatively uncover, perhaps popping in to see a friend or two. Nikki Reed is his friend. Nikki’s in LA too. Here she is on a dog walk with friend Sage on Friday. At press time, no sign of Nikki on Saturday or Sunday. Have received many emails re: her super cute glasses. Nikki looks great in her glasses. Will post if I find out what brand. Back to Rob - soon as he arrived back in Vancouver, he hooked up with Ashley Greene and Rachelle Lefevre at a pub for a few drinks to unwind.
Rob ska spela in en ny film i sommar; ''Remember Me''
Pattinson is starring in Remember Me which is shooting this summer in New York while the actor is between Twilight sequels New Moon, which wraps at the end of May, and Eclipse, which starts in August.
Läs hela artikeln här.
Bad mother's handbook - klipp!
Nytt 'How to be' klipp!
Nya outtakes på GQ magazine (HOT)
Riiiiktigt snygga tycker jag!
Robert Pattinson syns på gatorna!
Ser spännande ut!
DJ träffar Robert Pattinson!
Väldigt kul att lyssna på! En dj, Holy, har lyckan att få träffa Robert i Vancouver!
The Sleeve Mystery
En aktuell bild av Robert Pattinson sminkad som Edward Cullen på uppsättningen av New Moon i Vancouver har fått folk att undra. På bilden, ser det ut som Robert Pattinson trycker sin hand genom tyget i hans skjorta! Enligt Amarie på Twilight Fixation, är några av de teorier hittills -
- en optisk illusion!
- vinden virar tyget runt hans arm! [men det ser påsytt ut]
- photoshoppad!
- det är en ficka med ett hål!
Låter som ett fall för Kitty-eller kan våra trogna läsare hjälpa oss?
Min tanke-Robert Pattinson är en magiker. Bevis? Jag har sett honom få tusentals flickor att skrika samtidigt. Abrakadabra!
The first look at Rob's new film 'How to be'
Kinga lägger till:
Denna film visas bara på festivaler runt om i USA, den kommer nog inte komma på bio, tyvärr.
Men, på DVD kommer den ju ut iallafall!
Robert i Vancouver (Bild+Video)
Och sen fick någon tag på bilder då han lämnade sitt hotell.
Se alla bilder här.